July 3 Sign In



  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    Yes x 3! Even though I met friends at happy hour. Kept it very light which was hard but so glad I did.
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Exercised: yep
    Tracked: yep
    Under: yep
  • CoLyBo
    CoLyBo Posts: 40 Member
    Calorie Goal: 40% Deficit - 1247 Calories
    Exercise Minutes: Approx 70 (8.43 Miles Under Desk Elliptical - somehow almost exactly the same as day prior but in a faster time)
    Foods Tracked: Yes, but guesstimated

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? YES
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? YES
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? YES

    I had to eyeball portions as I did only one meal at a Brazilian steakhouse. I chose low carb options and didn't walk out feeling like I was gonna puke so I'm calling it a win. Especially since I woke up with a loss the next day.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,101 Member
    @Anya_000 Thank you so much!
  • bocasdelgrandpabob
    bocasdelgrandpabob Posts: 73 Member
    Tracking... where am I? Back posting.
    Tracking not that great. A little bit off to a bad start.
    Exercise though... I have upped my game.
    I picked up a raft of new PRs. Personal records.
    A lot of that has to do with me being out cranking in new territory.
    I have a tracker watch but I don't really count steps.
    I only count climbing. I give myself maybe 10 to 13 calories per minute depending on heart rate. Rick talks about eating back exercise calories. I eat them. But I make sure I have a realistic approximation of them.
    I hesitate to say this. I should preface with "as for me."
    I only count as exercise that activity which raises my heart rate.
    I ought to put a picture of something.
    Like a teenage boy I'll put a picture of my car.
    Actually that is my camping and biking rig.
    So that is as close as I get to a Winnebago.
    But hey, it has a bike on the roof.

  • countrycreek
    countrycreek Posts: 753 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes Watering, chores and weight training
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • wontwentyfive
    wontwentyfive Posts: 22 Member
    Tracked and ate under CICO.

    25min of leisurely walking.

    3lbs currently lost.
  • nichojs
    nichojs Posts: 20 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 40 min walk with a total of 10,771 steos
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? yes- 1,500 goal/ consumed 1,476
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? yes

    Feeling good and successful at not having my favorite chocolate cake at work get together.
  • MicheleWeiss617
    MicheleWeiss617 Posts: 18 Member
    Logged everything I ate: yes
    Calorie: no, (10 over)
    Exercise 20 minutes: no (made it to 15 minutes)
    Hopefully by tomorrow I will hit everything on target.
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Yes to all 3
    Exercise = Core workout
    Tracking= Logged everything
    Calories = Under
  • manderj
    manderj Posts: 6 Member
    Scrubbed my kitchen down good, giving me 45 minutes of a deep cleaning workout. Tracked all of my calories and stayed under my goal.
  • JustMeNoExcuses
    JustMeNoExcuses Posts: 41 Member
    July 3rd
    Exercised - Yes
    Calories - Yes.... was waaay under... Work just got very busy.
    Tracked - Yes
  • suej1258
    suej1258 Posts: 4 Member
    Well...pass #3. I've used up all my passes. You know what that means? I've have no choice but to make goal on the other 27 or so days this month! :-D
  • eokoro
    eokoro Posts: 626 Member
    July 3
    Exercised?: Yes. 55 mins
    Tracked?: Yes
    Calories: yes
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Yes to all 3
    Exercise = Core workout
    Tracking= Logged everything
    Calories = Under

    Whoops, posted my July 4th check-in on the July 3rd thread, I'll move this over to the correct post.