Week 1 Weigh-in - Monday April 9

cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
edited April 2018 in Social Groups
Challenge Start Weight:
Challenge Goal Weight:
Weigh-in #1:

A positive thought I had this week was:
A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was:
My most effective workout this week was:
If you participated in the challenge, how did it go?:



  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 175.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 163
    Weigh-in #1: 175

    A positive thought I had this week was: I’m in control even when I make poor choices.
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: string cheese when I was on the go instead of fast food
    My most effective workout this week was: didn’t work out this week, did a Baby Foot peel instead.
    If you participated in the challenge, how did it go?: only had to do squats once and had extra water once. What this tells me is that I’m getting more aware of true hunger cues. Eating regularly means that there are fewer “hey I’m starving “ moments. I know that some people say don’t eat unless you are hungry but I find it works better for me to plan ahead and know what time and what items so that I never get to hungry.

    Comments: Seems like a few of us are having trouble getting our heads in “the game” this week. The main thing is that we are here, with friends and keep trying. I think reflecting on what doesn’t work and what our struggles are is just as helpful as recognizing the positive. Everyone keep up the good work!

    Have a fantastic week !!!

  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    runandreas wrote: »
    Challenge Start Weight: 136
    Challenge Goal Weight: 130
    Weigh-in #1: 136

    Thanks for letting me join in even though I’m late coming in! I’ve used MFP off and on for years but never with friends or in groups, so I’m hoping being here helps me stick with it and provides some accountability. I struggle with portion control and sugar intake — yikes. Mom of 3, youngest will turn 1 in a few weeks so I have a bit of baby weight to lose!

    Welcome. This is a really good group of ladies. Have a great week!
  • _Mrs_Ryan_
    _Mrs_Ryan_ Posts: 15 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 179 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 164 lbs
    Weigh-in #1: 179.5 lbs

    A positive thought I had this week was: I'm committed to doing this!
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: I was on vacation so I wasn't too picky but I chose water at most meals so I think that counts for something lol
    My most effective workout this week was: 20-30k steps a day while on vacation
    If you participated in the challenge, how did it go?: I didn't participate

    Comments: I'm up .5lb but I have faith that will all disappear in the next few days. I spent 4 days on vacation and flying and expected to be up a bit. I'm feeling very stressed right now so I really need to be mindful and focus on my food and workouts instead of self sabotaging to try to "feel better". It's a battle I'm still trying to figure out.
  • spdaphne
    spdaphne Posts: 262 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 174.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 165
    week #1 - 173.2

    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: I had a bunless burger which helped satisfy my meat craving. While I wish it had been more exciting, I did the best I could.

    My most effective workout this week was: My trainer is back so working out with her was great. I also made it to TRX which was challenging, but I made it through.

    Comments: I felt like I did pretty good overall. I got a walk in yesterday going to/from a hockey game so while I was doing a lot of errands this weekend, got a walk in.

    I also was happy to reconnect with my trainer and go over my goals. I told her I was happy with my size, I wanted to continue to lose fat and gain more muscle. So she's going to be sending me a home workout I can do and also another I can do when I'm in a gym. I'll see what she recommends and how much cardio.

    I've also noticed I've been tired lately and looking at my foods that I've been testing. I've come to the conclusion that I think I get pretty tired after eating red meat. I felt it on Friday after I had the burger. Also, my skin hasn't been that great as I did before and I've noticed my eyes looking more puffy and tired. Anywho, I'm working on soy and seeing how that pans out.
  • amberellen12
    amberellen12 Posts: 248 Member
    Challenge Start Weight:184.0
    Challenge Goal Weight:169.9
    Weigh-in #1:183.0

    I’m glad I worked hard on staying on plan during the week. Weekend was a bust!
  • nvasquez41
    nvasquez41 Posts: 59 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 134.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 128
    Weigh-in #1: 134.8

    A positive thought I had this week was: I really enjoy this meditation app, headspace that I dowloaded about a month ago.
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: Quinoa protein bowl for breakfast with kale, avocado, and poached eggs
    My most effective workout this week was: Unfortunately I've only worked out once this past week but in my defense my shifts have been nuts. Like literally running around the bar sweating for 8+ hours, its been exhausting.

    I went out to eat three times this past week which is a lot after deciding to cut down and I'm glad that I was able to at least maintain.
  • arameni
    arameni Posts: 105 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 130
    Challenge Goal Weight: 125
    Weigh-in #1: ??? (Ordered a scale yesterday, feeling very mysterious)

    Positive Thought: I'm weight twins with the lovely SmithsonianEmpress! Also finally ordered a scale, so I should be able to officially join in the weigh-ins next week.
    Healthy Meal/Snack: vegetable tofu curry, egg breakfast burritos with vegetables and mushrooms. Made banana/oatmeal sugarless cookies with a friend. We kittened up majorly and they didn't come out great, but neither of those things were a huge surprise lol
    Effective Workout: dog walk, all the way. It's not going to change. :wink: I still want to add in some lifting but I definitely feel like I'm doing it wrong and have neck straining issues
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 948 Member
    edited April 2018
    Challenge SW 133.9
    GW 125 or Recomp
    Wk1 132.2 -1.8

    A positive thought I had this week: “I yam what I yam.” I gave myself official permission to maintain, to recomp if that’s what my body wants to do. And lost almost two pounds by just being good to myself. And logging religiously.

    A healthy snack: 10 raw almonds when I was super hungry between meals.

    A workout: Strong Curves workout with bands and kettlebells followed by a mile of my fastest sprints yet.

    The challenge: I liked this challenge. I would like to continue it, anyone interested? Because that habit of just randomly opening the fridge needs to stop!
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Challenge SW 133.9
    GW 125 or Recomp
    Wk1 132.2 -1.8

    A positive thought I had this week: “I yam what I yam.” I gave myself official permission to maintain, to recomp if that’s what my body wants to do. And lost almost two pounds by just being good to myself. And logging religiously.

    A healthy snack: 10 raw almonds when I was super hungry between meals.

    A workout: Strong Curves workout with bands and kettlebells followed by a mile of my fastest sprints yet.

    The challenge: I liked this challenge. I would like to continue it, anyone interested? Because that habit of just randomly opening the fridge needs to stop!

    I’m going to keep going with the challenge as well. I’m not exercising much in general so every little bit helps! I also need a pantry purge again
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    Start Weight: 281 (March 2017)
    Challenge Start Weight: 213
    Challenge Goal Weight: Below 200!
    Weigh-in #1: 210.6

    A positive thought I had this week was: it feels good to get back in the gym!
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: grilled chicken and veggies
    My most effective workout this week was: C25K plus some weights
    If you participated in the challenge, how did it go?: I liked this challenge a lot! I found myself doing squats and calf raises randomly throughout the apartment (our floors are too creaky for jumping jacks). I'll probably keep this up for a while.

    Comments: I feel good about the week but I over ate again during the weekend. One day I'll learn. But I'm getting back into my gym routine which has been great. My goal is to go 4 times from Fri to Fri and I've already been 3! I'm hoping that will help balance out all the snacks from the weekend.
  • Megan91384
    Megan91384 Posts: 98 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 203.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: Onederland, anything in Onederland!
    Weigh-in #1: 207.0

    A positive thought I had this week was: There's not much a good nights sleep won't help.
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: Salad with toasted sesame Asian dressing and wonton strips
    My most effective workout this week was: hiking

    Comments: So...The scale went the wrong direction! Not sure if its bloat from Chinese food (weight always goes up for a few days) or bloat from that time of the month. But if it doesn't drop back again I'll change my start weight. Hopefully Week 2 will be better!
  • shangrilamama
    shangrilamama Posts: 89 Member
    edited April 2018
    Start Weight: 197.0 (Jan 2014)
    Challenge Start Weight: 157.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 150.0
    Weigh-in #1: 158.0

    I'm up a smidge but I am so sore from not working out for a few weeks. I know it's water weight. Here's to a successful week. :)

    A positive thought I had this week was: Back home and ready to get back to work
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: Leftover roasted brussel sprouts
    My most effective workout this week was: Was out of town so no work outs
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Start Weight:200.8 (January 2018)
    Challenge Start Weight:194.0
    Challenge Goal Weight:179.0

    Weigh-in#1: 194.5

    Comments: It was my birthday week! I guess I should be happy it was a tiny gain for now :) back on track this week!
  • for_my_tomorrow
    for_my_tomorrow Posts: 36 Member
    Start Weight: 193 lbs
    Challenge Start Weight: 135.8 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 128 lbs

    Weigh-in #1: 136lbs

    Comments: I am up from last week and I know it is because I am still unwell so have been very sedentary. Here's hoping I can get back to 100% and can exercise again.
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Start Weight: 193 lbs
    Challenge Start Weight: 135.8 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 128 lbs

    Weigh-in #1: 136lbs

    Comments: I am up from last week and I know it is because I am still unwell so have been very sedentary. Here's hoping I can get back to 100% and can exercise again.

    Feel better! :)