Help where am I going wrong

sexysexy2 Posts: 49 Member
I have been doing keto for 8 weeks and have only lost as of this morning 3lb. I went onto a keto calculator and for my age a young 51 and at 5' 7" and 42lbs overweight. I have kept to % = 5% carbs/65% fat and 30% protein and 1200-1300 calories. I am in the UK so we count total carbs which comes out at 15g per day. I do exercise but do not count this. I hate being this overweight and find it difficult to do my normal daily activities including putting on my socks !
Can anyone help ? where am I going wrong?


  • KobiHensley
    KobiHensley Posts: 78 Member
    I think you're calorie count is too low so your body isn't releasing the fat. I'm 53, 5'5" and my calorie count is 1,800. I'm losing on that.
  • sexysexy2
    sexysexy2 Posts: 49 Member
    what do you think of the keto calculators ? and what % are you using ?
  • KobiHensley
    KobiHensley Posts: 78 Member
    Here are my settings bh8lr6168tvf.jpg
  • MIssnewme9211
    MIssnewme9211 Posts: 104 Member
    I need to weigh myself to see if I am following this diet effectively as well. I think once I do this, I'll be able to provide better feedback. With that said, I think you body is fighting you, meaning its protecting itself from starvation mode, therefore keeping those extra pounds on you. Also, you could be gaining muscle.
  • sexysexy2
    sexysexy2 Posts: 49 Member
    thank you I will up my calories :)
  • sexysexy2
    sexysexy2 Posts: 49 Member
    fell off keto diet last night :-(

    went out for meal and had tomato and basil soup with local bakery doorstop fresh bread followed by steak, chips and onion rings all washed down with a bottle of wine.....

    fell down toilet this morning ........ feel bloated so what did I do .... ate toast !

    decided as I have family gathering at local pub on sunday - I am going to restart keto on Monday... to be honest I don't think I was doing it right in the first place as I did not lose any weight in 8 weeks. My body fat % did go down y 2% but I think that was mainly because I have started exercising again and I bulk up quickly

    Remember I am in the UK, so I have been on the NHS website and it states that I should be eating 1500 calories and it also said that I was 4 stone overweight and obese in the bmi chart. up until now I have been using keto calculator which said I had to eat 1200 calories so perhaps that is why I struggled on keto so I am going to up my calories which falls into place with what you have suggested to me as well

    I need to lose this weight as it is making me miserable and unhappy

    Roll on Monday .... new week .... new me .... once and for all
  • sallyann8
    sallyann8 Posts: 41 Member
    I don't look at the calories, just my carbs, and make sure I don't overdo fat and protein. At the moment I don't think I'm having enough protein, so I'm having eggs for breakfast with salmon and cheese or half an avocado. Then making sure I get plenty of chicken or fish at lunch. It's working so far ...albeit slowly :/
  • kaykayron
    kaykayron Posts: 2 Member
    I'm counting it all and don't feel hungry which is a shocker .. because I have always been hungry it seems. I use 1 tablespoon of heavy cream + 1 tsp of MCT oil in my coffee in the morning and I feel stuffed. I also had wine last nite as a "splurge" as I have tried to restrict alcohol .. but I am just getting right back to it today. I am not going to get down on myself because we all need to splurge a little here and there ... I am definitely losing and feel so much better... I am 52 and it is just harder to lose I think when we age ...