Week 8 Weigh In Monday May 28

cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
Weigh-in #7 – Keep it up!!

Challenge Start Weight:
Challenge Goal Weight:
Weigh-in #1:
Weigh-in #2:
Weigh-in #3:
Weigh-in #4:
Weigh-in #5:
Weigh-in #6:
Weigh-in #7:
Weigh-in #8:

A positive thought I had this week was:
A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was:
My most effective workout this week was:



  • shroodle88
    shroodle88 Posts: 123 Member
    Challenge Start Weight:59.3kg
    Challenge Goal Weight: 57kg

    Weigh-in #1:
    Weigh-in #2: 59.3
    Weigh-in #3: 58.7
    Weigh-in #4:
    Weigh-in #5: 60.3
    Weigh-in #6: 59.5
    Weigh-in #7: 58.2
    Weigh-in #8: 59.0

    A positive thought I had this week was: I seem to have found a way to pacify my hip with stretches and a spikey ball and have been running for three days in a row! - Ecstatic does not begin to describe how I am feeling about this. (Knock on wood and I'll be reasonable and definitely take a rest day tomorrow.)

    A healthy snack: still a bit in love with cabbage-apple-radish slaw.

    My most effective workout: three 5-6km runs in new personal best times without fatigue. I'll upgrade to 7km later this week.

    Comments: While the exercise is definitely a mood lift and I had 5 good days of sticking to my calories, I also had two blow-out nights and ended up 800cals over my weekly limit. Bummer. It always happens when I drink wine - suddenly I just lose my off-button for cheese & crackers (or more wine for that matter). It's frustrating. I'll try teetoalling this week. Perhaps it'll help me stay on track better.

    I also notice that I have gone soft on portion control. I am just always hungry on 1200cals now, no matter how much protein I eat. So I compensate with exercise. - Which probabyl makes me even hungrier. Still have to figure out that one.

    My weight fluctuates between 58.2-60kgs, depending on how much I have eaten the day before. 57kg is still elusive. Ah well. But this is the last week of the semester and I have not lost track and I am still logging and increasing my exercise. Here's to that.
  • gesundundmunter
    gesundundmunter Posts: 226 Member
    Week 8
    Challenge Start Weight: 236.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 230.0
    Weigh-in #1: 237.0 (lowest 235.6)
    Weigh-in #2: 236.8 (lowest 235.6)
    Weigh-in #3: 236.4 (lowest 235.8)
    Weigh-in #4: 236.4 (lowest 235.0)
    Weigh-in #5: 237.4 (lowest 236.4)
    Weigh-in #6: 238.8
    Weigh-in #7: 240.8
    Weigh-in #8: 240.0

    A positive thought: Time to take care of myself again!
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: Low carb wraps, it really makes a difference.
    My most effective workout this week was: Running around at the weekend job.

    Comments: After the last finals push on WED, I immediately de-stressed, catching up on sleep, eating less and starting to work out again. The challenge is to keep a balance during the semester. But fall semester is more than 3 mos away and I am determined to get fitter again during the summer.
  • amberellen12
    amberellen12 Posts: 248 Member
    Challenge Start Weight:184
    Challenge Goal Weight:169.9

    Weigh-in #1:183
    Weigh-in #2:183
    Weigh-in #3:182.5
    Weigh-in #4:182.5
    Weigh-in #5:181.6
    Weigh-in #6:181.0
    Weigh-in #7: 179.8
    Weigh-in #8: 179.8

    A positive thought I had this week: I’m still in the 70’s!

    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was:lots of fruits and veg

    My most effective workout this week was:none

    Comments: Been fluctuating between 180 and 179. I’m still hanging in there. Back down to the boat for the summer and using different scale. It’s only moves for .5 lose. Can only make simple meals here and no more morning smoothies. No enough power. Making a new plan and going to decrease my beer to one night a week. If I cut it out completely then I know I’ll rebel.
  • poeciliareticulata
    poeciliareticulata Posts: 110 Member
    Challenge start weight: 143
    Challenge goal weight: 136
    Weigh-in #1: 142
    Weigh-in #2: 140
    Weigh-in #3: 140
    Weigh-in #4: 139
    Weigh-in #5: 139
    Weigh-in #6: 138
    Weigh-in #7: 138
    Weigh-in #8: 138

    Positive thought: I have been 137 ALL WEEK, but had an active bank holiday weekend and am a bit achy, so water?
    Healthy snack/meal: Thai green curry with chicken, tons of veg & a small portion of rice (481 kcal), chicken & veg noodle soup made with miso paste (salty, but 449kcal), spring veg risotto (473kcal).
    Workout: a couple of runs this weekend.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Challenge SW 133.9
    GW 125 or Recomp
    Wk1 132.2
    Wk2 131.5
    Wk3 131.1
    Wk4 132.9
    Wk5 131.8
    Wk6 131.7
    Wk7 130.8
    Wk8 132.6

    A positive thought I had this week: oops. Been here before, I’ll bounce back.

    Effective workout: strength & sprint

    Healthy meal: tuna salad lettuce wraps. Made the family tuna melts. Then my hubs ordered pizza and fries which I ate too. Hate when my cooking is not enough for him and he puts Dinner #2 in my face!! I need to get out of the house when his happens. Maybe just go back to the gym?

    The weekend involved a big binge. I just failed at keeping my head on straight. I didn’t even realize it was directly related to my feelings until the next day. It’s like I don’t even feel upset feelings, I just wanted to eat the world!!!

    Anyway I am bouncing back from these episodes better, and over time improving. I will not be totally derailed like in the past. I have you guys to listen to my craziness ;)
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