What Day Is It?

johnlreeb Posts: 637 Member
This week is:
National Bargain Hunting Week.
Do Walmart people look up to or down on KMart shoppers?

National Psychic Week.
If you didn't celebrate this week last week you are just one of the rest of us.

Exercise with your Child Week.
Now that my children are in their 40's bench, pressing them is no longer possible.

Stop on Red Week.
Remember, green means give it gas, yellow means foot to the floor, and red means oh *kitten* I'm gonna be late.


This is:
National Wiggle Your Toes Day.
Take your shoes off. Wiggle those piggies, unless it causes people to run from the room gagging and vomiting, then don't.

National Root Beer Float Day.
Because Black Cow is no longer allowed.

National Fresh Breath Day.
It's already August. Brush your teeth, and maybe try a couple feet of floss.

Corporate Baby Name Day.
Perhaps name your son Tidy Bowl John and your daughter Playtex Summer's Eve.

National Gossip Day.
Today is your day to pass it along but, first add your own enhancement.


Soleil Moon Frye, 42
Geraldine Estelle Halliwell, 46
Yeoh Chu-Kheng, 56


  • savignr
    savignr Posts: 711 Member
    In Texas, green means go, yellow means go faster, and red means five more cars.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,136 Member
    savignr wrote: »
    In Texas, green means go, yellow means go faster, and red means five more cars.

    That's real trouble in Massachusetts, as there is no delay from the red to the green. In NH, there is a 4 second delay, for three cars to get through on red.
  • johnlreeb
    johnlreeb Posts: 637 Member
    I hate censors