8 days into keto, 3 days on MFP



  • melissaentwistle3
    melissaentwistle3 Posts: 23 Member
    I had a hard time getting in enough calories when my focus was on minimizing my carbs. It got easier when I switched to trying to maximize them; to get as close as I could to 10% net carbs without going over. Suddenly every time I ate cheese I could also eat berries; a good steak could “buy” me a side salad and a serving of Halo Top. The calories pretty much took care of themselves from that point on. ;)

    Oh, and while I do have testers, I can always tell when I’m in ketosis by how often I need to pee. :|

    Question....how do I figure out net carbs?
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    easy ... if you eat something and say it's 10 carbs and 7 fiber ...then your net carbs are 3
  • xMikeh
    xMikeh Posts: 12 Member
    edited May 2018
    baconslave wrote: »
    Thank you, this actually clears up everything. Thank you thank you thank you. I'm now way further into it, I've lost count but I'm keeping strong. I feel some people lose weight faster than me but I can't complain because in the end I'm losing weight no less. I'm actually below 300 pounds, it's been 5 years since then. Fat is something I tend to avoid for the most part, I usually have a decent amount of protein every day in comparison, today is actually the first day I had more fat but that's cause we went to iHop and I got a custom omelette.
    Thank you! I appreciate the feedback, I've been thinking about trying to find someone to take a look over what I'm eating but honestly I'm keeping everything so so basic, no sauces, very little spices. Just plain plain plain. I'm up to over 30 pounds lost now! But I have built a bad habit if weighing myself every day. I have added ya, that sounds good I would love to explore some more recipes.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    xMikeh wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Thank you, this actually clears up everything. Thank you thank you thank you. I'm now way further into it, I've lost count but I'm keeping strong. I feel some people lose weight faster than me but I can't complain because in the end I'm losing weight no less. I'm actually below 300 pounds, it's been 5 years since then. Fat is something I tend to avoid for the most part, I usually have a decent amount of protein every day in comparison, today is actually the first day I had more fat but that's cause we went to iHop and I got a custom omelette.

    Well, like I said, fat is good for you. You need enough fat for your body to run optimally. But you should be getting enough in meat, nuts (if you can budget them in), the greasing of a pan to cook, avocado, and in low-carb dairy to not need to add extra fat while in weight loss mode (like fat bombs and extra butter or CO.) I think they make over fat so much for a couple reasons. 1) We're coming from the chronic fat phobia years so the hook is "eat all the fats!!!" which for some is a huge piling on of dietary fat when you look at it from their perspective. 2) A lot of the first Keto Gurus were body builders, to build muscle you eat in a surplus. So adding extra fat was what they needed to get those calories up there. 3) Keto Gurus continually spout out Macros! In percentages, which is nonsense. A nutritional ketogenic diet doesn't need to be as high fat as is necessary for a neurologically theraputic ketogenic diet, and as I said up-thread, it's not necessary to hit ultra-high fat macros. They keep going on and on about 70% fat and above. I only was ever able to hit 63-65% for the 1.5 years I was keto while losing and still stay in my calorie goal because I made sure I got enough protein. Percentages are movable anyway, dependent on your calorie intake. If you are supposed to have more calories, you eat higher everything. Higher carbs, higher protein, higher fat. Lower calorie goals, and you get even lower. On the lower ends, you aren't getting enough protein. So it's better to worry about staying under carbs, meeting your protein range, and filling the rest with fat. Which is still plenty of yummy, healthy fat.

    Yeah, some people lose faster than others. It stinks. But loss is loss! Comparison is the thief of joy.
    Taking a little longer has a few bonuses. One of which is to give you more time to hammer these new good habits of the WOE into your tricky brain before maintenance. Practice makes perfect, as they say. You also won't have as much visible skin sagging. It takes up to 2 years after you are done losing for it to pull in all it's going to. I'm still seeing improvements farther out than that. So you'll have less visible at once. And also, you won't be shrinking out of your clothes every 2 damn minutes. Which on one hand is a nice thought, but in practice, when having to replace your clothes AGAIN, complete PITA.
    Some of that may be a bit of a stretch, but hey, you have to chase those silver linings. It's good exercise anyway. :wink:

    Great job on staying on-plan at IHOP. But omelettes are DELICIOUS, so that's not too much of a hardship, amirite? :smirk:

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited May 2018
    Careful with IHOP, they put pancake batter in the eggs since 2012: https://huffingtonpost.ca/entry/ihop-omelet
    IHOP’s variety of fresh, made-from-scratch meals, its range of under-600-calorie options, or its innovative breakfast items, such as omelettes with a splash of pancake batter and Stuffed French Toast.
    It's more than a 'splash', by the way... egg prices for 1/2 flour & water.