YouTube Channels?

gamommy Posts: 131 Member
YouTube videos have been a HUGE inspiration/help to me on this journey. I've loved watching people change, hearing about what they've gone through and admired their confidence in putting themselves out there.

I went ahead and started my very own channel this morning too. I'm totally new to vlogging and very inexperienced. But I wanted to know if anyone else in here has a YouTube channel also. I'd be happy to watch & subscribe.

My video link is:


  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    I just watched your video. Great job! Looking forward to seeing your progress!
  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    I started doing this last week and I love it! Just subscribed to you too :)
  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member
    enyagoboom wrote: »
    I started doing this last week and I love it! Just subscribed to you too :)

    Awesome! I subscribed to you and I'm about to watch your videos. It is fun recording!!!
  • TooBIGdotNet
    TooBIGdotNet Posts: 29 Member
    Hello all just wanted to share this with you'll in hope that some of you would like to follow my journey. I'm documenting it by vlogging to YouTube. Below is my latest video. If you like and would love to support please subscribe. For those of you that have your own channel, let me know I would love to support you as well. TY.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    I was trying to find a thread that had to do with Artificial Sweeteners and couldn't find one so I'm posting this link in this discussion:

    It's fairly long (18 minutes) but she does a deep dive into the research about the 4 main artificial sweeteners. I would encourange anyone who really wants to be educated about the current research to watch it. If you don't have time she basically concludes that ALL artificial sweeteners are SAFE in moderate amounts. I personally try not to consume too many processed or "artificial" substances but I do use Mio in my water and have diet soda from time to time. I personally don't think they are good or bad for you. All the studies that correlate obesity to them are flawed. There's no causation there.

    Anyway, having the "sweet" in my drink has been satisfying my "sweet tooth" for a couple of years now and it's worked for me. If it's a choice between artificial sweeteners and sugar, I'll take AF every time.
  • NuMi2018
    NuMi2018 Posts: 12 Member
    Here is my channel
    I am currently 6 weeks post op RNY gastric bypass.
    I make weekly updates on my progress including live weigh ins, updated measurements, as well as a FULL bare belly shot (Hanging skin and all!).
    I am still a complete rookie at this and trying to learn how to get better, but feel free to follow along on my journey too if you wish!

    My surgery took place on March 2nd 2018 at the Guelph General Hospital here in Ontario Canada.
    My stats are:
    HW - 380lbs
    SW - 317lbs
    CW - 297lbs
    GW - 199lbs

    20 lbs lost so far since surgery (I'm an extremely slow loser as you can see lol)
    TOTAL lost altogether 83 lbs (I lost more weight BEFORE my RNY then after lol)

    Anyways, I am always looking for new friends, so please feel free to add me if interested!
    There is no such thing as too much support <3
  • Trailtramper74
    Trailtramper74 Posts: 135 Member
    I will check it out. I watch a lot of VSG YouTube videos. I made a couple at first, but I kept them private after I realized I didn’t have time for it.