How to loss body fat

angelay2000 Posts: 3 Member
edited July 2018 in Social Groups
I’m not heavy but since the planter fasciitis problem, can’t be active anymore. Been eating under 1200 calories ima day since April. Lose a couple lbs but there’s still fat here n there n I prefer to look slimmer. 5.0” with 113 lbs. please help. Thanks in advance


  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    I have plantar fasciitis stuff right now too. I’m limited with the cardio. Been able to strength train though, are you doing that?
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,063 Member
    Add some strength training, you should be able to do a fair bit of that without bothering your feet. Other than that, tighten up your logging. I know I have a lot of things that can sneak into my calories from eyeballing something to cooking oils not counted for, etc.
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    Would the exercise bike aggravate your plantar fasciitis? Also swimming is an option if you wanted to do cardio.

    You should eat a minimum of 1200 calories even if you are 5ft tall. You can look through the pages of advice on forum and 1200 is the minimum unless you are working with a Dr. Less than 1200 and you can get long term health problems, which I assume you wouldn't want.

    Also if you just want to lose a couple of pounds it is best to aim for .5lb per week.
  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    I agree with HoneyBadger – strength training is the way to go!
  • heavenlyml
    heavenlyml Posts: 3 Member
    I am definitely not telling anyone what to do, I just want offer an idea for research, which is what I did after a free session with a trainer at my gym.
    I am 5'2, and when I started at my gym a year ago, I was 121 lbs, with 27.2% body fat. I have a health condition that I was born with (hemiplegic ataxic spastic CP, but I can do elliptical cardio) but I also developed an ulcer 6 months ago.
    I had been working out 6 days a week-strength training each day, and 35 minute cardio each day, with an average heart rate between 144-165 during my cardio sessions. I also aimed for 1200 calories per day. I built a bit of muscle, but lost no weight (gained a pound, actually,) and only got down to 26% body fat after 6 months! I cut out almost all added sugars, and was only eating about 120 grams of carbs a day. I could not lose the body fat, no matter what I did.
    Then this trainer told me to do some research on the Keto diet. I know...everyone says it's this fad diet, but for ME, it's the only thing that worked, AND my ulcer resolved itself. I am off my ulcer medication. Don't know if Keto had anything to do with it, but my symptoms started subsiding within days of being on the Keto diet. Yes, I talked with my doctor, and she said it was fine (given my blood sugar issues she said a low carb diet is ideal..turns out I will likely become a diabetic in the future.)
    Anyway, this was the only thing that got me to shed the body fat. Yes, I still keep the same workout schedule (just because I feel better when I do,) but now I'm a lot leaner.
    I started carb cycling this past week (again, do the research) because I finally plateaued on Keto after 6 months, but Keto worked for me. I still eat low carb most days, but this was the only thing that has worked for me.
  • lfaustjdmsw
    lfaustjdmsw Posts: 4 Member
    Strength training has been a go-to solution for the majority of people, but when you've had both knees replaced in your 30's and know you're facing hips and shoulders in your early 50's, lifting can be extremely difficult w/o injury. I gained 30 pounds over the last year and quit smoking 2 weeks ago. I'm eating clean and doing as much cardio as my joints will tolerate (75 minutes of Zumba 5 days per week plus step and squats 15 minutes each). I don't particularly want to diet outside of the recommendations by MFP, so I'll probably lose body fat very slowly. I have a pear shape at 5'7, 180 lbs. Believe me, lots of ace bandages and lots of ice so far, but totally worth bringing a beautiful booty back!
  • Lisa8823168
    Lisa8823168 Posts: 139 Member
    I am a bit older than most of you with a beat up body from years of exercise Stating back when there was no internet and little safety over site). Now suffer ankle, knee, shoulder problems preventing many traditional forms of exercise. If I don't move, the aches and pains are worse but if I move wrong, the injuries mutate. Surgery is a goal to AVOID. That said, I have turned to no weights (my body is my weight) and reduced time on my feet with a variety of movements that keep me limber. The intensity of what I do dictates the affect. I also travel for work so a gym membership is not reasonable. PIYO and a video series called Slim in Six are actually adaptable to what ever body part is the worst hurt of the day. I rarely use the resistance bands and anything over my head is always adapted (rotator cuff) No weights, body resistance.

    When I do couple it with a keto plan, I get ripped (for a mid 50 something woman's body) muscle definition. In that state I look thinner than the scale may show. It is easy to adapt these to stay off your feet and still get great results...I have done it Keep cost for testing it out low by buying a used DVD off of amazon or ebay. One of the basic DVDs will give enough of a test, to see if you like/can manage it. Give it a real shot, for couple weeks, so you can investigate adaption methods. Might be surprised at the affects some of these simple moves have you muscle definition. Terrific too if you do any traveling. I can do many now just by voice (not video) which is great when out on a beach.
  • lfaustjdmsw
    lfaustjdmsw Posts: 4 Member
    lisawolfinger, I will definitely check this out. Thanks for sharing!
  • sonia52016
    sonia52016 Posts: 4 Member
    I too credit ditching the bad carbs for losing over 2 stone since April and have taken up weights to tone up. I just want to lose 8lbs and tone up,as i was heaviest (start of year)even from having 5 kids. Motivation and accounability and a good laugh along the way xx