April-ly Good Month to Lift

hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
I, in theory know it is April, currently. This will not occur to me later today, I am sure. So, I’m going to leave this here for my own sake, if that works for all of you.


  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,808 Member
    Thanks for starting the thread @hanlonsk !

    Walk run today, 3.7 miles.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Today was conditioning
    5x 15 wallballs @ 10lbs
    3x10 push-ups
    4x 10 mountain climbers (this is where my ankle let me know I mighta overdone it, I wasn’t landing real well on the left.)
    4x 10 hanging knee raises- getting much better range of motion on these

    Then me and the other person crazy enough to be there, played with some bicep and tricep accessories, and some lighter assistance on pull-ups and such.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Phew. 35x3, DONE!

    I started out with the final test. 7 min to get max reps in 3 sets of
    - trx recline rows: 13/12/13 (38)
    - pike press: 10/11/10 (31)

    then 30 double KB squat cleans for time, 2x30lbs : 3:31

    Rested up a bit, then tackled the last workout I had remaining on the program. I,d been dreading this one for a while.

    10 yd shuttle sprint
    50 american KB swings 35lbs (25/25)
    20 yd shuttle
    40 V-Ups
    30 yd sprint
    30 alternating 1 arm KB clean & press
    40 yd sprint
    20 alternating KB power snatch
    50 yd sprint (I was starting to slog a good bit, and people were starting to swarm the area, so this was becoming more of an obstacle race than a cardio workout xD)
    10 2KB front rack squat (2x30lbs) - all unbroken. I wasn't dropping the bells
    40 yrd sprint - legs were really starting to burn
    20 2KB Push Press (divided in 10/10)
    30 yd sprint
    30 sumo 2KB deadlift (15/15)
    20 yd sprint
    40 freaking HR push-ups - this took like 5 minutes on its own. Shoulders were smoked. It gave my legs some recovery though xD
    10 yd sprint
    picked up the bells best I could, 50 yd rack walk (I wanted to put the bells down, but the thought of having to clean them up again kept me and my pain face walking) into 50yd farmer's walk

    Legs and shoulders... just... wow O_o Glad I'm done. Now on to fixing my left shoulder, my neck, putting weight on my squat, and removing fat from my butt. I'll re-do the first part of today's workout in 7 weeks. Hoping to crush my numbers!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,808 Member
    @krokador :o:o it's killing me just reading your list
    @hanlonsk great job!

    I've got ICF workout B today. Got to also work on everyone's suggestions for shoulder/upper back strength.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,808 Member
    Bleugh. Working on shoulder flexibility and cannot for the life of me keep my arms touching the wall during wall extensions https://www.muscleforlife.com/how-to-improve-shoulder-flexibility-and-mobility/
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,808 Member
    edited April 2018
    Well, my workout sucked and it's all my fault.

    I had run and done some pushups yesterday. and something possessed me to do OHP at home instead of with the rest of the lifts.
    Dumbbell OHP: 2 x 5 @ 15 lb dbs, 1 x 4 @ 15 lb, 1 x 5 @ 15 lb, 1 x 4 @ 15 lb Can't believe how heavy those dbs felt. I've weakened.
    Also did a bunch of shoulder mobility exercises. I think I wore myself out. Felt a bit out of it this afternoon.

    At the gym:
    Close grip bench press - 3 x 8 @ 40 lb (failed on the last rep)
    Goblet squats - felt it in my back when I pulled it off the rack each time but was fine lifting. But had to deload to 45 lb (instead of last week's 55). 5 x 5 at least my form was much better.
    RDL 1 x 5 @ 80 lb my legs were tired and I could feel my back working too much
    Barbell row 3 x 8 @ 60 lb
    Curls 1 x 8 @ 30 lb, 1 x 7 with 12.5 lb dumbbells, 1 x 8 @ 20 lb
    Abdominal bicycles 1 x 30 reps

    Guess I just can't run AND lift. BAH!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I'm switching things up a bit using a Nia Shanks template for 3 days/week (I was doing her 2 day/week program)

    SLRDL - 3x8 @ 30 lbs - geez my balance is for crap
    Pushups - 3x8
    Inverted rows - 3x8
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    It is technically the start of a deload week.... but unlike last deload week where it was an almost comical level of deload.... not entirely convinced I am seeing what I would call a deload this time.

    5 x 95
    5 x 115
    3 x 135
    5x 165
    5x 195
    5x205 (something went wrong in my set up, or breathing, or brain or something... I got to 3 and 4 wasn’t going to happen... so I rested, regrouped and tried again. So technically 3 x 205 and 5 x 205)

    Bent over rows
    3 x 10x 75

    Straight leg deadlifts
    3 x 12 x 85

    Good mornings
    3 x 10 x 65 (per trainer instruction. But the 65 feels surprisingly terrible considering video of my squats suggests I good morning almost twice that with every squat)

    Face pulls
    2 x 10 x 90
    11 x 100 (apparently not quite ready to move up)

    Romwod apparently knew what I needed once again.... my poor hammies
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Conditioning day
    Was totally planning on wussing out and taking a rest day. But a day of yanking my shirt down because my gut was hanging out, made me decide to go... but I was still planning to pretty well phone it’s in. But, one of the ones who tends to hold me accountable, is off of nights and was at the gym. And was doing conditioning also, so the trap bar was already loaded.... ugh....

    5 x 15 kb swings. - as mentioned, been strongly suggested I either switch kettlebells, or do 20. So, was 4 x 20 @ 35, and 1x10 @ 53 (yeah, we only have like 4 sizes of bells)
    5 x down and back farmers carries @ 135
    5 x 15 plate swings @ 25

    Oblique cable crunches
    1x15 @ 50
    3 x 15 @ 60
    1 x 15 @ 70

    So, now for the reason I was thinking it was going to be either a rest day or an easy day- yesterday’s missed set on deadlifts, which I was attributing to mistimed breath, or faulty grip..... yeah lower back on one side is not so gently suggesting there was more to it than that. So, I will need to be a bit gentle to it. And spend more time with Mr foam roller.
    Still need to visit Romwod too
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited April 2018
    Feeling good getting back to Gym after taking break last month voluntarily from lifting and running. A little de-load to test the waters. Hope every one is having a great, active day! :)

    April Weightlifting

    Goal: 10 times
    Done: 1/10

    Set B
    Squat 5x5 27 kg 59.5 lbs
    OP 5x5 22 kg 48.5 lbs
    Dead lift 5x2 45 kg 99.2 lbs
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So, uh... color me humbled...

    Started the rotator cuff (p)rehab program today. I thought it would be boring and lame... and it kind of was, except not. New exercises means a lot of trying to make sure I'm activating the right muscles and wow, was that tough. I'm expecting crazy shoulder DOMS tomorrow...

    Started off with 10 minutes of double under practice - might as well get in a bit of cardio and skill work. I managed somewhere around 33 total, with a string of 6 in a row on a rhythm of 3:1 (3 single jumps, 1 DU, 3 singles, 1 DU). It's slowly sinking in!

    Then I did a 5x5 of low/high band pull-aparts. 5s hold on each rep. 30s rest between each sets. I hadn't really realized until I started that that would take about 10 mins on its own. The high sets left my shoulders burning and quivering so hard. And I was just using my tiny blue band (which is about 10lbs resistance? lol)

    2 sets of 10 push-ups on a medicine ball. Well, more like 8/2 and 5/3/2. 2-0-2 tempo. On my knees. I'm so weak D:

    2 sets of 1 arm face pulls. 15lbsx12 and 20lbs x12 (which felt a little 8too* hard for what they were supposed to be)

    2 sets of arm wrestlers 7.5x10 and 10lbsx10
    These gave me an interesting high pec contraction along with the shoulder activation. I'm not mad at these.

    2 sets of 2x30s plank sid to side/front to back rocking. Kind of. I had to elevate my upper body to really get into it without fatiguing too early. Again. I'm so weak... :'(

    I wanted to get some extra core work done, but I was basically just on time to get to work by 8, so here I am, at work, feeling like a noob that just did their very first SL workout. Not sure I did everything right. Will have to review the videos and stuff tonight. It's a little exciting, but also a slight bit demoralizing.

    Also, ROMWOD: My grooiiinnnn! (seriously, took me almost 20s just to get out of that frog xD)
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    edited April 2018
    Workout 2
    Squats: 5x5 at 40 lbs
    OH Press: 1x5 at 50, 4x5 at 40
    Pull down: 4x5 at 80 wide grip, 1x5 at 85 narrow grip.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,808 Member
    ICF Workout A

    I had trouble finding a bunch of the equipment I needed! Nearly half the dumbbells were missing.

    Goblet squat
    two warmup sets - 10 rep each of the 32.5 lb and the 37.5 lb
    then 5 x 5 @45 lb My hamstring bothered me somewhat as I left the floor each time.
    DB bench press - could not find both 30s! there has got to be more than one pair!
    5 x 5 @27.5 lb dbs
    Barbell row - 3 x 5 @ 70 lb, bothered my back, could not find a 60 lb until later
    Barbell shrug 3 x 8 @ 70 lb
    Tricep extensions 3 x 8 @ 30 lb
    Curls 3 x 8 @ 30 lb
    Found a 60 lb db and did 2 more sets of 5 barbell rows. My back this time was fine.
    Cable pull-throughs 1 x 10 @ 15 lb, 1 x 10 @ 20 lb
    Bicycles 3 x 10 reps

    Didn't feel all that great, had trouble with barbell rows.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Bench press day

    Bench press sets with pull-ups, all pull-ups with black band
    Bench 10 x 45
    5 x 65
    10 pull-ups
    5 x 65
    10 pull-ups
    3 x 75
    10 ish pull-ups
    5 x 95
    8 pull-ups
    5 x 115!!!
    7.5 pull-ups hoot even close enough to call it 8 ish)
    5 x 115
    2 pull-ups.... ummm I got a weird pinch in my shoulder, and I called it a wrap
    All of the above went way better than I expected... closer to the 15 pull-up standard I apparently have now than I thought

    Dumbbell bench press
    3 x 10 @ 35s

    Chest supported rows
    3 x 10 @ 35

    Rear laterals
    3 x 20 @ 5s

    I know I’ve done higher on all those, but after the weird pinch I dropped back a bit, and made sure my execution was very good.

    Then yesterday’s Romwod, which turned out to be excellent post bench press.

    Lots of random in my little gym today... one beat his deadlift pr by 30 lbs after a TON of deficit deads, and working sets.... and his first time pulling sumo in months

    Another girl was getting heck for no one seeing her lately, and so she showed up... in a flannel shirt, booty shorts, and uggs, with a blanket, and her Starbucks.... yes, she was only spectating, was far too easy to give her a hard time.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    April Weightlifting

    Goal: 10 times
    Done: 2/10

    Squat 5x5 29.5 kg 65 lbs
    Bench press 5x5 24.5 kg 59.5 lbs
    Barbell rows 5x10 30 kg

    Pull down 10×3 20 kg
    Cable row 10×3 15 kg
    Dumbbell side raise 10×3 5 kg
    Triceps extension 10×2 10 kg
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    So, uh... color me humbled...

    Started the rotator cuff (p)rehab program today. I thought it would be boring and lame... and it kind of was, except not. New exercises means a lot of trying to make sure I'm activating the right muscles and wow, was that tough. I'm expecting crazy shoulder DOMS tomorrow...

    Started off with 10 minutes of double under practice - might as well get in a bit of cardio and skill work. I managed somewhere around 33 total, with a string of 6 in a row on a rhythm of 3:1 (3 single jumps, 1 DU, 3 singles, 1 DU). It's slowly sinking in!

    Then I did a 5x5 of low/high band pull-aparts. 5s hold on each rep. 30s rest between each sets. I hadn't really realized until I started that that would take about 10 mins on its own. The high sets left my shoulders burning and quivering so hard. And I was just using my tiny blue band (which is about 10lbs resistance? lol)

    2 sets of 10 push-ups on a medicine ball. Well, more like 8/2 and 5/3/2. 2-0-2 tempo. On my knees. I'm so weak D:

    2 sets of 1 arm face pulls. 15lbsx12 and 20lbs x12 (which felt a little 8too* hard for what they were supposed to be)

    2 sets of arm wrestlers 7.5x10 and 10lbsx10
    These gave me an interesting high pec contraction along with the shoulder activation. I'm not mad at these.

    2 sets of 2x30s plank sid to side/front to back rocking. Kind of. I had to elevate my upper body to really get into it without fatiguing too early. Again. I'm so weak... :'(

    I wanted to get some extra core work done, but I was basically just on time to get to work by 8, so here I am, at work, feeling like a noob that just did their very first SL workout. Not sure I did everything right. Will have to review the videos and stuff tonight. It's a little exciting, but also a slight bit demoralizing.

    Also, ROMWOD: My grooiiinnnn! (seriously, took me almost 20s just to get out of that frog xD)

    That was a very great session!! I think I should try some band exercise as well. Great going!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm a slow fella in the mornings lately. I woke up at 5am. Only started my warmup around 6:20, and time flew by!

    It was a deload leg day, so I decided to try safety squats one more time (only to be reminded that the bar doesn't work with my shoulders and is not adjustable. Ugh). I got 2 sets of 3 at 105, and 1x3 at 110lbs. Nothing crazy, but it was challenging my shoulders just to stabilize the dang bar.

    And I tried to add in side planks between sets, but my left shoulder, although not really sore, was just not having it. My lats cramped up on my first set on the left and I couldn't figure out why. Then on the second set I made sure to set my shoulder in properly before getting into the plank. Lo and behold, 22s in, my shoulder slipped out of socket and my lats turned on! I've been doing these wrong for a WHILE! Geez! So, side planks, more of a shoulder exercise than a core one for me atm...

    I then stretched out my hip flexors a bit and did internal band resisted lunges, 2x10. Having to fight against the band to keep the knee out makes a huge difference on these! :)

    And I finished off with some 1-leg drops (forward and sideways), bird dogs and more side planks, as I was running out of time to really do anything else. So, bit of legs, bit of core, and a little bit of shoulders without really meaning to in the first place. Not a bad session :)
  • monica182
    monica182 Posts: 60 Member
    Back into things after 4 days off camping. Have felt really lacking in energy lately and last nights session felt particularly hard even though it was same weights as last week. Had doc appointment yesterday and I was told I have really low iron levels so I’m wondering if this is what’s causing the slump. Started supplements yesterday so hopefully feeling more energetic soon!

    Shoulder was still giving me some grief before I went away but seems to have settled a bit staying on the same weights for the last week and just concentrating on form.

    Squat 5x5 50kg
    Ohp 5x5 20kg
    DL 5x5 60kg
    40 mins treadmill

    Squat 5x5 50kg
    Bench 5x5 32.5kg
    Row 5x5 32.5kg
    40 mins treadmill

    Sticking to low intensity cardio until my energy levels pick up a bit.

    On another note, reached 30kg down in weight as of this morning :blush:
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Today is one of those days where having a gym family vs just a gym was good for me. I was unmotivated, didn't feel good, just didn't want to. I somehow convinced myself to go... I only got through it because other people made me.... yes, very childish. But like dinner tonight was a bagel and cream cheese sort of didn't feel good :( But I did get the workout in.... with some arm twisting

    5 x thru
    15 wallballs w/10lb wallball
    kettlebell swings - 4 x 10 w/the 53lb, 1 x 15 with the 35lb

    5 x down and back yoke pushes
    3x yoke + 50
    2x yoke + 70

    4 x 30 second planks
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,808 Member
    edited April 2018
    Today is going to be upper body only - my left hamstring is bothering me, and pain emerged in the adductor on that leg as I was walking this morning. It's because I squatted lower on goblet squats as I was supposed to. I'm walking around now and the adductor is hurting more and more.
    What's frustrating is that it stops me from doing bent over rows because I tighten hamstrings, glutes, and adductors to stay in place, so they will hurt as I row.
    I am one frustrated lifter right now. I just want to get stronger, is that too much to ask?

    I guess I could do the following:
    Bench press, pushups, seated rows, close-grip lat pulldowns, curls, OHP