Week 7 Weigh In - Monday May 21

cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
edited May 2018 in Social Groups
Weigh-in #7 – Keep it up!!

Challenge Start Weight:
Challenge Goal Weight:
Weigh-in #1:
Weigh-in #2:
Weigh-in #3:
Weigh-in #4:
Weigh-in #5:
Weigh-in #6

A positive thought I had this week was:
A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was:
My most effective workout this week was:



  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Weigh-in #7 – Keep it up!!

    Challenge Start Weight: 129.7 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 125-127 lbs
    Weigh-in #1: 129.7 lbs
    Weigh-in #2: 134.5 lbs
    Weigh-in #3: 129.7 lbs
    Weigh-in #4: 132.9 lbs
    Weigh-in #5: 131.6 lbs
    Weigh-in #6: 134.7 lbs
    Weigh-in #7: 140.7 lbs

    A positive thought I had this week was:

    It’s ok to NOT pressure/bully myself into working out.

    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was:

    I decided I am going to start back up with my Zyrtec and Flonase daily and start taking my vitamins again. I could breathe better and wasn’t getting sinus infections and colds when I was on these aids religiously.

    My most effective workout this week was:

    I ran my 5k. I am prepping for my race on June 2nd.

    I had lots of cake and ice cream this weekend....and whatever else. It was my daughter’s’ birthday. (Happy 2 year twin postpartum day to me :-) ! ) Today I start back at the gym. Finals are over and the semester has ended and better food choices are in the fridge, drinking water is on my mind and goals have been laid out for the week.

    Good luck to me this week on refocusing!

    I’m glad you got past your frustrations with the running. You are doing great!
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 175.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 163

    Weigh-in #1: 175.0
    Weigh-in #2: 175.8
    Weigh-in #3: 176.4
    Weigh-in #4: 176.4
    Weigh-In #5: 175.2
    Weigh-In #6: 174.6
    Weigh-In #7: 171.0

    A positive thought I had this week was: So happy that I've found something that is working!
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: Chef Salad, carefully measured
    My most effective workout this week was: Back to the gardening. Can't get enough of that fresh air!

    Comments: My change to keto/Atkins seems to be working. I've been able to manage on the 20 grams of carb per day just fine. This Friday will be two weeks and I need to decide if I want to stay at level one or go on to level two. I'm pretty sure that I will stay at level one for another 2 weeks just to see if the higher rate of weight loss continues. I'm close to the point where I will be able to head back to my doc and see if I can go off my BP meds. Hope that is the case. I'm going to start monitoring my BP daily to see where it is now. Since I dropped a pant size, I'm looking forward to taking my measurements at the end of this challenge session.
  • Zipbsky
    Zipbsky Posts: 99 Member
    Weigh-in #7 – Keep it up!!

    Challenge Start Weight: 153.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: <150 (revised from 145)
    Weigh-in #1: 155.6
    Weigh-in #2: 152.2
    Weigh-in #3: 155.6
    Weigh-in #4: skipped Mon, 154 Sun
    Weigh-in #5: 155.2
    Weigh-in #6 skipped Mon, 156.2 Weds
    Weigh-in #7: 153.4

    A positive thought I had this week was: I really think I can make my revised goal weight!

    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: I started eating the healthy snacks I buy for my work lunches on my days off too (light string cheese, no sugar fruit cups,etc).

    My most effective workout this week was: I started a new Fitnessblender program, day 1 was a fitness test- that was pretty humbling and I was sore for about 2 days.

    Comments: Due to my schedule I am not going to be able to weigh myself almost every other Monday. I think instead of skipping I'll start weighing Sunday and use that.
  • gesundundmunter
    gesundundmunter Posts: 226 Member
    Week 7
    Challenge Start Weight: 236.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 230.0
    Weigh-in #1: 237.0 (lowest 235.6)
    Weigh-in #2: 236.8 (lowest 235.6)
    Weigh-in #3: 236.4 (lowest 235.8)
    Weigh-in #4: 236.4 (lowest 235.0)
    Weigh-in #5: 237.4 (lowest 236.4)
    Weigh-in #6: 238.8
    Weigh-in #7: 240.8

    A positive thought: Last week of finals stress.
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: Low carb wraps, only 50 cal a piece.
    My most effective workout this week was: None.

    Comments: I am eating/logging healthy food AND extra cookies/cake to treat myself during finals week when I study so many hours.
  • shroodle88
    shroodle88 Posts: 123 Member
    Challenge Start Weight:59.3kg
    Challenge Goal Weight: 57kg

    Weigh-in #1:
    Weigh-in #2: 59.3
    Weigh-in #3: 58.7
    Weigh-in #4:
    Weigh-in #5: 60.3
    Weigh-in #6: 59.5
    Weigh-in #7: 58.2

    A positive thought: no big weight change - after my extravagant weeks, this is actually good news. My semester is almost over and in spite of some wobbles, I haven't actually blown it.

    A healthy snack/meal: changed my routine breakfast of two boiled eggs to 60grams of yoghurt with mixed berries and a tiny bit of honey. - Nice.

    Most effective workout: 6km run. Fitness is fine, but still held back by hip issues.

    Comments: Good to be back on track. I managed to return to better ways last week and finish on a little deficit even. (Blew it all last night, but we won't talk about that). Eyes on the prize: I want to see 57 in 4 weeks. It's got to be possible.
  • poeciliareticulata
    poeciliareticulata Posts: 110 Member
    Challenge start weight: 143
    Challenge goal weight: 136
    Weigh-in #1: 142
    Weigh-in #2: 140
    Weigh-in #3: 140
    Weigh-in #4: 139
    Weigh-in #5: 139
    Weigh-in #6: 138
    Weigh-in #7: 138

    Positive thought: Threw out my old leggings that were baggy and bought some new ones. The new ones have a really wide waistband and sit very nicely under my dresses for work!
    Healthy meal: Nothing particularly spectacular this week.
    Effective workout: Finally got out for a ‘run’ after having a cold that would not shift.

    Comments: Hit a new low of 137 last week but had a steroid injection on Friday, then ran on Sunday morning and ate too much/drank wine at a BBQ on Sunday afternoon... was up at 140 on Monday so waited until Tuesday to get 138 (is that cheating?). Hoping that one of those three things is masking that 137!
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Challenge start weight: 143
    Challenge goal weight: 136
    Weigh-in #1: 142
    Weigh-in #2: 140
    Weigh-in #3: 140
    Weigh-in #4: 139
    Weigh-in #5: 139
    Weigh-in #6: 138
    Weigh-in #7: 138

    Positive thought: Threw out my old leggings that were baggy and bought some new ones. The new ones have a really wide waistband and sit very nicely under my dresses for work!
    Healthy meal: Nothing particularly spectacular this week.
    Effective workout: Finally got out for a ‘run’ after having a cold that would not shift.

    Comments: Hit a new low of 137 last week but had a steroid injection on Friday, then ran on Sunday morning and ate too much/drank wine at a BBQ on Sunday afternoon... was up at 140 on Monday so waited until Tuesday to get 138 (is that cheating?). Hoping that one of those three things is masking that 137!

    I’m sure it hiding there somewhere. You’re doing great. Glad you are feeling better.
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    leonadixon wrote: »
    Start Weight:200.8 (January 2018)
    Challenge Start Weight:194.0
    Challenge Goal Weight:179.0

    Weigh-in#1: 194.5
    Weigh-in#2: 193.2
    Weigh-in#3: 194.6
    Weigh-in#4: 195.4
    Weigh-in#5: 195.4
    Weigh-in#6: 193.2
    Weigh-in#7: 193.4

    A positive thought this week: My knee feels so much better! I got my 3rd injection and it already feels so much better. I went swimming and it was so fun! I plan to keep that up this summer to be my main exercise method.

    Glad your knee is feeling better. I think this challenge session has been a bit of a challenge for all of us.

  • nvasquez41
    nvasquez41 Posts: 59 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 134.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 128
    Weigh-in #1: 134.8
    Weigh-in #2: 131.4
    Weigh-in #3: 133.2
    Weigh-in #4: 134.4
    Weigh-in #5: 134.8
    Weigh-in #6: 134.0
    Weigh-in #7: 133.8

    On Monday morning I weighed 129.8 but I was severely dehydrated and hungover from the food and wine festival at Sea World so I didn't count that. Those wine samples were no joke.
  • spdaphne
    spdaphne Posts: 262 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 174.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 165
    week #1- 173.2
    week #2 - 171.0
    week #3 - 173
    week #4 -
    week #5 - 170.8
    week #6 -
    week 7 - 171.0

    Comments: I've been off-line for the most part recovering from my fall. I went back to work too soon as I was dealing with swelling in my leg so I'm WFH this week and resting my leg as much as possible. I'm leaving Saturday for a week long theme park trip which I'm worried about. Going to get a wheelchair for the parks and see which rollercoasters I can get on and keep my leg up as much as possible during the trip. Anyway, it's been hard not moving much but I know I need the heal. I've done decently with my eating which I was concerned about because I'm not moving much but I'm glad it's only gone up a little. I've been trying to cook when I can and making better eating out choices or in my case, delivery choices. I'll see how I do on my trip though because we'll be eating out the whole time. Concerned about the veggie/corn oil that everything will be cooked in.
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    spdaphne wrote: »
    Challenge Start Weight: 174.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 165
    week #1- 173.2
    week #2 - 171.0
    week #3 - 173
    week #4 -
    week #5 - 170.8
    week #6 -
    week 7 - 171.0

    Comments: I've been off-line for the most part recovering from my fall. I went back to work too soon as I was dealing with swelling in my leg so I'm WFH this week and resting my leg as much as possible. I'm leaving Saturday for a week long theme park trip which I'm worried about. Going to get a wheelchair for the parks and see which rollercoasters I can get on and keep my leg up as much as possible during the trip. Anyway, it's been hard not moving much but I know I need the heal. I've done decently with my eating which I was concerned about because I'm not moving much but I'm glad it's only gone up a little. I've been trying to cook when I can and making better eating out choices or in my case, delivery choices. I'll see how I do on my trip though because we'll be eating out the whole time. Concerned about the veggie/corn oil that everything will be cooked in.

    Relax and enjoy your trip. I’m glad you are doing better, but give yourself time to heal. Even theme parks are doing better with healthy eating options these days.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Challenge SW 133.9
    GW 125 or Recomp
    Wk1 132.2
    Wk2 131.5
    Wk3 131.1
    Wk4 132.9
    Wk5 131.8
    Wk6 131.7
    Wk7 130.8

    A positive thought I had this week: I’m doing okay

    Effective workout: Started a third round of this strength program, worked some heavier/advanced moves in and it felt great

    Healthy meal: chicken and roasted cauliflower

    All is well in my world...
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Weigh-in #7 – Keep it up!!

    Challenge Start Weight: 129.7 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 125-127 lbs
    Weigh-in #1: 129.7 lbs
    Weigh-in #2: 134.5 lbs
    Weigh-in #3: 129.7 lbs
    Weigh-in #4: 132.9 lbs
    Weigh-in #5: 131.6 lbs
    Weigh-in #6: 134.7 lbs
    Weigh-in #7: 140.7 lbs

    A positive thought I had this week was:

    It’s ok to NOT pressure/bully myself into working out.

    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was:

    I decided I am going to start back up with my Zyrtec and Flonase daily and start taking my vitamins again. I could breathe better and wasn’t getting sinus infections and colds when I was on these aids religiously.

    My most effective workout this week was:

    I ran my 5k. I am prepping for my race on June 2nd.

    I had lots of cake and ice cream this weekend....and whatever else. It was my daughter’s’ birthday. (Happy 2 year twin postpartum day to me :-) ! ) Today I start back at the gym. Finals are over and the semester has ended and better food choices are in the fridge, drinking water is on my mind and goals have been laid out for the week.

    Good luck to me this week on refocusing!

    Big milestone with that birthday! Yeah, some days I’m tapped and I have to take a scheduled workout day off. Life takes the front seat sometimes.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    cxwhit3 wrote: »
    Challenge Start Weight: 175.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 163

    Weigh-in #1: 175.0
    Weigh-in #2: 175.8
    Weigh-in #3: 176.4
    Weigh-in #4: 176.4
    Weigh-In #5: 175.2
    Weigh-In #6: 174.6
    Weigh-In #7: 171.0

    A positive thought I had this week was: So happy that I've found something that is working!
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: Chef Salad, carefully measured
    My most effective workout this week was: Back to the gardening. Can't get enough of that fresh air!

    Comments: My change to keto/Atkins seems to be working. I've been able to manage on the 20 grams of carb per day just fine. This Friday will be two weeks and I need to decide if I want to stay at level one or go on to level two. I'm pretty sure that I will stay at level one for another 2 weeks just to see if the higher rate of weight loss continues. I'm close to the point where I will be able to head back to my doc and see if I can go off my BP meds. Hope that is the case. I'm going to start monitoring my BP daily to see where it is now. Since I dropped a pant size, I'm looking forward to taking my measurements at the end of this challenge session.

    Yes! Finding that sweet spot... I must now google keto level 1 vs. level 2.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    nvasquez41 wrote: »
    Challenge Start Weight: 134.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 128
    Weigh-in #1: 134.8
    Weigh-in #2: 131.4
    Weigh-in #3: 133.2
    Weigh-in #4: 134.4
    Weigh-in #5: 134.8
    Weigh-in #6: 134.0
    Weigh-in #7: 133.8

    On Monday morning I weighed 129.8 but I was severely dehydrated and hungover from the food and wine festival at Sea World so I didn't count that. Those wine samples were no joke.

    Those 120s are close, wtg... oh the hangover weight drop...
    spdaphne wrote: »
    Challenge Start Weight: 174.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 165
    week #1- 173.2
    week #2 - 171.0
    week #3 - 173
    week #4 -
    week #5 - 170.8
    week #6 -
    week 7 - 171.0

    Comments: I've been off-line for the most part recovering from my fall. I went back to work too soon as I was dealing with swelling in my leg so I'm WFH this week and resting my leg as much as possible. I'm leaving Saturday for a week long theme park trip which I'm worried about. Going to get a wheelchair for the parks and see which rollercoasters I can get on and keep my leg up as much as possible during the trip. Anyway, it's been hard not moving much but I know I need the heal. I've done decently with my eating which I was concerned about because I'm not moving much but I'm glad it's only gone up a little. I've been trying to cook when I can and making better eating out choices or in my case, delivery choices. I'll see how I do on my trip though because we'll be eating out the whole time. Concerned about the veggie/corn oil that everything will be cooked in.

    Hope you enjoy your time! Sounds like a good plan for taking in the park.
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