July 16 Weekly Challenge: One Small Word

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
edited July 2018 in Social Groups
Theme: Greater Happiness
Challenge: One Small Word

The goal of this week’s challenge is to boost our gratitude for the many gifts and blessings each of us has in our lives. We’ve had gratitude challenges in the past, and we will again, but this week’s challenge has a twist. Let’s see what a difference it makes in what we say to ourselves when we exchange one small word for another. Can it have an impact? I think so.

Chances are at some point you have said to yourself something like:

“I have to go to work.”


“I have to pick up my kids at day care.”

In this context, “have” is an obligation and a requirement. It’s something you must do. While it’s likely true that you do have to work and day care providers need punctual parents, notice how the whole tone of these statements changes from a burden to a recognition of good fortune when the word “get” is used instead:

“I get to go to work.”


“I get to pick up my kids at daycare.”

Whatever you do for work, there are unemployed people who would love to have your job. There are other people who would happily change jobs with you because your job sounds pretty great. And couples who have struggled for years to have a child yet remain childless would not mind one bit picking them up at day care. They would be overjoyed to have that pickup be part of their daily routine.

Our word choices matter and the words we tell ourselves matter most of all. Sometimes a small shift in how we think about things can lift our mood and our sense of appreciation.

As I was testing out the impact of this word swap, I found it surprisingly applicable to lots of different scenarios.

“I have to take out the trash.”


“I get to take out the trash.”

I know, on the surface that seems kind of silly. But think about it. How great is it that once a week a truck appears that takes our recycling and discarded items away? Much of the world lacks a basic sanitation infrastructure and as a result, diseases and illnesses are very common. We don’t have that problem. We are very fortunate indeed.

This Week’s Challenge: As you move through your week and find yourself saying, “I have to...” try substituting “I get to...” and see if it doesn’t shift your perceptions into something more positive. Does the shift make you more appreciative? I’m sure “get” won’t be appropriate in every case, but you might be surprised how impactful this one word swap can be. Please share what you observe this week!

Shout out to @JamesClear for the suggestion (https://jamesclear.com/how-to-be-thankful)

Make it a great week!


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    I never thought of gratitude this way. I LIKE it. Please excuse me while I am fortunate enough to get to empty the dishwasher. LOL This could be fun and enlightening.


    Well, a dishwasher is a time saver and generally speaking it uses less water!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,105 Member
    I get to sleep more ... I get to sleep more! ... I get to sleep more (I feel the stress of having wayyy too short a night of sleep and more importantly the stress that this reduced sleep will have in the health I am working g so hard to create...dissipate... this works!) Ian lucky to get at least 6 hrs of actual sleep in average...I am lucky to get at least...

    I get to have my labs drawn. They are reassuring, diagnostic, affordable, done by capable people. I am grateful for the invention & the availability of tests!!

    Have a Wonderful Day!

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I got to walk in the rain today! And then I got to appreciate how nice a dry. comfortable office is.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Today I saw the Pain & Spine doctor. I am thankful that I got to see her and that I get to have an MRI already tomorrow morning. I am grateful that after the appointment I got to go to work, and I'm so lucky I get to work at such a wonderful organization with such great benefits!
  • imfitasacello
    imfitasacello Posts: 10 Member
    I’m grateful that I have the time to exercise on a regular basis.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I get to start a new work project today!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    I get to hang out with my teenage kids today!

    Welcome new members
  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    This so what I needed today. I have not been showing up here in quite some time. My job has kept me very busy and at home I'm very busy or just tired.

    I've not been very motivated lately, but I really, really want to get back to the same spirit I had last year. When I realize how fortunate I am, my spirit is uplifted, and I feel so much better.

    I get to go to work at a job that is indoors, away from this triple digit Texas heat. I get a drive an affordable, air conditioned car, too. I get to eat a meal three times a day. I get to skip a meal if my day gets too hectic, that's how luxurious my life is! I can forego food because there is something waiting for me when I do have have time.

    I may not get to go on amazing vacations or drive a vehicle with the latest and greatest technology, but what I do have on a daily basis is far more than what a lot of people have, even here in the US. And for that, I am utterly grateful.