Help staying on track on vacation

kwirs Posts: 9 Member
Does anybody have any tricks or suggestions for staying on track on vacation? I’m going to continue to log next week, but I feel like an alcoholic going to Marci Gras. I’m thinking I will look up my maintenance calories and try to stick to that. I really don’t want to gain but I can be okay with not losing next week. I looked at the menus and tried to pre log my meals, and it doesn’t look great. Food is a huge part of our vacations and my family just wants to enjoy it. Maybe I’ll develop some supreme will power and not have any snacks. I should get exercise calories too after hiking, theme parks, and swimming. Ugh! I’m kind of wishing I could just stay home and stick to my routine.


  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    Vacation is meant to be enjoyed. It's a part of life. Locking yourself up at home isn't a good idea at all. Just be mindful of your intake. Drink lots of water. Get excercise when you can and have fun. It will be a learning experience for you and to develop new habits when you are away from home.
  • PloddingTurtle
    PloddingTurtle Posts: 283 Member
    I want to offer some great advice, but I really struggle with this as well. Advice I've received (and didn't always implement): serve yourself half of what others are serving themselves. For really rich foods, do like the French, and give yourself three bites, apparantly enough to taste and enjoy. If eating out, request the smaller size option of the same meal.

    Good luck.
  • kwirs
    kwirs Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks! I really like what bigghunny said about this being a part of life I have to learn to deal with ( and hopefully enjoy). I’m going to do my best to eat as well as I can and move a lot, and get right back on track when I get home.