🥑The Magic Pill🥗

inkedupgurl Posts: 18 Member
Has anyone seen this documentary on Netflix? I thought it was fantastic… I love the medical and no nonsense approach towards living the ketogenic lifestyle. I was in awe, I loved seeing the transformations in the test subjects, especially the kids at the end…!! What the?

I’d love to know what others thought, if you have not seen it, put it in your queue, it is the best hour and 29 minutes that I have spent this week…

(sorry if there are already threads or discussions about this documentary, I am new to this group and searched for other discussions before creating this post, but did not see any)


  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    It is there somewhere! I just can't remember where but it doesn't matter as we often bring things back up again or ask the same questions!
  • inkedupgurl
    inkedupgurl Posts: 18 Member
    It is there somewhere! I just can't remember where but it doesn't matter as we often bring things back up again or ask the same questions!

    So true :-) I find myself reading the exact same discussions I read a few days ago, but on purpose. The older I get, my absorption rate for information is buffering at best. Repeat. Repeat.

  • lovnlaughter
    lovnlaughter Posts: 2 Member
    I haven't seen it, but you've made me curious. I'll have to check it out. Thanks.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I enjoyed it. It had a nice message: food is important to health.

    I do wish they had not included the lady who cured herself of cancer. I know keto can be used in some situations as a complimentary treatment, but I wouldn't want many to think it is a great solo treatment for all cancer. KWIM?
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    I enjoyed it too.

    Last night I watched 'The Perfect Human Diet' on Amazon (UK) which was quite interesting too...more Paleo orientated but advocating the benefits of low carb.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    A fun evening is watching Supersize Me and then watching Fathead. ;)

    I fell for the first and then watched the second show. LOL
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I enjoyed it. It had a nice message: food is important to health.

    I do wish they had not included the lady who cured herself of cancer. I know keto can be used in some situations as a complimentary treatment, but I wouldn't want many to think it is a great solo treatment for all cancer. KWIM?

    I totally agree, and that's why people think keto is some kind of crazy diet and that people who follow it are all about the "woo."
  • tifano
    tifano Posts: 155 Member
    I enjoyed it. It had a nice message: food is important to health.

    I do wish they had not included the lady who cured herself of cancer. I know keto can be used in some situations as a complimentary treatment, but I wouldn't want many to think it is a great solo treatment for all cancer. KWIM?

    I agree. I'm a stage 3 breast cancer survivor and I can't imagine not doing chemo, surgery, radiation. I too love all things holistic and non-MD/Rx related so I don't just run to the doctor to get on a Rx when I have a runny nose. However I do feel it's irresponsible to promote nutrition only to "cure" cancer.

    I didn't find keto until after I went through all my treatments and now in remission. My oncologist is thrilled I'm in ketosis because of the decreased risk of a re-occurrence.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I enjoyed it. It had a nice message: food is important to health.

    I do wish they had not included the lady who cured herself of cancer. I know keto can be used in some situations as a complimentary treatment, but I wouldn't want many to think it is a great solo treatment for all cancer. KWIM?

    I totally agree, and that's why people think keto is some kind of crazy diet and that people who follow it are all about the "woo."

    Agreed though I will say it is those on keto who create and spread the woo. I've read some mighty silly things on the Internet that individuals say one "has to do" to be effective.

    I personally think in some of the forums there are enough people who have been successful and chosen keto longer term, that the "lifers" are able to lead by example...without the "woo". I remember reading once someone writing one MUST use only pink Himalayan salt for electrolyte balancing on keto because table salt does NOT work. No. Just no. That's just silly.

    I watched the movie a while ago. I thought it was beautiful how it helped the children. I don't doubt it in the least. I also don't doubt that just getting them off their junk food diet would have been a positive change with some positive results.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited July 2018
    tifano wrote: »
    I enjoyed it. It had a nice message: food is important to health.

    I do wish they had not included the lady who cured herself of cancer. I know keto can be used in some situations as a complimentary treatment, but I wouldn't want many to think it is a great solo treatment for all cancer. KWIM?

    I agree. I'm a stage 3 breast cancer survivor and I can't imagine not doing chemo, surgery, radiation. I too love all things holistic and non-MD/Rx related so I don't just run to the doctor to get on a Rx when I have a runny nose. However I do feel it's irresponsible to promote nutrition only to "cure" cancer.

    I didn't find keto until after I went through all my treatments and now in remission. My oncologist is thrilled I'm in ketosis because of the decreased risk of a re-occurrence.

    Congratulations to you! :). I too have heard keto is quite good for reducing the likelihood of a reoccurrence for breast cancer.

    Did you turn to keto for that reason? Or was it for other reasons? Please ignore me if its personal. ;)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    I enjoyed it. It had a nice message: food is important to health.

    I do wish they had not included the lady who cured herself of cancer. I know keto can be used in some situations as a complimentary treatment, but I wouldn't want many to think it is a great solo treatment for all cancer. KWIM?

    I totally agree, and that's why people think keto is some kind of crazy diet and that people who follow it are all about the "woo."

    Agreed though I will say it is those on keto who create and spread the woo. I've read some mighty silly things on the Internet that individuals say one "has to do" to be effective.

    I personally think in some of the forums there are enough people who have been successful and chosen keto longer term, that the "lifers" are able to lead by example...without the "woo". I remember reading once someone writing one MUST use only pink Himalayan salt for electrolyte balancing on keto because table salt does NOT work. No. Just no. That's just silly.

    I watched the movie a while ago. I thought it was beautiful how it helped the children. I don't doubt it in the least. I also don't doubt that just getting them off their junk food diet would have been a positive change with some positive results.[\b]

    I agree. If the kids had been on more of a whole foods diet, I doubt the improvements would have been quite as dramatic.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    craignev wrote: »
    I enjoyed it too.

    Last night I watched 'The Perfect Human Diet' on Amazon (UK) which was quite interesting too...more Paleo orientated but advocating the benefits of low carb.

    The Perfect Human Diet helped prod me into finally starting LCHF. Very good show!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Just surfing around on Netflix and found the Magic Pill and started watching. It was like a light bulb went on. I researched for about four days and started LCHF
  • ponoma
    ponoma Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2018
    tifano wrote: »
    I enjoyed it. It had a nice message: food is important to health.

    I do wish they had not included the lady who cured herself of cancer. I know keto can be used in some situations as a complimentary treatment, but I wouldn't want many to think it is a great solo treatment for all cancer. KWIM?

    I agree. I'm a stage 3 breast cancer survivor and I can't imagine not doing chemo, surgery, radiation. I too love all things holistic and non-MD/Rx related so I don't just run to the doctor to get on a Rx when I have a runny nose. However I do feel it's irresponsible to promote nutrition only to "cure" cancer.

    I didn't find keto until after I went through all my treatments and now in remission. My oncologist is thrilled I'm in ketosis because of the decreased risk of a re-occurrence.

    Just joined this group, thank you for this encouragement. Just finishing up treatment for Stage III BC. Looking forward to learning and getting healthier!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I too would not forgo treatment and rely on nutrition alone for treatment of cancer. However if I can do both it would probably be worth checking out. I am really intrigued at the possibility that cancer needs glucose to aid in replicating and keto may deny that.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    I too would not forgo treatment and rely on nutrition alone for treatment of cancer. However if I can do both it would probably be worth checking out. I am really intrigued at the possibility that cancer needs glucose to aid in replicating and keto may deny that.

    I am a 2 year survivor and I would still do what I did...surgery, radiation, DRUGS to keep it away and keto! I know the traditional medicine got rid of the tumor but the keto will help keep it from returning!
  • juxtapose1
    juxtapose1 Posts: 6 Member
    We watched it last night and I LOVED it! I didn't get the junky/conspiracy vibe I usually feel when I've watched documentaries like that in the past. I agreed with it and everything made perfect/clear sense. For the cancer, time will tell. I'm basically a ticking time bomb as all the women on my maternal side have had breast and a few other forms. But hopefully keto can give me an edge they didn't have :D I wouldn't really on the diet alone though for a treatment. I have endometriosis and have tried other treatments and am now hoping keto can help a bit, otherwise I'll be pushing surgery :)
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Even if a connection between cancer risk reduction and Keto may not be made for years, if at all. At 56 I don't have time to wait it out. I have found numerous benefits to Keto in my research and the only negative found is that in some individuals Cholesterol may rise instead of drop. Well I can test for that. The benefits greatly outweigh the risks and one benefit is the possible denying cancer fuel to grow.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited August 2018
    rsclause wrote: »
    Even if a connection between cancer risk reduction and Keto may not be made for years, if at all. At 56 I don't have time to wait it out. I have found numerous benefits to Keto in my research and the only negative found is that in some individuals Cholesterol may rise instead of drop. Well I can test for that. The benefits greatly outweigh the risks and one benefit is the possible denying cancer fuel to grow.

    Interesting reads are Tripping Over the Truth and Cancer Outside the Box. Neat ideas.

    I had minor skin cancer removed last year. It started after maybe a year of keto. I have no idea if my diet helped slow it down. Who knows. I'm guessing it didn't hurt. I do think diet can play a role in some cancers. I'm looking forward to research finding out more.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    Even if a connection between cancer risk reduction and Keto may not be made for years, if at all. At 56 I don't have time to wait it out. I have found numerous benefits to Keto in my research and the only negative found is that in some individuals Cholesterol may rise instead of drop. Well I can test for that. The benefits greatly outweigh the risks and one benefit is the possible denying cancer fuel to grow.

    Interesting reads are Tripping Over the Truth and Cancer Outside the Box. Neat ideas.

    I had minor skin cancer removed last year. It started after maybe a year of keto. I have no idea if my diet helped slow it down. Who knows. I'm guessing it didn't hurt. I do think diet can play a role in some cancers. I'm looking forward to research finding out more.

    Not scientific at all but my neighbor who has done lots of his own research on diet told me this. "Cancer is in all of us and we don't know what the trigger is that makes it start multiplying. In order to grow it needs sugars and without those sugars (carbs) we give our body a greater chance to attack the cancer cells." Even if it isn't quantifiable at this point it sounds logical. This is why I am making a Keto lifestyle my diet. I don't feel that this is a single magic bullet either which is why I am reducing weight and increasing exercise/ fitness. All together these things I do should help and likely can't hurt so I am changing what I can and hoping for the best.

    I will need to check out those titles, Thanks!