Just joined the group.

utherb42 Posts: 3 Member
I'm Uther from Ansteorra. I'm a chiv fighter trying to drop about 50 pounds. Who all is out there?


  • onyxcougar
    onyxcougar Posts: 22
    Welcome to the group!

    The folks here are pretty quiet. And spread out, we have Outlands, Atlantia, East, and now, Ansteorra!

    I've lost about 10 pounds in a month, so I'm on my way!!

    Please feel free to friend me if you wish!

    Dáma Eleonora Pragensis
    Daughter, House of the Red Hound
    Shire of Cathanar
    Kingdom of Atlantia
  • mej05209
    mej05209 Posts: 1
    I'm from the Middle for the next week then I'll be from Atlantia. I've no choice in my weight loss it is lose weight or be sick for the rest of my life and I'm just glad that i can share the journey with other medieval-ly inclined people.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I'm east coast, going to move to another part of the east coast within the next few months, I hope, and am happy to see any shreds of the SCA on here! I used to see lots of SCA interest online on journals etc., but it seems like since twitter and facebook and all the 'fewer words, even less content' stuff became popular, SCA-folk participation is not coming my way--granted, i do not use either twitter or fb at all, so that may explain it!
  • TomSaucer
    Hi, I'm Thomas Paumer (modernly Thomas Saucer) from the Fair Kingdom of Meridies (I live in North East TN.) My Shire started a "Biggest Loser" program... we are all using MyFitngessPal to look over an encourage everyone else.

    I am happy to see this group already formed.

    I would like to loose 30-40 pounds, and work with my wife to help her loose some as well.
  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Thomas!
    Sorry I missed your post this last week. I am your northern neighbor up in Barony of the Flame, Middle Kingdom. I love that your group is doing health/fitness together. I might have to suggest this to the group here.
  • onyxcougar
    After falling off the wagon for about a year and a half, I live in a new Kingdom (An Tir), have a new job, and a new attitude.

    I can do this!
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    Late to the party, but I'm back on the wagon so that I don't have to make new garb for Pennsic. AGAIN. >_<
  • GerritKing
    GerritKing Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I live in Gleann Abhann and am new to the SCA
  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member
    Hi, just started Fitness Pal again after the birth of my son. I'm in the Middle.
  • zcmc1066
    zcmc1066 Posts: 2 Member
    who is going to gulf?
  • dreadgerbil
    dreadgerbil Posts: 1 Member
    Late to the boat on this one and I don't know how many folk are still about/active.
    I'm Aonghus and I'm in Artemisia.
    Working on dropping about 50 lbs which I gained since moving to America. (Everything here has sugar in it!)

    Norse persona, just getting into heavy fighting after surgery which precluded my fighting and then a few injuries unrelated to fighting.
    I'm really focused on A&S stuff and I run a Viking history podcast in my spare time.
  • nestferchrys
    nestferchrys Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! Just started here. I'm in AEthelmearc.
  • RedStickdad
    RedStickdad Posts: 156 Member
    Hi I am in Gleann Abhann and am just starting our again. I joined several year ago and Life got in the way for a bit. I am working on getting a kit together for heavy fighting.

    @dreadgerbil what the name of your podcast?