How much did you lose before people noticed?



  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,686 Member
    At my work, we are specifically trained not to ask questions that might be considered invasive (losing weight could be medical, emotional, etc.) It is a well-intentioned effort to prevent a hostile work environment.

    But we can say they look sharp (and hopefully that doesn't imply they didn't look good before). OMG, So much PC!

    Also, sometimes we don't know who wants privacy vs. wanting to share. Do folks know they can approach you? Sounds like you do look great, despite nobody speaking up. :)

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    For me it was at about 15-20 lbs, which was about halfway to goal.
  • lisaloumn2
    lisaloumn2 Posts: 203 Member
    I work out almost every morning with the pretty much the same group of women - they started commented at about 10-15 lbs. My co-workers who I also see almost every day have said nothing. Maybe it's because the workout pals see me with less clothing on, so to speak, while at work I am wearing what I was wearing before? Who knows. My daughter has commented but no one else in the family.
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    Several years ago I lost 42 pounds before my physical therapist noticed. Imagine that! She was doing deep tissue massages on my lower back twice a week; I mean, talk about being familiar with what she was working with and yet she didn't notice the loss until 42 pounds were gone.

    I'm thinking for really obese people like a was means more of a loss is needed before it becomes obvious. I'm also quite tall so I "carry my weight well." That only means it takes a greater loss before it makes much of a difference.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,686 Member
    Oops, just happened yesterday. Went to a monthly potluck with friends (where hugs abound and PC rules don't apply) and was asked if I was coloring my hair because it looked good. I said "No" (having 4 months of salt-and-pepper roots) "...but Thanks." :)

    Didn't mention I've lost 17 pounds and am wearing smaller clothes again.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    At 30+ lbs lost a few people who knew I was working on my health started to say things like "you're looking great!" but at 30+ (i haven't been on the scale in a while) lbs I have only moved about 1 clothing size, and that's not in all brands. Many brands are still the same size. Which, honestly kind of bums me out a bit but, c'est la vie.

  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Just recently, at 30+ lost and maybe weighing about 5 more than where I'd like to be, people are suddenly noticing. I mentioned to my husband that comments had been made a lot this past week and he said yup, but you have stopped wearing things that are too big for you and have started wearing fitted things. So maybe it's not people not noticing, but us still clinging onto our 'fat clothes'! :)
  • aluhsin
    aluhsin Posts: 46 Member
    About 50 pounds for me!
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    I had some people notice at 20lbs lost but it wasn't until I lost 42lbs that most people began to notice. I still need to lose 25-30lbs and when I look at pictures of me at that weight a decade ago it will definitely be noticeable. Right now I am lifting weights so I have put on some weight but I fit better in my clothes so its a bit of a trade off until I my body decides to dump this visceral fat.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    About 20 lbs or so. Also, for those that don't get comments at work, it's all because people are too afraid of being accused of harassment. Can't even pay a compliment to someone without being scared these days. It's such BS. Anyway, I think it's just trickled into society here as a habit.

    Also, many people just don't notice a person's body has changed because it doesn't matter. Not in a bad way, just that the person is seen and not the body they are in.

    Also, there is jealousy. People will withhold a compliment/comment purposely because of it.

    I tend to not comment on people's bodies unless they mention something first. Once the door is open, though, I will pay compliments left and right. And I do try to focus on things other than the fact they have lost weight. You "wow, you're looking really fit", or "you are looking radiant", or "I like the new outfit you put together; it looks very nice on you", your biceps are looking really good; you been lifting weights?". Stuff like that.

    I hope somebody says something really great soon and that it makes your day. 30 lbs. is a feat many do not accomplish. Go you!