
RebeccaMaunder Posts: 171 Member
Hey everyone,

So I don't come on and post often but I am wondering when you found that your weightloss slowed?

RNY october 2017 Lost 136 lbs... and in a stall and worried that I am not going to lose any more weight. My start weight was 384, current weight is 248.

Thank you in advance.


  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    @RebeccaMaunder Weight loss slows/stops for virtually everyone 6-12 months post op. It did for me. My suggestion would be not to worry about the scale for a while. Focus on healthy habits and all the other health strides you've made since surgery. You WILL LOSE more weight. It just won't be as fast and it will come in spurts.

    I'll never be at a "normal" BMI but I couldn't be happier with my current health. I've lost over half my body weight and run Marathons now. I haven't weighed myself since January 1.
  • Samquentin
    Samquentin Posts: 109 Member
    Ditto what @JamesAztec said! Focus on healthy habits. Getting your protein, water, exercise in. Move more. :)
    Once we stop focusing on the scale, and more on how we feel, it's amazing. You have make great progress!!!! Keep up the good work. (in six months, you have lost a WHOLE person, give your body some time to adjust).
  • HappyKat5
    HappyKat5 Posts: 369 Member
    Agreeing with the above. Make sure that you are eating enough. The body wants to survive so it will hang onto anything to do that. It’s so hard to hear eat more because we have been taught to eat less. When you get surgery, your body is different and will try to adapt. Also, weight comes easy at first, and that can be a good thing to motivate you. But surgery is just a tool. You have to be mindful of what you put in your body. Are you exercising as well? I knew someone who had surgery and because the weight came off quickly they thought they didn’t have to exercise and just relied on the “food” part. But, it isn’t that simple. Try journaling (honesty) for a couple days/week to see what foods may have crept into your eating. I had a hard time at first not eating some of the leftover food on my children’s plate or tasting things as I cooked them. Calories will add up.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Advice I really needed today, been stalled for six weeks....I go up a pound our two and then down....I am only five months out and very frustrated with myself. It really is about lack of movement mostly, but that being said, I have been eating out a lot over the last month due to a family medical situation and then the loss of my father, so I know my focus to my health has been wavering. Gong to start looking for healthy meals and back to logging....which I have not done for awhile.....and getting my FitBit back into action. Wish you all well!