Questions regards to low carbs

julepige Posts: 24 Member
Do you have to eat all that fat for the keto diet to work? Or is eating low carbs like 20-30 a day enough? I was looking at having scramble eggs with full fat cream (5ml) in the morning. And meat and salad with full fat mayonnaise for lunche. And then a meat and vegetables in the evening with full fat mayonnaise. As a snack if i get hungry a small 25g full fat chesse or some nuts. But looking at it i wont be eating as much fat as the lchf recommend hence will the low carbs still work?


  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,621 Member
    My experience bears out the wisdom you get from people here on the forum. First set some goals with the help of someplace like ketogains. I am working on the assumption you are wanting to lose weight. If you are doing keto for the sake of migraines or seizures, someone more experienced there can chime in. FWIW, I have been keto since October of 2016, and I have been losing weight and managing blood glucose (I am T2D).

    1. Stay under the number of carbs.
    2. Meet or exceed the protein goal.
    3. Use the fat for satiation, staying under the macro limit.

    You want the body to be using YOUR fat, so don't eat fat just for the point of eating it. Yesterday I was 41 fat grams under my limit for the day. I felt good and was not having problems with hunger. If I had been hungry, I would have looked to a fatty snack like some nuts. My first cup of coffee in the morning has HWC in it, but other than that, I usually just get the fat in the foods I have at meals. I don't avoid it by getting extra lean cuts of meat of anything, but I don't intentionally add it really. I do like cheese and will have that with lunch if I am eating something lean like a grilled chicken breast. If I don't have some fat grams with the protein at lunch, I find myself looking for a snack about four hours later.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    the important thing is that you keep your carbs low, then have enough protein to stop loosing lean muscle and then have some fats. They help to decrease your appetite at first. Your meals don't look too different to mine and I'm loosing and my body is certainly running on burning fat and not sugars. If you have body fat to loose then that's where it will take it from. I personally don't believe you need high amounts of fat and remember that eggs and avocados and fish and fattier meats all have fats in as well. Also the type of fat is important so butter, olive oil etc so that you are getting the highest benefit from the fats you eat. I'm sure others with chip (low carb ones LOL) in here!
  • julepige
    julepige Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for your replies, they help me with my question. I know now what i need to do. :)
  • tifano
    tifano Posts: 155 Member
    I have been keto for a little more than 18 months. My 1st 10 months on keto I did follow what ketogains suggested. I started losing hair, losing energy, losing muscle mass, not able to workout like I wanted, and I was HANGRY. I was also in a 4 month weight loss stall.

    I now follow a plan where I eat at maintenance calories to repair my metabolism, I'm under 20 total carbs (I don't do net) and I eat lower protein and high fat. I eat all my fat too.

    I've never felt better, I'm still losing weight, I'm not hungry, my hair is thicker than ever, nails/skin is amazing, I'm gaining muscle, etc.

    For me calorie restriction doesn't work and it makes me feel awful. Find what type of keto works best for you and run with it, stay consistent. When you find that one way of keto no longer works do your research and find what will.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Keto is great in that it can really be tailored for the individual. The single most important thing is keeping your carbs low enough so that your body starts to produce Ketones, that level is different for everyone. I've eaten as many as 75 total carbs in a day and it hasn't kicked me out of Ketosis, some people need to really stay below 25 total. My personal sweet spot is right around 50 total carbs per day which usually puts my net around 25-30. As for protein and fat, again, it's about finding what works best for you. I don't pre-plan or pre-log, but I find personally that if I'm eating the same amount of fats and protein (actual grams, not %) that is what works best for me. If we're talking about macros, an average day for me is 10% carbs, 25% protein, and 65% fat, give or take. It took a bit of tweaking to figure out what worked best for me, but now I do it without even having to think about it. The only days that I really have to focus on my fat are the days when I eat my weight in Sashimi and then need to get the rest of my fats in later in the day ;)
  • julepige
    julepige Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for all your advice. I need to lose around 30 pounds. I will watch my carbs intake to around no more then 30 g. I am starting on Monday as it will fit in with my work hours. ( off for 6 weeks).