Kpop Fans For Fitness... Love Yourself...

I started this group originally to get ready for the BTS concert group which the concert was amazing and now it's time to keep steady going through the Winter months if you live in the U.S. or the Northern Hemisphere. I've been feeling cruddy for quite awhile so for me I've been less about exercise but I'm trying to keep my eating in the healthy zone.

This is a no judgment zone and I want the focus to be more on healthy mind, body and soul. No quick weight losses or extreme diets but just eating good healthy food and try to move a little each day. If you have physical limitations than your focus might be more on eating well and a healthy mind or just small movements.

I am not a medical professional or a trainer so before you start any big change like exercise make sure to be careful and check with your doctor if you think you should. My focus is exercising to Kpop because that is what keeps me moving forward. Good luck and post here and there to let me know your success. Thank you.
Owner: lifekpopLeaders: lifekpopCreated on May 26, 201846 membersPrivacy: Public



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