Living The Lifestyle Monday 8/20/18

imastar2 Posts: 5,983 Member
edited August 2018 in Social Groups
We meet here to explore, share, celebrate, and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice.

This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion!

Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Thread starters for August are:

Monday - Imastar2 (Derrick)
Tuesday - Jerdtrmndone (Jerry)
Wednesday - minimyzeme (Kim)
Thursday - goldenfrisbee (Chris)
Friday - misterhub (Greg)

Today's topic: Without being too personal what is a typical routine day look like for you and how does it effect your LTL on a daily basis. Do you ever think you need to change your daily routine? to help with your LTL journey?


  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,094 Member
    Most days I get up around 5 or 5:30 and brew up a batch of coffee. I drink some and go for a 6:30 4.5 mile walk with some neighbors. Drink some more coffee and take care of some internet journaling stuff etc. I usually eat my veggie omelet about 9a.m. and do whatever tasks come my way. Twice a week I go to a late morning yoga class too. I normally eat lunch around 11:30ish. Go for a bike ride unless I already rode to yoga class. Mow lawn when needed. Cook dinner around 6:00 and eat it while watching Jeopardy with DW.
    Change? Not really. Helps my LTL a lot daily. Just need to snack less and curb my enthusiasm for summer events etc.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    Typical workday has me getting up around 4:30am and putting on my workout clothes. Give the kitties their wet food treat then cook up my morning omelet. Not a coffee drinker so I have a can of Zevia cola (stevia sweetened) and then a cup of hot green tea. Pack up my lunch bag, clean up the dishes, and head to the fitness center. After my exercises, I shower and change and head to work. Because we are an evening graduate program, I usually eat both my lunch and dinner at work (dinner is very small for me, breakfast is my biggest meal of the day). Head home, chat with my husband, pet the kitties, and then head to bed. I pack up my gym bag for the next day before I go to sleep.

    Nothing to change other than it would be nice to get home earlier on a more consistent basis but I don't see that happening in the near future with the projects that are landing on my desk.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,480 Member
    I get up about 5:30-6. Look at CNBC, surf the Internet, and drink black coffee. About 7ish I make oatmeal. By about 8 I’m done with all that stuff.

    Now it’s time to start thinking about today’s activity, Pickleball, fishing, yoga, and/or Pilates.
    I do some of that stuff.

    Lunch. Generally a sandwich or eggs.

    Some afternoons I spend reading OT watching old movies on TCM. I try to stay out of the kitchen. If I caught fish we frequently take that out for Hook & Cook. Eventually, tv or reading and early to bed.

    Change? I’ve lost about 5 lbs this year without changing much. It’s a relief not to be constantly looking over my shoulder to see if my old fat self is catching up with me.
  • FatCrankyGoat
    FatCrankyGoat Posts: 35 Member
    imastar2 wrote: »
    Do you ever think you need to change your daily routine? to help with your LTL journey?

    Yes indeed, in fact I have switched my daily routine this week to a 'two meal per day' lifestyle choice. My wife and I explored the concept this past weekend and it works for both of us (we are both foodies and love a good gourmet meal at dinnertime). Also, we are about to go on a month long road trip and the 'two meal per day' concept also works very well with that. I'm looking for a long term lifestyle change and do not necessarily want to constantly focus on meal planning - so I'm willing to experiment a bit and see what works best for our particular lifestyle.

    My weekday's are very structured with my job (8:30 till 4:30) which I enjoy very much; my weekends tend to be very spontaneous and weather dependent - which works well for us as it gives my wife and I a nice amount of variety in regards to outdoor activities (mountain hiking; kayaking; sailing; etc).
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 5,983 Member
    It's great to see the participation. I spent 15 minutes writing out a nice post to my own question. I got the wrong button on my phone and lost it all. I hate it when that happens. Maybe I can recreate it tomorrow b/c it's too late this evening.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Without being too personal what is a typical routine day look like for you and how does it effect your LTL on a daily basis. Do you ever think you need to change your daily routine? to help with your LTL journey?

    I'm an early upper--these days often between 0400 and 0430. I have prioritized my activities such that I usually get a 2-3 mile walk in for about an hour between first cuppa coffee and breakfast. My work schedule is varied so I wing it a little bit most days for breakfast and snacking. I try to be guided by "hunger" most of the time. I'm a little more pro-active / vigilant if I know I'm going to be tied up between ~11:30 and 1:00. That might just mean making sure I have a snack or two with me if needed, or I might eat a light lunchish type meal just so I don't make unhealthy choices later.

    I usually have something snacky sometime in the afternoon, but again try to guide that by an actual desire / "need" more than routine. That requires mindfulness--one of the things I've really tried to up in my game for this journey. If I'm not hungry, I usually forego it (and save the points WW allows me).

    Dinner happens--almost always (although last night it was roasted cashews and a beer). I'm fortunate in that most of the time my partner does the cooking. I bang my fork and she magically appears with my food, correctly pointed as needed. This summer, I've been working back and forth between the new house and the old house. At the new, I'm on my own. Most of my food there has been pretty simple but usually with mindfulness toward healthier choices and reasonable portions.

    Besides my morning walk, I often walk other places over the course of the day. Especially at the new suburban house, much of what I need is within walking distance and that helps me up my game. I've never tracked the "activity points earned". I walk because I know it's better for me than driving if I don't have need for the car.

    Altogether, my typical day is a tradeoff between the things I need to do and the desire to maintain my weight at about 75-80 pounds below where I started WW in 2014. My choices are mostly consistent with that objective but I'm a big believer in "persistence, not perfection". I try to keep enough variation and spontaneity in my life so I don't get bored with my choices or resentful of the fact that I want to keep the weight off. So far, so good, but I take it one day at a time (maybe two, if you count tomorrow).