
RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Welcome to UAC May 2018!

Some of you have been with this challenge for months and some are brand new. This is one of the hardest challenges to stay with throughout the entire month. FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!! Log every BLT (Bite, Lick, Taste). Stay strong and true to yourself....YOU WILL SUCCEED!!

Please feel free to share as much information as you feel comfortable sharing about yourself with the rest of the group. I look forward to getting to know all of you a little better. GOOD LUCK!


  • BethanyRuth
    BethanyRuth Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2018
    SW: 179lbs
    CW: 162lbs

    Hi :-) I'm a 23 year old from the North East of England. I work from home around my little boy so activity levels can range daily and this makes it so much harder to resist trips to the fridge

    I'm looking to cut down on bad habits and up my activity level. I currently attend Water Babies once a week with my little boy and go on daily dog walks; so I'm starting home workouts with/without weights and trying to get more steps in a day.
  • mchen44
    mchen44 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name's Mandi. I am in the 18-25 year old range. I've been lightly using this app as a way to track calories but today I decided to get a bit more involved. Tennis season just ended for me so I need to makre sure I dont put on any weight.

    My current weight is 137, and I hope to lower that to 110 at the very least (lower would be ideal). I'm super pumped and I hope this will keep me accountable.

  • NeneHilliard
    NeneHilliard Posts: 3 Member
    Hello my name is Kim. I am very active with both weight training and cardio. I workout 7 days a week. Nutrition is my focal point. I weigh 153 lbs and am 22% body fat, my goal is 140 - 145 lbs. and 16-18% bf.

    I work a full time job as a Soldier and am a mother of 3 and married. I am a volunteer coach as well as fitness instructor. I lead a very busy life. I am committed to lose some of this fluff :)
  • trichards74
    trichards74 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Tammie I am 43 years old and I live in Lincolnshire.

    I have been losing weight on and off for years. I am still 1 st 12.9lbs lighter than when I started my journey.In January this year I had an accident resulting in surgery to my leg. I am still only partially weightbearing but getting a lot more activity in now. I signed up for the RAF 100k in 100 days and I am already several km ahead of target despite the crutches.

    I am hoping this challenge will help motivate me to lose the rest of my weight before i renew my wedding vows in Oct. I need to lose another 33lbs in 25 weeks but i would be happy with 28lbs and being a lot healthier and happier.

    I am also doing a no alcohol challenge. I am on day 2 of my second 28day challenge. I managed 28 days but then lost a friend to a massive heart attach which knocked me for 6.

    Looking forward to hearing everyone's stories and motivation during the next month.
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    Can I join for the May Challenge?
    SW: 198 lbs
    CW: 188 lbs
    I will ensure daily check in ,20 minutes of activity everyday , recording of meals within budget.

  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Hi my name is Asylin (Az-Lynn)! I am a 35 yo housewife and mother of 2. I tried this challenge once before and didn't get past day 5. I believe I am in the mindset right now to attain this goal. I quit my stressful accounting job a little over a year ago. I was sure I was going to have all this time now to take care of myself and lose the weight. Turns out, not the case! It was hard with one of my kids being 1 year old at the time. She was a needy baby unlike how my son was. Fast forward a year and a few months and I now have a little less dependant 2 year old that is newly potty trained. I feel like it's the right time to focus a little more on myself. On pretty days I get out her stroller and we walk around the neighborhood. On not so pretty days I keep myself moving with housework (something always needs to be cleaned). Occasionally I will do a Barre workout on you tube. My family and I love being outside so we spend alot of evenings in the backyard playing wiffle ball, soccer, catch, throwing the frisbee, pushing my girl on her swing, picking flowers...anything that keeps us busy and moving. Hope everyone has a successful May!
  • tracimcp
    tracimcp Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! My name is Traci. I haven't participated in a challenge before. I started working on my weight loss in November of 2017 but just recently became really motivated to lose the weight. I'm pretty good about getting workouts in but I still struggle the most with the food. I have been trying new recipes with more protein/vegetables. The weekend's are the hardest!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,600 Member
    Hello! My name is Chelsey. I’ve done several challenges on MFP, and have lost about 50lbs in total, including before MFP. I’ve got another 20-ish to lose, but I’ve been yo-yoing 5-10 lbs since last summer. I’m looking forward to a group which holds me accountable. Like @tracimcp, I struggle with the weekends and not splurging after being diligent all week long. I’m good with workouts as I’m doing a cross-training Program right now and supplementing additional cardio into my week.

    Looking forward to May 1st!
  • Gutcutter500
    Gutcutter500 Posts: 695 Member
    Hi, I am Alan. I live in southeast Arkansas, USA. This is my 3rd month in this challenge. I lost 95 pounds last year and working to keep it off. My goal range is 210-215 pounds. I am currently at 213. I am participating in several challenges all with the goal to keep me motivated to exercise. This is a great group and @RangerRickL I love the pictures. Keep them coming.
  • Elsita_G
    Elsita_G Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I’m from the UK but am currently living in Spain! This is my first challenge! I’m currently around the 74kg (164lbs) Mark but am hoping to dip back down to 70kg with the eventual goal of getting to 60kg by november! I am currently a bit of a gym bunny with a dream of becoming a kick *kitten* surfer! I’m excited for you guys to keep me in check!!!
  • hippienana
    hippienana Posts: 201 Member
    I'm in. Need to lose 50-60 lbs. My sister just had a stroke and a heart attack earlier this year and I need to get healthier so this does not happen to me.
  • RWayne48
    RWayne48 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello everyone I’m Robyn from the Western Massachusetts, USA.

    I put almost 1000 miles on my car just going to doctors last year for a variety of issues…I’ve been cleared to exercise and I’m chomping at the bit to get back into it! I miss my in shape body!

    I know that what I eat has a big bearing on how I feel (emotionally and physically) so I’ve started tracking my food again and I’m freaking out at the calorie totals and how much I’m missing the mark on nutrition. Gotta get this back under control and the only way to do that is to keep track and make changes to the diet.

    As for exercising - I’m not working full time so there is no excuse for not exercising. I will continue to walk mornings in May and the afternoons will be hiking or hills. Each walk will be 30 minutes minimum – slow and steady increases to time and speed so that I can walk at a good clip for about 45 minutes or more by the end of the month. I’ve also got 30 minutes of stretching that includes some PT exercises that I do daily.

    My current weight is 155 lbs and my goal is 140 lbs. Getting the food portions and correct nutrition as well as more intense exercising will help me achieve this - I am so ready for this!