Looking for Clean Eating Friends

Time4Carole_ Posts: 5 Member
Although I am open to anyone, my m.o. is more and more clean eating and I'd love to have some new friends to do this with!


  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 377 Member
    I am doing the same
  • DeJesusFamilyFarms
    DeJesusFamilyFarms Posts: 1 Member
    I am following a whole foods, plant based diet that is oil and sugar free and low sodium.
  • collenator
    collenator Posts: 2 Member
    I am following a whole foods, "clean eating lifestyle" (although it's definition varies depending on the individual). I follow a philosophy of eating lots of vegetables, keep fruit intake to a minimum, and eat appropriate amounts of protein via animal sources. I have had to clean up my diet due to some health challenges. I also follow a "low fodmap" diet and include healthy fat sources, no diary, gluten, oats, soy, yeast due to sensitives and to also help my body heal by eliminating foods that are considered inflammatory.
    One of my favorite sites is clean & delicious. Lots of great tips and videos.
  • lantana411
    lantana411 Posts: 99 Member
    I am so relieved to find friends of similar mind. If I read one more person's food diary containing junk food and desserts I might just lose it. I need to have MFP friends who eat cleanly.

    I eat produce and lean protein except for my morning Fage yogurt. I was a vegetarian for 20+ years but after my bypass surgery I craved meat. No one was more surprised than me!

    Years after the surgery I had issues with my Synthroid dose and gained weight. I've taken it off and am about 17 pounds from my lowest adult weight. I feel more like me now. And I enjoy the food I eat.

    I use a NuWave domed convection air machine and cook weighed/measured food daily. I cook in the same dish I serve and I also cook in the glass containers I store food so I don't have a lot of dishes/pots/pans in the sink. The food is crispy and I can make green soft or crispy too! It cooks frozen protein so even if I didn't take anything out for a meal I can still make and serve healthy food. I use the nuker to boil water or soup only! LOL

    Please add me as your friend if you'd like - I look forward to having healthy eating buddies!!!!
  • lantana411
    lantana411 Posts: 99 Member
    Good for you! I rely on turmeric/curry powder, cinnamon, ginger and alma powder pretty much daily. All anti-inflammatory/free-radicals. My ortho told me my knees take 5 times my weight in pressure so I know the less I weight the easier it is on my joints. I avoid tomatoes and eggplant because they encourage inflammation - and sugar for that reason and it's just unhealthy too. I like how I feel more than I like pizza. Thank G-d.
  • Kfar0923
    Kfar0923 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all! I have been converting to clean eating thru out the past 6 months. I am not perfect but I try...the more I try the better I get. I have lost over 60 lbs and feel so much better both physically & mentally. Excited to make more clean eating friends! Have a great day:)
  • mjrc2
    mjrc2 Posts: 121 Member
    You are all my type of people-feel free to add me! I try to stay away from processed foods, and eat a mostly veggie diet and cook from scratch. My MFP friends all eat sugary single serving type stuff and I need more veggie friends to gain inspiration from!
  • TheRealKitCat
    TheRealKitCat Posts: 8 Member
    Just reading this keeps me inspired, I'm adding you guys!
  • littlegibbs62
    littlegibbs62 Posts: 756 Member
    Hi everyone! I don't know how to add y'all, but I'm a clean eater too. For most of the last 18 years I've eating low carb (about 85% of the time with 15% of that time-off for poor behavior). Lots of health issues and MO led me to knuckle down and go on a super "low everything" diet last year. At my oncologist's begging, I had an RNY in February. I'm down about 120lbs from my recent high weight and have a little more to go.

    I have enough "cheese heads" and "carb monkeys" and "everything-in-moderationers" in my life, so would love some clean eating compatriots!!
  • nataliekirturtle
    nataliekirturtle Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm at my limit for requesting friends for today (sad face) but would love for anybody to send a friend request my way! I'll be making lots of clean eating cooking videos for my youtube channel!
  • Jess2Success
    Jess2Success Posts: 12 Member
    I’m new to this group and would love some new friends. Trying to do 80/20 ‘clean’ eating and could use advice on what this might look like!
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Oh my goodness!! You guys exist!! Lol so happy to have found this thread. I think it’s true that this type of clean eating support helps and - birds of a feather flock together!
    I have an open diary and am pushing to have a cleaner, more nutritious diet- not only for weight loss but for my skin, energy and overall vitality.
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    defo looking for more clean eating friends

    I have lost 93.5lbs clean eating 90% of the time
  • metmysoulmate08081999
    How do you add friends?
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    How do you add friends?

    Click on someone’s name and then press lol blue plus/person icon
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
  • teinabarlow
    teinabarlow Posts: 6 Member
    For about 8 months I've been very unhealthy. I live on coffee, don't eat during the day most of the time and maybe eat noodle soup and snacks. I have a busy bookkeeping business so I'm at my desk all day. I've gained 12 lbs this year.
    Every other week I actually cook lunch and supper because my husband is home.
    Now my husband is away 2 weeks at a time.
    I need to learn to be disciplined, leave my desk, figure out what to eat and actually eat. I don't have any more snacks in the house. I do have a new instant pot.
    Where do I start? I'm so used to not eating, I don't have much of an appetite.