Holidays on keto



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    qweck3 wrote: »
    edited for space

    That depends.
    Some people find they get gastric upset and food coma after they do a cheat meal. Some have one or the other. A few have neither.

    You will be out of ketosis if you eat enough carbs. If you've been in ketosis 4-6 weeks, you are likely fat adapted. Adaptation, once gained, isn't that easily lost. The metabolic machinery has been built. It doesn't disappear. Once you've depleted glycogen stores and maintain keto-level carbs again, you'll go back into ketosis. It may take a few days to feel like you're back in the saddle again, but ketosis is ketosis as far as your body is concerned. I haven't heard a definitive answer on how long it takes to lose adaptation, but I'm 100% certain 1 or 2 days isn't enough to cause that. ( I would be interested in the info if anyone else has heard better on the subject.)

    Water weight will come on due to glycogen replenishment. It can take as little as 2 days to as much as a week for your body to shed that. It's just water. It will leave.

    Remember to keep up with your salt when you're back on track. Some people can get a bit of a mini-keto flu from bouncing out and then back in.
    HTH. :smile:
    Ugh, ketoflu. That was the worst and I dropped weight way too fast, probably to a dangerous level, before figuring out I could use powerade zero. 3 days of those got me through that and never had an issue like that since. Pretty sure that was mostly severe dehydration and nutrient loss. Turns out, the water-per-kg ratio is not applicable to a morbidly obese person, and drinking 5L of fluids a day is insane.

    Still, the idea that I can leave ketosis, have a t-day meal, and get back to it in a week or so, and stay fat adapted, is really good news. I'm going on 4 months (120 days soon in keto) so hopefully my system is fully converted and good to stay for the long term. I was only concerned as I couldn't find any information on how long you can keep fat adaptation before reverting. There is a ton of info out there, but so much is focused on people that do keto for a week or two, or is introductory focused, and then like many people, the info seems to just dry up for those that are a few months in or more.

    Thanks all of y'all for this information. It's really some of the critical stuff I needed to know. I'm probably gonna stick to a low carb day or stick to a keto diet. I dunno. If I was a year in, I wouldn't be so worried. The fact I should be able to recover within a week is really good to know though. My main goal is to find ways to be normal within my dietary constraints. I figure if I don't have some ability to adapt to the situation, I won't stay with this long term. I know I wouldn't have stuck with this for this long if I hadn't figured out some of that already. Not having carb cravings anymore really makes a difference.

    I think you are good regarding adaptation with that length if time under your belt.
    I'm not sure anyone really knows how long it takes to lose adaptation. But since it's a long and intensive process to develop at the cellular level, it stands to reason that it's not going to *poof* disappear in a day or 2. Probably not even a week or 2. I haven't been keto (just LCHF or low-carb) for well over a year and I still have my version of decreased appetite, decreased craving, ability to go longer periods and not be hangry, and etc. I can still slip into keto easy-peasy. I probably do dip into ketosis on my lower carb days that I exercise heavily and I still perform well.

  • MizzKay99
    MizzKay99 Posts: 2 Member
    That was my same question. But thanks to everyone who gave out great ideas
  • Alice_in_VVonderland
    My mom's diabetic, and I've been keto for over a year. We have low-carb Thanksgiving.

    Last year I made an almond flour based stuffing. This year I'll do a yeasted Carbquik bread for it.
    Instead of mashed potatoes, it's roasted cauliflower, turnips, and garlic, pureed with parmesan cheese (it's actually better than any mashed potatoes we've ever had).
    I'll make a low carb pumpkin pie, using erythritol or maybe Truvia baking blend. Pie crust will be a mix of Carbquik and almond flour I think.
    I think for a veg we're doing Brussels sprouts and carrots.
    What’s it like eating a normal food meal after getting fat adapted? Do you get sick? Food coma? Do you have to wait months again to get fat adapted again? I’ve been really curious how long it takes to lose fat adaption as well.

    I'd avoid heavily sugary foods. After being keto from September to July, mom and I went out for the 4th. We don't get out much, so we splurged on Cold Stone, and split a brownie sundae. I think I ate something like 75g of carbs in one sitting, most of it sugar. I felt an immediate sugar high, which was not pleasant.

    The next day I was so dizzy and sick I had trouble walking.

    Having said that, I have an issue with binge eating potato chips when severely depressed (like 5 servings in one sitting), and for the most part have not experienced such ill effects, other than a blood sugar crash once.
  • ClayBengal
    ClayBengal Posts: 124 Member
    Keto pumpkin pie for Tgiving (a lot of recipes online). Remember one meal or one bad day of eating is not even a blip on the radar as long as it’s not the norm.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    I'm very lucky, I go to a very small Thanksgiving gathering with a very understanding chef! She won't bug me if I don't taste everything, and has already asked me what I'm planning on eating/ avoiding. But if I imagine going to a larger celebration, I'd probably stick to a nice serving of meat, some green beans or other keto friendly veggies, and maybe one bite each of some stuffing and mashed potatoes. After that, I'd already be full, so I'd stop eating. Sometimes easier said than done, but it does seem easier now that I've been eating this way for over 10 months!
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    My mom's diabetic, and I've been keto for over a year. We have low-carb Thanksgiving.

    I'd avoid heavily sugary foods. After being keto from September to July, mom and I went out for the 4th. We don't get out much, so we splurged on Cold Stone, and split a brownie sundae. I think I ate something like 75g of carbs in one sitting, most of it sugar. I felt an immediate sugar high, which was not pleasant.

    The next day I was so dizzy and sick I had trouble walking.

    Having said that, I have an issue with binge eating potato chips when severely depressed (like 5 servings in one sitting), and for the most part have not experienced such ill effects, other than a blood sugar crash once.

    Quest protein chips are pretty dang good. I haven't had chips in ages. These hit the spot. Sort of taste like a goldfish cracker in consistency, with a decent nacho cheese taste. I was never a chip person, but a bag of these really helps me feel normal, and normal is something I can do for years and years, which is my goal.

    I decided I'd push my carb limit relatively high yesterday. 77 net/ 92 total. I dunno if it was enough to kick me from ketosis, but I feel totally keto-normal today. Dunno if 17 miles on the bike negated the potential carb kick.. but if this is me sans ketosis, it's something I can handle. This feels like keto any other day. Maybe I can just handle higher carbs in a pinch. I've no idea. But I feel fine.

    I ended up making up a menu that I think will be good, but still under 100g of carbs, for my turkeyday. Just gonna enjoy the holiday and then keep on keepin' on.

  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    Will have to check those chips out. Thanks for mentioning them. If you did 17 miles you were likely ok especially if it was around the meals. Carbs are like instant fuel so as long as you are quickly using them all good. The last two days I've had family in town and eating higher on the carbs end at times having to eat out but between Crossfit in the early AM and 7 miles of walking a day at the theme parks the blood sugar has been better than perfect.
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    qweck3 wrote: »
    Will have to check those chips out. Thanks for mentioning them. If you did 17 miles you were likely ok especially if it was around the meals. Carbs are like instant fuel so as long as you are quickly using them all good. The last two days I've had family in town and eating higher on the carbs end at times having to eat out but between Crossfit in the early AM and 7 miles of walking a day at the theme parks the blood sugar has been better than perfect.

    Yeah I think the activity portion was the key. I was still on the bike busting my butt for these 2 days of carbs. It was a noticeable difference on my ride today.. felt like crap around mile 11. For me, Keto biking is more like a slow burn that just keeps on going. Just endurance for days. This felt like carb exhaustion. Will enjoy being back to my normal keto routine tomorrow.

    Regardless, I figured I've shown myself what having a carb-normal day can be. With decent portions, it's not too terrible. Gonna see what the next week is like in recovery, if I have any. Will enjoy a normal-ish turkeyday meal.
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    Quest chips are really good for when you want crunch. Similar texture to asian rice crackers. I like the Cheese Wisps too but can only eat a few (not a bad thing!)
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    I have not been as hungry since starting keto as I have been today. I constantly have felt hungry all day.. Ravenous as times.. I've eaten a ton of protein and fat.. but carbs and sugar I think are the culprit. Can't wait to get back to keto-normal tomorrow/saturday. I feel like I used to, where 3,000-4,000 calories of food would leave me still wanting more food.

    Does this sound normal for any other ketoers in previous holidays where they ate a normal style carb heavy diet?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Yes, anytime I have a higher carb day, particularly if it's sugar or alcohol, then I know I'm going to have a giant rebound appetite the next day.

    For me if I can stick to plenty of protein for the day, I will find it back to normal the following day.
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Yes, anytime I have a higher carb day, particularly if it's sugar or alcohol, then I know I'm going to have a giant rebound appetite the next day.

    For me if I can stick to plenty of protein for the day, I will find it back to normal the following day.

    Yeah this feeling is something I haven’t missed for the past 4 months. Like waking up with a hangover. I’d assume I’d feel worse, but I got a hard push anaerobic 30 minutes in last night.

    Today was gonna be the last of my carb days to be normal for the holiday.. but I can’t do it. My fat is melting and I have a muscle milk waiting for me to go with it. I didn’t realize just how good being in ketosis had felt.
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    I went out to dinner for 1st time for Thanksgiving. It was OK, nothing great so that was a big help with my choices. They had homemade mashed potatoes (which is usually my favorite Thanksgiving thing) but since the gravy was so meh, I just had 2 small bites. Stuck to the Turkey and green beans so my highest carb item was probably the gravy.
    Then I had a small bite of pumpkin pie, which is not a big favorite, but I have to say, it was delicious. I knew I had a keto chocolate pie waiting at home, so I stuck to the one small bite of pumpkin. Had 2 pieces keto pie over the evening at home and that was it - Thanksgiving over! I didn't track yesterday, but today I'm going to concentrate on simple keto; meat, veg, repeat.
  • shelbydodgeguy
    shelbydodgeguy Posts: 194 Member
    For the most part I stuck to keto as close as I could for Thanksgiving and avoided the carb heavy foods but I did load up on Brussels sprouts in a bacon & balsamic reduction and had a bit of black forest ham. I took this year off from cooking and had dinner with some friends and since I didn't want to drag my food scale around I guesstimated my portions as best I could. Since my friends know I've changed my way of eating they also had a small casserole comprised of spaghetti squash with a sugar free marinara sauce, meatballs, and fresh grated Parmesan - it was delicious!

    I figured around 51 total carbs and 43 net for the day as I didn't go crazy with portions. Hopped on the scale this morning and was surprised to see I'm down in weight; had a stall since the 8th of this month. I must have been fairly spot on and apparently no hidden heavy carbs yesterday as my joints aren't swollen and I've no skin rash on my hands from an autoimmune response.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Yesterday I had beer...and mostly ham/turkey but also plenty of carby sides in a single bite portion, and one very small piece of pecan pie with ice cream.

    Today I was expecting to fight hunger all day, but it actually hasn't been bad. Not sure what helped...I did my strength training (glutes, super intense) in the morning before the beer and food...I did the beer before the food...and I had none of it after about 7pm yesterday, just plain water in the evening...I don't know if any of those changes to the routine kept the appetite down today, or if today is somehow just a fluke, but I will be back on plan today and today is a low calorie day, so that's a good thing to keep me in line.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I had some sweet potato and pie along with some craft beer. I guess that caused me to start holding water and I gained five pounds. This morning I was down two pounds so I can only hope it comes off quick.