Summer Week 2 Weigh In - July 23

cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
Weigh-in #2

Challenge Start Weight:
Challenge Goal Weight:
Weigh-in #1:
Weigh-in #2:

A positive thought I had this week was:
A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was:
My most effective workout this week was:



  • gesundundmunter
    gesundundmunter Posts: 226 Member
    Week 2
    Challenge Start Weight: 237.0
    Summer Challenge Weight Goal: 220.0
    Weigh-in #1: 236.6
    Weigh-in #2: 234.8

    A positive thought: It can work if I really stick to my intake and vary the food so that I don’t feel deprived.
    A healthy snack/meal: Ancient grains with cottage cheese and nectarine.
    My most effective workout this week was: Zumba, free-form dance, and body cycle.

    Comments: After work into Sunday early afternoon, I go shopping on my way home and it is tempting to reward myself with pastry and/or ice cream. Yesterday I spent a long time debating with myself on site. I chose to try the Halo top, Chocolate Almond Crunch. Since we had a brutal heat of 103 degrees, I didn’t even get to the ice cream last night. I made a light salad and savored some dark chocolate with hazelnuts, then worked out a little.
  • shroodle88
    shroodle88 Posts: 123 Member
    Weigh-in #2

    Challenge Start Weight: 58.9
    Challenge Goal Weight: 57
    Weigh-in #1: 58.9
    Weigh-in #2: 58.9

    A positive thought I had this week was: Three days in a row back to my weightloss regime and it's going okay so far. Had a bratwurst snack today and made up for it with salads for lunch and dinner like a pro.

    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was: mixed green salads.

    My most effective workout this week was: jogging on the weekend.

    Comments: Still good to be back.
  • nvasquez41
    nvasquez41 Posts: 59 Member
    Starting weight: 149
    Challenge Start Weight: 135.4
    Summer Challenge Wt Goal: 130
    Weigh-in #1: 137!!! I didn't even participate that week because I was so mad!
    Weigh-in #2: 133.8

    It was probably petty of me to not record my weight last week but I was just so frustrated. Frustrated at myself because even though my husband and I took another weekend getaway I still could've at least tried a little bit while I was out of town. This summer has been really fun but temptations are everywhere and I'm glad to see that that weight gain was only temporary.
  • arameni
    arameni Posts: 105 Member
    Week 2!
    Challenge Start Weight: 131.4
    Summer Challenge Wt Goal: 125
    Week 1: 129.8
    Week 2: 132.6

    A positive thought I had this week was:
    I found an important paper at work that I lost and had been looking for all of last week! Now I can finally catch up on my other work! :blush:
    A healthy snack/meal I chose this week was:
    Hummus and whole wheat pita chips! Garlic breath for days lol
    My most effective workout this week was:
    D-d-d-d-dog walk! Kind of! Didn't do my ankle or dumbbell exercises this week.

    Comments: I'm up, but I shamelessly blame PMS. I've had super bad PMS symptoms this time around. TMI: Tons and tons of gas and cramps and now I'm seriously considering getting birth control to manage this. It seems scary, but I'd hope it would help with PMS and acne too.
    Also, it's too hot to walk my dog for exercise. We've been hitting 100°F all week, and remain in the 90s until late into the night. Lady and I have been going on 5 min walks this week just down the street and back at 9pm because she still needs to go #2, but she seems to tire out very quickly with even just this.
  • arameni
    arameni Posts: 105 Member
    edited July 2018
    Dang it! It never seems like much when I type it, but looking at my post I feel as if I've written an essay. Sorry y'all!
    And good work!
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    Starting Weight: 281.4 (April 2017)
    Challenge Start Weight: 207.6
    Summer Challenge Wt Goal: 195.6
    Weigh-in #1: 205.6
    Weigh-in #2: 207.8

    My dad was in town this weekend and since our family get togethers seem to always revolve around food I'm not surprised I'm up. I've been slacking this week and just telling myself the gain is water weight and no big deal but I really need to get back into my routine! It seems I do really well for a few weeks and then I don't care for a few weeks so I need to figure out how to be more consistent.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Start Weight:200.8 (January 2018)
    Challenge Start Weight:191.2
    Challenge Goal Weight:180.0
    Weigh-in#1: 192.2
    Weigh-in#2: 192.0

    Comments: A lot personal physical struggles this week still. Just pushing through at this point.
  • spdaphne
    spdaphne Posts: 262 Member
    Challenge Start Weight - 175.0
    Summer Challenge Wight Goal - 168

    weigh-in #1 - 175.0
    weigh-in #2 - 175.4

    Most effective workout - Made it to cycling for the first I’m in ages!! Did well considering, but definitely had a harder time keeping my speed. Dang muscle loss!

    Comments: The physical therapy helped a lot with my balance and helping me get back to somewhat normal again. Man so many core workouts but I was so happy to see my progress over the 5 weeks I had to do it. I’m done with it! Going to watch my eating and was happy I cooked. Going on a little weekend away to a wedding so my guy made reservations at some places with my current dietary restrictions to get back on track and not feel so tired. Going to work on getting more sleep in and getting more strength training in this coming week.
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