So, what’s up...Care to tell?



  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    In 6th grade I was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, as well as IBS-D. I am 51 now.
  • HappyKat5
    HappyKat5 Posts: 369 Member
    What is so weird about this group is that we all seem to be random cases, but I think, patterns will soon emerge. I looked at my baby records and saw the words "gastric issues" on my baby chat, which was back in like 1973-ish. The doctor's writing was so bad, but I can clearly see that he indeed wrote that! I then got sick a few years later. They thought it was Lupus or Still'' disease. My doctor's now know think, I might have been been harboring my disease, but, its been dominant. Something, must have triggered me. SO, DONT rule anything out!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    HappyKat5 wrote: »
    What is so weird about this group is that we all seem to be random cases, but I think, patterns will soon emerge. I looked at my baby records and saw the words "gastric issues" on my baby chat, which was back in like 1973-ish. The doctor's writing was so bad, but I can clearly see that he indeed wrote that! I then got sick a few years later. They thought it was Lupus or Still'' disease. My doctor's now know think, I might have been been harboring my disease, but, its been dominant. Something, must have triggered me. SO, DONT rule anything out!

    I was always constipated as a child, always until "ibs" (probably crohn's) hit me and i periids of massive diarrhea but was constipated in between. I'm so curious if that was mild gastroparesis and how long I actually had it and how long I actually have had Crohn's. I had an endoscopy a week before my first GES because I had an MRE (mr enterography) that showed inflammation and a gastric outlet obstruction which the radiologist thought was consistent with Crohn's. The obstruction was gone (probably undigested food from gp) but my stomach had characteristic patchy inflammation that looked like cobblestones (that's what crohn's looks like generally). Gatroduodenal crohn's is very rare (1% of people with Crohn's get it in that location) but crohn's likes to move post op. My GI is 99% certain that it is crohn's but the pahologist wasn't sure because of the rarity. (This was november). I had had an upper endoscopy 7 months earlier as a pre op check as a ct scan i had at first diagnosis had thickening (thickening usually indicates inflammation or scar tissue in crohn's) the duodenal but it was never checked out. In that scope the inflammation was gone except a little gastritis. I wonder if the bad inflammation kicked my Gastroparesis into overdrive? I'm thinking the inflammation must be better as I am on a biologic Humira and a steroid but who knows.
  • HappyKat5
    HappyKat5 Posts: 369 Member
    It's like...Was it the chicken before the egg or the egg THEN the chicken? I used to be so frustrated with wanting answers. Then, I just stopped caring about the cause and basically, said, this is what I'm dealing with and how can I have to the best quality of life. For me, I am at peace because I know that I have (or rather) am doing everything I can, at the end of the day...I gave it my best shot. Illness has opened my eyes so much. I see things so differently. I try not to get stressed over things I can't control.
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    HappyKat5 wrote: »
    What is so weird about this group is that we all seem to be random cases, but I think, patterns will soon emerge. I looked at my baby records and saw the words "gastric issues" on my baby chat, which was back in like 1973-ish. The doctor's writing was so bad, but I can clearly see that he indeed wrote that! I then got sick a few years later. They thought it was Lupus or Still'' disease. My doctor's now know think, I might have been been harboring my disease, but, its been dominant. Something, must have triggered me. SO, DONT rule anything out!

    I'm so glad you mentioned this @HappyKat5! I've been trying to figure out if eggs are bothering me now. My mother told me I had food allergies as a baby. I threw up a lot of typical baby foods and didn't gain weight fast enough. I was extremely picky about foods. My parents found out I was allergic to wheat and barley, but they were told I'd probably grow out of it. (Barley and wheat not an issue for me now as with SCD diet, no grains are allowed.) I used to be vegan, but went back to eating eggs (cage free and organic) because my doctor said I wasn't getting enough protein. I seem to do okay if I include them in a recipe, but eating an egg sandwich or an omelet precedes bloating and some discomfort. I texted my mother tonight to ask if there were other foods and she mentioned egg yolks in my cereal. Back then, they didn't have food allergy tests, they just did elimination diets. So your post has me wondering if I've always had a problem with eggs or just egg yolks. Obviously I've struggled with food allergies and digestive issues from an early age.
  • HappyKat5
    HappyKat5 Posts: 369 Member
    @VeggieGirlforLife When I was growing up (late 70's-80's) we never dealt with allergies. There was no, "You can't bring any type of nut" to school...EVERYBODY and their family ate peanut butter sandwiches like 3 times at lunch. I think back then (and just recently) it wasn't something that was a big thing. I hate saying this, but I remember in my 2nd year of teaching, I had a student that his mom made everything...I was like, "Damn. Really?" of course, fast forward and I'm like "Damn" but for difference reasons. Progress seems slow when the illness is not a pretty one, like Digestive Disorders. I have been saying this for years. I guess we just need to find a popular celebrity to have something for it to be now seen as a REAL ILLNESS. I'm sorry, I seem so negative in some of my posts, but I am so passionate about this and want people to take us seriously.

    Ok, Im done :)
  • JulieSchilling
    JulieSchilling Posts: 15 Member
    Interesting reading things and having lots of little "AHA!" moments like gee, oh, this could be linked and all of this is making more and more sense (sadly)!

    I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis (type 1 diabetic) on Monday of this week via EGD. I still have to have the GES done but they're 99% sure as my entire (fasting) stomach was completely filled with bilious fluid, which, apparently, isn't normal.

    My symptoms have been around for so long that had you asked me, I would say "mild" but honestly, looking back (I just turned 40 this past weekend) I've probably had some problems with digestion since around 12 or 13 years old.

    I've been overweight most of my adult life, with severe acid reflux, and intermittent bouts of IBS with diarrhea and constipation, nausea, vomiting. The vomiting almost always seemed worse during an asthma flare, so I blamed the coughing on asthma and the coughing for the middle of the night wake up vomiting.

    I was diagnosed with Lupus 2 years ago, potentially as part of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) along with it's buddy, Fibro. I also was moved to "severe" asthma and am borderline for aspergillus bronchospasm so we're monitoring that. I basically have a lot of inflammation all over my body from everything!

    I keep trying to eat healthy and gain weight, so finding out that all this healthy stuff I'm eating is making me blow up like a balloon is super ironic, dontcha think?

    So now I've not seen the nutritionist yet but I'm sure they'll just confirm more of what I'm reading online, yay. I'm curious how this diet is going to work with being diabetic. Obviously I haven't been all that compliant or else maybe I wouldn't be here in the first place. I'm just hopeful that something is reversible, or at least, lessened, by strict compliance.

    Nice to "meet" you all

    - Julie
  • Jennymarie57
    Jennymarie57 Posts: 57 Member
    Nice to meet you:)! I know it's very confusing. .Some healthy foods are definitly off limits for me also. .It's a process but eventually you will get to a place where you know what is ok for you to eat that won't escalate symptoms. .I'm just about there myself..
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    @HappyKat5 don't know if you are still around but now I'm severely underweight. I'm going on TPN soon to increase my weight while waiting to see a surgeon about a J tube. I hate gastroparesis.
  • krythie
    krythie Posts: 84 Member
    I had my gallbladder out a couple of years ago and have yet to have my body adjust. I have pretty much given up on traveling, eating out...and my family is fed up with me. My friends are a little bit more understanding, but I don't think I quite realized what a food-centered culture we live in. Everything seems to revolve around food and since I can't have what everyone else is eating, I generally stay away. I am back on MFP because my blood work was so bad that I have to be able to see how much sugar, carbs and fats I am eating. My dr put my on a cholesterol med that is supposed to help with my GI upsets. It's powdered and supposed taste awful in any kind of liquid, but oh well.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    @happykat5 I'm grtting my j tube hopefully tomorrow.
  • krythie
    krythie Posts: 84 Member
    To singing flute did things go with the j tube? I sure do hope you are feeling better.

  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    @krythie yes and no. I feel much better but I'm still losing/not gaining. I ended up with an obstruction and stayed in hospital until Dec 7th. I was discharged at 110 and today I'm 104 so back down to my admission weight (sept 11). I shouldn't be losing since I'm getting lots of calories and I'm sure it's mostly fluid but it is discouraging.