New to keto & looking for friends/support

Hey all! I am in my mid-30s, 5'5", and currently weighing ~253 lbs. This is the highest weight I've been at in years, and I don't know if it's age or hormones or genetics or all of the above, but lately if I even breathe in the direction of carbs, I gain like 9 lbs instantly. I've known for YEARS that lowering my carb intake and upping protein/fiber is the way to go, but I've never committed because ~bread is awesome, y'all.~ But that really has to change, because my knees won't let me run anymore and my doctor suggested bariatric surgery, something I wish to avoid.

I've done a bunch of research and have been following the Ruled Me guide(s). I'm only on DAY TWO, but so far the recipes have been delicious and my apartment is stocked with only the good stuff. I feel like I can make this work, but outside support has always been the thing that pushes me to keep going.

I've really enjoyed reading about everyone's experiences so far! Tell me more about why you started your LC lifestyle and what keeps you here? Also, I'm very intrigued to hear about some of the benefits you've noticed. Has your skin cleared up? Joints felt better? Health overall improved? Have you kicked some of your meds? Anything inspirational or any helpful advice is super welcome! Feel free to add me, too!

Thanks, all!



  • greatthatsgreat
    greatthatsgreat Posts: 36 Member
    @ScottW3142 that's awesome! I'm really excited to hear that your energy levels went up. I'm not experiencing fatigue yet, but I'm sure it will happen. It's nice to know there's light at the end of this.
  • greatthatsgreat
    greatthatsgreat Posts: 36 Member
    @AnvilTime nice job with your weight loss! thanks for responding
  • greatthatsgreat
    greatthatsgreat Posts: 36 Member
    @kpk54 thanks so much for the helpful advice! i like the simplicity of "keep it simple."
  • greatthatsgreat
    greatthatsgreat Posts: 36 Member
    @stacybaker707 nice! feel free to add me if you need more keto friends!
  • ScottW3142
    ScottW3142 Posts: 498 Member
    ScottW3142 wrote: »
    I'm 51 and started at 314 pounds. I started on 4/13. So far, I'm down 14 pounds, I don't get tired in the afternoon anymore, and I don't have any cravings for snacks or carbs. I was on this while on vacation and was able to stick with it - even at an Italian restaurant.

    I also started at 314 lbs! ☺
    Just 10.5 months in and I'm now 220 lbs...
    I'm a permanent convert. I will be keto/low carb for life (no sugar, no grains - no question!). This way of eating has completely healed my inflammation, hormones, and compulsion to overeat. I feel fantastic.

    Good luck to everyone here, on your respective journeys!!

    That's awesome!
  • greatthatsgreat
    greatthatsgreat Posts: 36 Member
    @River_Goddess that's incredible! i'm really inspired by this and happy to hear about the additional health benefits (i.e., hormones, overeating, etc). Thanks!
  • greatthatsgreat
    greatthatsgreat Posts: 36 Member
    @ironmaidenchick congrats on the weight loss and overall health improvements! forgive my ignorance, but what is IF?
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    edited April 2018
    @ironmaidenchick congrats on the weight loss and overall health improvements! forgive my ignorance, but what is IF?

    IF is intermittent fasting. It's when you eat all of your meals within a set time if day. For example, 16:8 IF would mean eating from, say, 10 am to 6 pm (or whatever 8 hour window suits your schedule best). The rest of the time is considered fasting and you consume only water, tea, coffee, pickle juice etc...

    It has benefits of healing insulin resistance, improving digestion, and promoting autophagy. It pairs really well with Keto.

    I intermittent fast daily - usually 18:6. I eat from 12:30 to 6:30 most weekdays... I do IF on weekends too but my eating window tends to be a bit more flexible :)
  • ironmaidenchick
    ironmaidenchick Posts: 213 Member
    Yes intermittent fasting. I do 16:8. I have never eaten breakfast so for me it works well :-) haha I must have said a naughty word up above as it says I eat kitten food! Alcohol and me equals bad food :-)
  • cricketpower
    cricketpower Posts: 1,369 Member
    Ha, I thought people intentionally used the word kitten! :D

    Kitten food. Now that's a new one!
  • ironmaidenchick
    ironmaidenchick Posts: 213 Member
    Lol so did I then when I looked back I thought whaaaaat!! Not sure how keto it would be :-)
  • greatthatsgreat
    greatthatsgreat Posts: 36 Member
    @dangerousdashie thank you for responding and providing additional pointers. i'm really impressed by your 1.5 years of 1.5 years of straight up keto. that's super cool. i'm on day 4 right now and i sort of want to punch everything, so i keep checking back with this group for additional inspiration, haha. i'm doing okay, though! you are all very inspiring. :)