Make the Better Choice - 09/10/2018

misterhub Posts: 6,253 Member
Make the Better Choice (MTBC) - 09/10/2018

All of us are faced with those times when making the "best" choice is something that isn't going to happen. Sometimes that is by circumstance...sometimes by limited choice...or sometimes personal preference.

DOCKANZ, a GoaD stalwart for several years, coined the phrase "Make the Better Choice" (MTBC) several years ago, and it's become an anchor for several of us on GoaD over the years. Basically, if you can't make the BEST choice...make the BETTER choice. You can, at least, do that much.

So - how have you made the better choice today?


  • acoustikarl
    acoustikarl Posts: 19 Member
    I remember that phrase from 2009! I think I still have the wrist band that were made somewhere around here. I've moved a couple times in the ensuing years so I don't know exactly where it might be.

    For me Making The Better Choice involves dessert choices. That has always been my downfall in the past, especially with ice cream. Now I still have ice cream on occasion but I am better at going with smaller portions and taking the time to enjoy each spoonful instead of just shoveling it in as fast as I can. A mantra I heard recently has really helped with this. "Don't put food in your mouth when you still have food in your mouth." Slow down and enjoy each bite before taking another one.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    My sister had knee replacement surgery today and I went to the hospital with her at 0530. Before I left, I packed a soft-pac cooler with no- and low-point stuff to eat so I wouldn't get hungry and wasn't without preferable options. I'm glad I did. I grazed several times during the day, tracked the points, and made it home in good shape.

    Oh, I checked the cafeteria. I can't say much there looked appealing. Really glad I brought my own once I saw what they had to offer.