5/8 Tuesday Day 8 SLBC: How's Your One Thing Going?



  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    @MmamabearR , I love the comic!! I hate having to recharge my fitbit! And I agree on the shoes. I have given up on cute shoes. :'(:'( I only wear them for fancy occasions, and even then, since I love to dance, I go for comfort over beauty.

    My one thing is going okay, but not great. I've spent so many years trying to ignore my husband's intrusive timer going off, that I am sometimes not noticing it, so as a cue, it is not as effective as I had hoped. Still, I'm trying to retrain my mind. Also, it is a bit random as a cue.

    It’s a learning process for sure. Some cues do not work out as we hoped.
  • UpstateKaren
    UpstateKaren Posts: 8 Member
    my "one thing" doesn't seem to happen very often - I opted to stand up and take any phone calls rather than sitting at my desk in the kitchen....the phone never rang once all day! BUT I've gotten nearly 16,000 steps on my fitbit and usually I'm lucky to get 8-9,000! So my "one thing" is going to become "two things"....stand while on the phone AND take a walk of at least 1.5 miles every day
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited May 2018
    my "one thing" doesn't seem to happen very often - I opted to stand up and take any phone calls rather than sitting at my desk in the kitchen....the phone never rang once all day! BUT I've gotten nearly 16,000 steps on my fitbit and usually I'm lucky to get 8-9,000! So my "one thing" is going to become "two things"....stand while on the phone AND take a walk of at least 1.5 miles every day

    Sounds like a good plan, @UpstateKaren.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    My one thing has been working great except when I’m gone first thing in the morning. I have been walking and reading when I get up except for today and getting between 1000 and 4000 steps over my usual amount. Today we went to Pella Iowa to see the tulips and WOW were they gorgeous. We walked all over town and even with sitting in the car 3 1/2 hours there and back I am 1000 over.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    We had some surprises the past week or two and I have not been doing well at this at all. Actually, I've been so distracted with the stuff going on at home that I've been exhausted every night and have barely remembered to get up and move during commercials. So, because this is not the right time in my life to do this particular one thing...I would like to change my one thing to getting up and moving when my FitBit buzzes 10 minutes before each hour.

    Today, I was able to get outside and take a 10 minute walk between meetings and it felt FANTASTIC to not only get up and move, but to just even be outside! I'm not making this my one thing, but I am hoping it will become habit.

    Sorry I'm lagging so far behind everyone! You're all doing great!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited May 2018
    We had some surprises the past week or two and I have not been doing well at this at all. Actually, I've been so distracted with the stuff going on at home that I've been exhausted every night and have barely remembered to get up and move during commercials. So, because this is not the right time in my life to do this particular one thing...I would like to change my one thing to getting up and moving when my FitBit buzzes 10 minutes before each hour.

    Today, I was able to get outside and take a 10 minute walk between meetings and it felt FANTASTIC to not only get up and move, but to just even be outside! I'm not making this my one thing, but I am hoping it will become habit.

    Sorry I'm lagging so far behind everyone! You're all doing great!

    It happens, @OConnell5483. I’m glad you changed your one thing to be something that’s a better fit for your life at the moment. And I’m glad you went for a walk outdoors!