hidradenitis suppurativa



  • MariahMichaels
    MariahMichaels Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I was recently diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa, I'm currently being treated for two large "abscess's" in my right underarm. I had one drained two weeks ago (so painful!) and was sent to a wound care clinic and the doctor there took my history and diagnosed me with HS. She informed me that the only "cure" is surgery to remove the glands under my arm, otherwise my abscess with continue to fill with infection and be extremely painful. I've done some research on the surgery option and I'm very reluctant to go this route. In my research I've found that surgery is not a cure and that a lot of people who went through the surgery continue to get abscess either near the location of the original or somewhere else on the body. Right now both of my abscess are being kept open to drain as infection keeps coming back, but since it's able to continue to drain the pain is tolerable. I'm currently researching natural ways to put HS into remission and I came across two naturopathic doctors from Colorado who have created a series of videos on YouTube for HS and the different options for treating it. if the link doesn't work just go to YouTube and search "Hidradenitis Suppurativa Attune Functional Medicine", there are 9 videos. So far I have watched 4 of them and they are packed full of helpful information on treating HS. I have decided to try some of the suggestions of foods to avoid if you have HS, which are Yeast, Sugar/high glycemic foods, and Dairy. I've only been doing this for a 6 days so it's too early to tell if it's going to make a difference or not but I figure it won't hurt me, plus on payday I plan to buy some of the foods they recommend eating when you are healing from an open abscess. I hope you find the video's as helpful as I have and with any luck it will help put my HS into remission.

  • LBxLB
    LBxLB Posts: 691 Member
    Thanks for sharing this. I've suffered with HS since I was 12 it's embarassing, I never wear anything that exposes my underarms, no bathing suits for me :\. I'm looking for ways to help alleviate up it, I've notice lately its been flaring up more than usual I've found a specialist thats about 40 mins away, plann on setting up an appt by the end of the summer.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Best of luck, @LBxLB
  • MariahMichaels
    MariahMichaels Posts: 48 Member
    Here's a little update: I spent 4 weeks being treated by a wound care doctor, who wanted me to have my glands under my right underarm surgically removed to "cure" my HS. I've decided with the help of my husband that I do not want to do this surgery. I've been following an HS diet since March 8, 2018 , 13 weeks now, I'm avoiding dairy, yeast, sugar, high glycemic foods and I'm eating foods high in vitamin C, I'm drinking organic bone broth daily for collagen. I'm also taking 4,000mg of Vitamin C, Collagen Peptides 20g, and Zinc 90mg. I started a naturopathic skin treatment on April 6th, nearly 9 weeks now. I'm washing with Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Liquid soap, I change my dressings every 3 days. I'm apply chamomile tea bag dipped in warm water and applied directly to the abscess's for 15 minutes every 3 days. I'm using Manuka gel and ManukaHD Superlite (dressing) made by Manuka Med to cover both abscess's. I've been taking pictures so that I can see the wound healing progression and the wounds are looking and feeling so much better, I barely notice them now. I'm not in remission yet, since I have had a few smaller abscess show up, but I know that diet changes take time and I will keep moving forward and learning as much as I can. I'm now starting to follow the Paleo Autoimmune Diet (AI Paleo), avoiding a lot of foods that may trigger some of my other health issues as well. On a side note I've lost 10lbs since March 8th, I've only made changes to my diet and I have not been exercising (trying to avoid sweating as to not aggravate the abscess under my arm). I've never been able to loss a 1lb without exercising and restricting my calories a lot due to PCOS.
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Hi all, i hope everyones still around! Add me if you want to talk. I have HS stage 3 and have started humira injections weekly. Only old abcess flair ups, no new ones in 3 months!!! I also have pcos.