Hi....Introduction of Michelle: Starting Weight: 354 lbs, Current: 344; Sacramento,Ca.

Hi, my name is Michelle. I am 42 years old, I have been overweight about 25 years or so now. I was pretty much resigned to just yo-yo diets and the fact that I was just overweight and I needed to deal with it and accept it. My husband is also overweight (severely) so it was just comfortable and "easier" just to live with it. Well, here recently I've started having back pain and knee pain, not everyday, but enough to notice. Then I started noticing the last couple of years exactly how much I huff and puff going up a flight of stairs. Again, I dealt with it and avoided stairs (big mistake!) rather then confronting my situation head-on. Here I was last week at 353 lbs - the most I've ever weighed in my whole life, tired, uncomfortable, in pain, and just frustrated with life in general - work, my marriage, what I'd become, etc.

So last week I decided to do something about it. I could take the easy way ( my apologies to those that have) and have surgery, my physician has mentioned it several times to me. Who knows, maybe someday that will be the bet route for me - but I have to try myself first. I lost 70+ lbs once on my own and I was much thinner then, so maybe I can do that again. Again, who knows what I can and can't do until I at least try.

I decided to start slowly by logging my food. I cut myself back to 1600 calories a day - a whopping 50% or more than what I would have. I started to incorporate exercise - though painful and off to a very slow start, at least I am doing something. I have managed to get on the treadmill 15 minutes a day. In my first week I lost 10 lbs. No doubt I will lose a lot my first week or two and then I will face the week to week challenges with my scale. I want to lose 180 lbs. I'd be thrilled with even just 100 at this point. Hell, I'd be thrilled probably with just being healthier and not having a number assigned to it - but i am going to do what I can to make a lifestyle change that is permanent here.

I don't have a big circle of support here, my mother -in-law is a great cheerleader, my husband - well while he wants to be I am sure, he's just not committed and not very supportive of me. We started out doing this together, and this week he had many struggles. Maybe he'll get back on board, maybe weeks down the road he'll get it together and see how successful I am being and decide that it's needed for him too, I don't know. I just know that I have to keep looking forward for myself.

Anyway, I've rambled on here enough. If you'd like to message me, please do. I am always open to new friends and could definitely use the support.



  • belcanto29
    belcanto29 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, Michelle! We have so much in common. I am also 42 and my spouse is not on board with my program. I have been overweight most of my life and have been on some form of diet off and on since 2nd grade. Last year we went through some very tough financial and family times and my anxiety got so bad I was binging for comfort. I was already overweight at 235 but I gained more weight and topped out at 253. I want to lose 103 pounds, with a goal weight of 150. My husband is also overweight but not on the plan with me. He is a very picky eater and it is tough to feed him any form of "diet" food. Plus he is also under a lot of pressure with a new job and it's just not the right time for him. But I have to do something. Now. I am on day 50 and have lost just shy of 12 pounds so it is coming off very slowly. It's hard not to see more results but at least the scale is moving and I know I am getting stronger and healthier. I really want to do this right and not do the yo-yo thing anymore.
  • thejanzen5
    thejanzen5 Posts: 2 Member
    hello ladies! I too have just over 100 Ibs to lose. It seems so overwhelming still at this point, but I do believe we can do this!! I have struggled with weight pretty much all my life and have done so many fad diets I cannot even count! This time I am focusing on steady (even if slow) weight loss so that I actually stick with it and don't gain it all back (which I have done before). I have been doing weight watchers for about 4 months now but would like to switch to my fitness pal. I have lost 20 Ibs so far, very slow but at least I am going in the right direction. I have so much left to lose.....need to stay motivated. My husband supports me but he is not committed to doing anything for his own health for too long! I have 3 kids and I am a registered nurse.
    I would love to chat with you ladies more and keep each other motivated!!

  • Keywestcountdown
    Keywestcountdown Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there ladies! My goal is to lose a little over 100 pounds too. I just came back to my fitness pal and am determined to make it happen!
    I have struggled with my weight since I was in second grade....and now I am 38. (Grrr) I have a wee-little one now and I want to be a healthy bouncy mommy for her! (Yea!)
    I have gained and lost also...last year I lost 40 pounds only to gain 50 back. (Boo.)
    I want to believe the cheerleader inside me that says, this time it is going to happen!
    It is helpful to see others that understand this struggle...it's just food right? But alas, it's much more complicated than that.
    I am raising a glass (of water) and toasting to all of our future success.
    We are going to be so proud of us!

    Keywestcountdown :)
  • teacherchana
    teacherchana Posts: 43 Member
    I'd like to say how thankful I am to find this group! I live in Sacramento, California. I'm currently 293, was 311 back in 2010 and eventually want to get to 268, then ultimate goal of 150. I need to lose a whole person. At any rate, I am seriously looking for some pals that want to be my accountability partners and most importantly, share this journey with me. I am 41 years old. I'm so over this, and I'm truly hoping that I'm really over this. I need energy, I have none. My food diary is open, please consider adding me.
  • BMA1022
    BMA1022 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 54, 5'4 and I weigh between 248-250. My goal is ultimately losing a 100# However, an easier way for me to look at it, lose a pound a 100 times. I also don't wish to start out with "I have to lose a 100" I'm going to tackle it, 10 pounds at a time, seems much more doable.

    I've just started, I will lose between 10-15 pounds the first month, just how my body operates. Then I will slow.

    I'm menopausal, oral chemo, bad thyroid, and age.....However I believe that I can still do this.

    On that note, I have been blessed with a high metabolisms. It took a lot of food and emotions to get me to this point.......Have to change inside out.
  • iearnedit1966
    iearnedit1966 Posts: 1 Member
  • grburtch
    grburtch Posts: 22 Member
    Hello fellow warriors! Knee pain was my wake up call about 5 years ago. I started using this site and lost 64 pounds in a little over a year. I still had 50 pounds to go but was feeling good and became complacent. Over the last 3 years, I've gained 15 pounds back, but here I am again and I'm ready to recommit! Reading testimonials and knowing I'm not alone helps!

    I'm off to the gym later today!