What kinds of positive effects have you experienced from being on keto?



  • jogetsgains
    jogetsgains Posts: 341 Member
    Your experience made me think of the below article about what we eat may change our DNA.


    "However, the revolutionary new field of epigenetics has lead to the discovery that what we do actually changes the way our DNA is used, that the choices we make can forever transform our genetic code

    This means that the way we interact with the world changes our DNA, not just the other way around."

    I believe it! Thanks for sharing.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I feel great in a aspects but one. I still feel lethargic when running.
  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    - Brain fog lifted/gone. There are weeks and months of things that happened I do not remember very clearly before I was keto

    - Taking better care of myself is easy. Wish I'd found this WOL 16 years ago.

    - Mood, mood, mood. I was always irritable and/or negative about most everything. Now I'm only grumpy about some things (lol).

    - Diabetes was in remission after 9 months (my BG is higher again, I suspect that somehow my insulin is acting up)

    - No more high blood pressure
    which also brings me to...

    _ No more shortness of breath just doing ordinary chores, no more huffing and puffing/getting red in the face walking distances (which I always enjoyed, even when heavier and with pain)

    - No more joint pain (at least, not where it WAS--shoulders & knees-am feeling arthritis setting in to my hands, though, but it's pretty severe on my mother's side of the family going back several generations)

    - I have energy from the moment I wake up until its time for bed (weirdly enough, I thought I was always energetic, never one of those people who always complained of being tired...now I ZOOM)

    - Deeper sleep is a double-edged sword for me... it's nice to have 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep (should be more, but my bladder wakes me, I'm still struggling with stopping liquids 3 hours before bed), but the ketone-induced vivid dreams are often disturbing and I hate them
  • markstar69
    markstar69 Posts: 11 Member
    I've dropped 19 pounds in 10 weeks and my blood sugar has gone from 300 to 95. Been following low carb and trying Keto. Can't wait until my next Doctor's appointment to get an A1C test. Should see a good result.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    cstehansen wrote: »
    rsclause wrote: »
    I feel great in a aspects but one. I still feel lethargic when running.

    This is something that can take several months to normalize. It is also one where if you are in that borderline keto area - low carb, but possibly not consistently in ketosis - it can really drag on possibly indefinitely.

    Once you are fully fat adapted, you shouldn't have a problem being low carb but not keto. This is something Zach Bitter does. He has periods of both keto and non-keto low carb. Given he holds the record for the 100 mile at an average pace of 7 minutes a mile, I think it is working for him.

    I have decided to increase my running to 4.3 miles M-W-F and 2 miles Tues / Thurs with a Nautilus workout to see if I can get rid of the slow heavy leg feeling. I want to get back to running 30 miles a week and enjoying it....and ski season is almost here. I can't let my kids out ski me.
  • FarmerCarla
    FarmerCarla Posts: 470 Member
    edited October 2018
    I started keto 9 days ago, and I'm liking it. I'm certainly getting plenty of food to satisfy hunger. The first few days, I had to tell myself "no" when I passed my husband's carb-heavy snacks on the kitchen island, but I realize they're no longer tempting me. After reading about many of the benefits you posters are claiming, I'm really excited to reap some of those benefits myself. Even with cruciferous veggies and lots of eggs, I realize I'm not passing gas, which was becoming a problem before I started keto. Besides losing weight, I'm hoping to lower my blood pressure and get off cholesterol medication. I would love to get arthritis relief in my back/hips so I can stop taking my daily BC Powder before I exercise or do physical work. I'm glad this group is here.
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    What everyone else said, but it took me almost a year to start having any energy and almost a year and a half to have a good, deep night's sleep. I've been a light sleeper all my life so the change was/is awesome. When I first began keto I noticed that my hair was like silk and my skin got super soft. Some results come quickly, early on, but it's great to know that the longer you eat this way the more pluses you'll see. :)
  • LifeChoiceGrammy
    LifeChoiceGrammy Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you for all these comments. I started back to LC/Keto last Monday with some good friends. They are using a Carb Tracker...but think I am going to stay here. I have adjusted my %'s and have all of you for support!!
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    Never thought this would happen, certainly wasn't planning on any changes in my eye sight but...

    My left eye has always only seen some light and motion. I was sitting talking to my husband yesterday and all of a sudden I realized I was seeing, SEEING!!!! the frame of my glasses near that eye. All the details of it. If I shut my right eye, I am able to make out some details like holding my hand up I can see the fingers on it, no movement needed. I know this sounds silly but it has really made me realize I will never eat any other way.

    That is sooooooo awesome!! I am so very, VERY happy and excited for you!! How long have you been LCHF? I love how the benefits just keep coming and coming and coming.... {{HUGS}}
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @retirehappy that is awesome. Ketones and their position side effects are so incredibly interesting..

    My OD and I graduated from SCO in 1986 and about 7 years ago reminded me cataract surgery was going to be in my near future. Last December he said the cararact had not developed more. He said he expects it has something to do with changing my Way Of Eating a few years ago. Science talks about the connection between high blood glucose levels and cataract development.

    Thanks for sharing your story.