Favorite recipes or thrown together dishes...

lifekpop Posts: 46 Member
Every time I have a pizza craving which is a lot I usually talk myself out of it not always. A substitute I do is:

Sliced eggplant dipped in beaten egg/milk mixture.
Saute one side in a little bit of oil.
Flip and saute other side.
Add your cheese of choice with a dab of ketchup.
Cover with lid to melt cheese.

I used to add bread crumbs after the egg coating but there is no need.
Probably could do something similar in the oven or use a different vegetable.
Those with dairy or egg allergies could play around with it.

I won't give up ketchup even though it supposed to be a no no I guess. I just try to find a ketchup without corn syrup.
Not my pic but close.



  • Ittehbittehkitteh
    Ittehbittehkitteh Posts: 39 Member
    I love pan meals. Basically pick a protein, put it in the middle of an oven pan, put veggies around it, sprinkle salt and a bit of olive oil and bake until protein is cooked. Super simple and makes more than one serving :)
  • lifekpop
    lifekpop Posts: 46 Member
    my try at using flax seed oil to saute instead of canola oil was a bit of a hit and miss. The taste was good but i didn't check the right oil temp before I started so it was a bit smokey. The flavor wasn't bad so I might be able to use it in baking. Supposedly canola oil isn't good for us but I am not sure I am buying it yet. I did the eggplant/egg/milk/cheese/ketchup thing again. I'm trying to work through my refrigerator. Tomorrow night is korean drama meetup at an all you can eat which are never efficient for me. I already have scoped out my choice. Veggies and shrimp.

    I know this blog is a bit boring right now so hopefully some more people can join in to give it a little bit of flavor.
  • Ittehbittehkitteh
    Ittehbittehkitteh Posts: 39 Member
    Always eat before! That way you won’t be as tempted. I use coconut oil or just spray a bit of the olive oil cooking spray. I haven’t seriously friend anything in a while, sticking to baked helps reduce your water retention. And I know we all love cheese but dairy also hurts in retaining weight.
  • lifekpop
    lifekpop Posts: 46 Member
    To be honest I think what I'd like to do is keep my meat consumption down really low. When I was married my ex ate a lot of meat and I started eating more. I don't think eating large quantities is conducive to my well being. Just a small amount. I had to go without eating meat for 6 months after my gall bladder surgery and I started to feel a bit weak. I'd say maybe 2 x a week or in very small quantities every day would be best.

    I don't really eat sugared items and my fat consumption is pretty low so I figure I can add in a bit a cheese and it will be a wash. On the coconut oil, I really like coconut but after my gall bladder removal I find coconut oil a bit too heavy for my system though I really like the whole coconut fruit or in shredded form. I really don't cook with much oil almost a thin layer. Right now with my energy level being so low most of the time I just pull out raw fruits and vegetables and eat them and if I eat something a bit fatty I try to follow it up with a fruit or vegetable. I tend to like fruit better than vegetables but that is my sweet tooth.
  • t2evans2000
    t2evans2000 Posts: 2 Member
    Getting the cheese and dairy out of my diet was very conducive to loosing weight, over 40 lbs in 2012. I have fallen off the wagon though and the weight is creeping back...need to say goodbye to the dairy and hello to regular trips to the gym.

    As for a recipe my fav thing right noe is kimchi fried rice. I just saute some kimchi in a little sesame oil/safflower oil mix for a few minutes and then throw in cooked rice (brown or white, depends on what i have on hand) and a few dashes of soy sauce. Cook until heated through. So good.
  • Ittehbittehkitteh
    Ittehbittehkitteh Posts: 39 Member
    I can’t wait to have a bigger kitchen and try making my own kimchi. I really want to try all the Korean dishes. We have a little cafe by my job that does different asian foods and they have a kimchi rice bowl that is sooo good. It’s almost like kimchi friend rice but without mixing the ingredients.
  • lifekpop
    lifekpop Posts: 46 Member
    oh i really like kimchi. i will cut it up and put it with eggs and onion/garlic for breakfast. It is, also, a natural probiotic. Something that I like to do is eat baked sweet potatoes which kimchi on top. i think i saw it first on the kdrama Bride of the Century. I might be wrong on that. it is a nice combination of sweet and sour.


    i think i like it because I am a big pickle person. The only pickle I don't like is mango pickle. It has a horrible smell to me.
  • lifekpop
    lifekpop Posts: 46 Member
    Not sure how good this kimchi but nice video.https://youtu.be/7hcslHSzEDk
  • lifekpop
    lifekpop Posts: 46 Member



    My broccoli slaw/light miracle whip with turkey bacon on toasted sprouted wheat bread.

    If you don't eat meat I guess you can use a smoky cheese or grilled vegetable or fruit. i think kimchi might be a viable substitute for the broccoli slaw or regular slaw.

  • lifekpop
    lifekpop Posts: 46 Member
    Sorry for the sideways pictures. if you are vegan I guess you could so a hot sauce or ginger dressing instead of a mayo type dressing.
  • lifekpop
    lifekpop Posts: 46 Member

    My semi homemade refried beans. 2 canned Busch Pinto Beans with sauted onions, three tsps garlic powder and 1/4 tsp dried red pepper. Guacamole, lettuce and tomatoes on top.

  • lifekpop
    lifekpop Posts: 46 Member
    the beans were whole. I boiled and mushed them. I tend to like simple food more. I am probably the only one at a Tex Mex restaurant who is happy with refried beans, some guacamole, and a tortilla or tortilla chips.