Which Protein do you buy

julepige Posts: 24 Member
Just wondering which kind of protein you all buy? How much carbs has it got in it? Like fish, beef, chicken and pork also do you buy sliced precooked meat to eat on the go?


  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    Isopure low carb. Zero net carbs. It has 1 gram of carb, 1 fiber.

    For my on the go snacks I buy quest bars and cookies, canned fish like sardines, tuna, etc as well beef jerky/sausages, pork rinds, string cheese. Lots of options out there.

    Instagram is a wealth of ideas and recipes for keto.

  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    edited July 2018
    Do you mean like a Protein Powder? Because I don't. My Protein comes from whole foods. My fridge is always stocked with Wild Caught Fish like Tuna and Salmon, Grass Fed - Steaks, Ground Beef and Liver, Pastured Chicken - whole/legs/thighs/liver and eggs, and Heritage Pork when I can get my hands on it. I prefer to get my meats direct from the Farmer when I can, but I'm also fortunate to have a local healthfood store that sources a lot of this as well. I do also buy things like (nitrate free) hotdogs and lunchmeat to have for crab and go purposes.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'm thinking the question is protein sources in general versus protein powders/bars etc so will answer from that perspective.

    I eat fish, chicken, beef and pork equally. I like it all and like variety. I am also a fan of cottage cheese and plain Greek yogurt as protein sources. I also eat bacon, sausage and luncheon meat. It's all AOK for me. I don't eat anything in excess IMO.

    In regards to protein supplements, I've tried a couple of powders. They're not for me. I get plenty of protein from the aforementioned sources. Protein bars seem very candy-like or cookie-like to me and tend to prompt overeating with me. I consider them a decent protein source for others.

    I'm not a high protein eater. I eat sufficient protein and work out a bit to help maintain muscle mass and good health.
  • julepige
    julepige Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for your replies. Again very helpful. Regards to the protein questions it was ment for meat source. Protein powder and bars dont agree with me, but i know my hubby for then often.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I am a beef person. That or lamb and goat. But, mostly beef. I currently have 20 pounds of beef in my fridge, and I don't plan on freezing any because it will be gone in less than two weeks.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,750 Member
    edited July 2018
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    I am a beef person. That or lamb and goat. But, mostly beef. I currently have 20 pounds of beef in my fridge, and I don't plan on freezing any because it will be gone in less than two weeks.
    LOL :laugh: good for you!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    Chicken, pork, eggs and beef are my go to protein sources. I occasionally have fish but not very often.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Beef and pork are my main sources. I also have some fish, shellfish, cheese and dairy, and some eggs. I also use a bit of protein powder in my coffee
  • 23rochelle23
    23rochelle23 Posts: 269 Member
    Prawns, chicken thighs, chicken breast, beef mince and steak, cheese, fish and some eggs
    Plus occasionally sausages/salamis etc
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Beef is the meat of choice in my house as I don't like the taste of chicken (thank you pregnancy hormones that never corrected themselves out). So usually we eat a beef product of some sort. We did, however, just buy a costco thing of like 5 dozen eggs 2 weeks ago and half of it is now gone. I'm pretty much the only one who eats eggs in my house. LOL

    My husband will make pork every once in a while though and as he's the cook in the house, I eat it. It's not my favorite. And when we can afford it, we get Salmon. Another favorite but not as often as it can be expensive (even though we live in Washington, it's still expensive here sometimes!).
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,750 Member
    edited July 2018
    Child of the sixties here, vegetarian at heart, but with a surprisingly carnivorous body and soul, because
    • I have an aversion to eating mammals - don't know why. Living in ranch country, I know that without the beef industry, those cattle would not have been born, and would not had have even a few years of bucolic grass and hills and sun. And I eat poultry and fish, knowing their lives are precious too... But I still can't eat red meat.
    • I also have a dairy sensitivity that acts like a bad case of poison ivy - extremely unpleasant. So my carbs are highish (50gm) due to substitutes.
    But my body and soul are at peace with a Keto WOE. And that makes life valuable. So I eat fish & poultry (ground, filleted, sauced, grilled, tasty). scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, omelets, turkey jerky, tunafish salad, Optimum Plus Egg protein powder, almond milk, peanuts, tree nuts, deli meat, Nalley's turkey chili; and less often (since they have so may carbs) fake cheeses/dairy (nut & soy), hummus, beans, and falafels.

    Preferably all greasy and fried up in nice tasty light-flavored olive oil.