November Accountability and Weight Loss

curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
edited November 2018 in Social Groups
No one had started one yet. :smiley:


  • curlygirlusn
    curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
    Getting ready for a special event MLK weekend.
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 171 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs
    GW for November: 148 lbs
    Nov 2: 153 lbs
    Nov 9:
    Nov 16:
    Nov 23:
    Nov 30:
  • ndbkid
    ndbkid Posts: 1 Member
    Just started a new workout/diet regimen with a personal trainer. Hoping to FINALLY get those last 20 lbs off

    Height: 5 Ft 8 In
    HW: 198 lb
    Goal: 165 lb(not sure how to properly account for muscle gain so this is flexible- am going off BF% with the trainer)
    11/5 : 180 lb
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Weight loss has slowed significantly. 9 pounds to go and I would be ecstatic if that could happen by the end of the year. Still ... keep chipping away, one day at a time!

    Height 5'8"
    HW 192
    Goal: 145

    11/2: 154
  • YogiCece
    YogiCece Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm a newbe and was specifically looking for some outside support that would hold me accountable and get me to stay ontrack with my fatloss, so thanks in advance. :smile:

    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 163 lb
    Goal: 120 lb (guestimating as I'm going more on looks; want to get rid of the lower body flab)

    11/5: 130 lb

    Going away for a week at the end of the month and really want to see some progress by then. Been jo-jo-ing since August so want to break that trend too. Also, last time I went home I went on a total holiday binge and gained about 4 lbs. So these next couple of weeks I want to get solid with my diet so that I'm feeling confident that I can stick with it whilst away. That's the plan anyway.

    Question: What's everyone's Achilles Heal when it comes to staying on track?
    Mine is a tendency to overeat way passed fullness in the evenings when tired and/or watching TV.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Happy Tuesday. I am back after a year of stress, poor choices and finding out I have a heart condition.

    Over 3 years I lost 50 lbs... I have gained about 10-12 of those back and I AM GOING to lose them again.

    Today was the start of week 3 of ORANGE THEORY. LOVE THE PROGRAM. Try to start it over 2 months ago and the program is how I found out I have a heart condition. I am approved to workout by doctor (BUT NOT RUNNING) and starting BETA blockers in about 2 weeks.

    My goal is to be back to 128 by March and feel lean and strong again.

    Been going to orange theory 3 days a week and will stay with that through week 4. Then up it to 4 days a week. Right now trying to tackle food with is an issue for a few reason.

    Height 5'4"
    Weight 140
    Goal for November 135-137
  • misshealthydoc
    misshealthydoc Posts: 14 Member
    edited November 2018
    Height: 5'9
    CW: 140 lb
    Goal: 130 lb

    11/2: 140 lb

    Currently on crutches due to breaking my foot, so my short-term goal is not to gain weight as long as I can't move properly and maybe even get a bit fitter as I am allowed to go swimming:)
    My Achilles Heal is the same as yours!! Eating mindlessly in front of the TV and going waaay over calories. Reduced the frequency of this "happening" to once a week, but want to cut it out entirely because it ruins my deficit^^
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Height 5'7"

    11/2: 151.4 (Actual) 152.6 (Trend)
  • EverestApu
    EverestApu Posts: 1 Member
    I was 116 at the beginning of the year. Pretty healthy diet and moderate high intense exercise. I changed my diet to feed my sore muscles. I got some weight (125). I took a "break" in the middle of the year with low exercise and eating a little more treats. Got back on track with exercise and still eating healthy but I got in the scale and Im 130. I want to lose fat and gain lean muscle so... let's sew how it goes.
    Height 5'2"
    CW: 130
  • curlygirlusn
    curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 171 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs
    GW for November: 148 lbs
    Nov 2: 153 lbs
    Nov 9: 150.5 lbs
    Nov 16:
    Nov 23:
    Nov 30:
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    The 3lb loss is really more like one and a half pounds. The 154 on November 2nd reflects one of those mysterious one and a half pound overnight gains

    Height 5'8"
    HW 192
    Goal: 145

    11/2: 154
    11/9: 151.5

  • YogiCece
    YogiCece Posts: 32 Member
    Well done Jan! That's great progress! I'll be happy with half of that when I weigh myself Monday morning. And on a side-note, that's one gorgeous horse you've got. :smile:
  • YogiCece
    YogiCece Posts: 32 Member
    Monday morning weigh-in:
    Nov 5: 130 lbs
    Nov 12: 129.5 lbs
    Nov 19:
    Nov 26:
    Nov 30:

    HW: 163 lbs
    Goal: 120 lbs
  • malmh1252
    malmh1252 Posts: 5 Member
    I have recently joined a kickboxing Bodyshaping program, and that has really helped with weight loss for me. They also have nutritional support, so I have been sticking to eating healthy for 5 weeks now. At the beginning of the 5 weeks I weighed 149 and had 26.3 percent body fat. At the 5 week weigh-in I was 140 pounds and had 23 percent body fat! I also lost 8.75 inches overall! I am supposed to stay off the scales for another 5 weeks, so we will see where I am at after the 10 week session is fully over!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Height 5'7"

    11/2: 151.4 (Actual) 152.6 (Trend)
    11/9: 151.4 (Actual) 152.4 (Trend)
  • alevbrant
    alevbrant Posts: 26 Member
    edited November 2018
    Height 5'1"
    HW: 125
    GW: 115

    11/11: 120 (I'm rounding up)

    The first 5.5 pounds came off fairly easily with Keto. Still on keto, but starting to crave dense belly filling food - (that might have something to do with being pre-mentrual.) I didn't lose anything with last weigh in,, I weigh in once a week. I hope that I've not reached a plateau. Working more with weights and thinking about lengthening my power walk time.
  • gdesousa_93
    gdesousa_93 Posts: 7 Member
    edited November 2018
    Height 5'8"
    HW: 161.5
    CW: 160.9
    GW: 135-140

    11/12: 161.5

    I'm just starting (again), if I can lose even half a pound a week I'd be happy as that's progress, though ideally I'd like that to be more 1lb a week. I'm dropping this idea of doing intermittent fasting for now, clearly when I have done that I've overeaten on the off days, so we'll go with daily CICO and hopefully get my appetite in check. Also going to try and pair this with Mon/Wed/Fri morning gym trips.

    I weight daily and put this into Libra Scale for a trend weight, I'll use that for my entries here.
  • karabobera
    karabobera Posts: 26 Member
    CW: 131
    GW: 125
    11/09: 129

    Trying to keep it going! I was really, really good through late October and early November, but I got a really bad spell of anxiety and panic attacks this weekend, paired with plans to eat out and visit fun restaurants (curse you, fresh crepes....) so I'm pretty sure I've gained at least a pound or two over the weekend. Here's to keeping healthy! :^)
  • jamie_rael
    jamie_rael Posts: 14 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 186 lbs
    CW 155 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs

    End of Nov Goal Weight: 152 lbs

    Managed to get down to 149, but shot up when I got my new job. I've been working hard at going to the gym (not hard workouts because I'm out of shape, working my way into the workout world). I really want to be back to 149 by Christmas time and to 130 by my wedding in May. I've been working on getting the gained weight off since mid-October (began working out at that time as well).

    Any tips on getting past a weight loss plateau -- PLEASE let me know! I hate working so hard with no results.
  • misshealthydoc
    misshealthydoc Posts: 14 Member
    Height: 5'9
    CW: 140 lb
    Goal: 130 lb

    11/2: 140 lb
    11/9: 139 lb
    Considering that I am still mostly bedridden due to my foot, I am actually quite glad I lost a pound. However, I am a little concerned it it mostly muscle mass :/
  • gdesousa_93
    gdesousa_93 Posts: 7 Member
    jamie_rael wrote: »
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 186 lbs
    CW 155 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs

    End of Nov Goal Weight: 152 lbs

    Managed to get down to 149, but shot up when I got my new job. I've been working hard at going to the gym (not hard workouts because I'm out of shape, working my way into the workout world). I really want to be back to 149 by Christmas time and to 130 by my wedding in May. I've been working on getting the gained weight off since mid-October (began working out at that time as well).

    Any tips on getting past a weight loss plateau -- PLEASE let me know! I hate working so hard with no results.

    Have you worked out a new TDEE since losing weight? 30lbs is a lot to lose (congratulations!) and the calories you need to stay below may have decreased with your smaller size (or even increased with exercise and possible muscle gain). Other things I've seen repeated online are making sure you're accurately measuring your food, and that you're taking even small things into account that seem like they wouldn't be worth much.

    Another is that taking a break from cutting down can help after you've lost a lot, as it brings your body out of that 'starvation mode' that means you just start burning less (I am still undecided on if I believe this is a thing, some people say it's a myth others I've seen say taking a break then getting back to cutting down helped get over a plateau).

    Disclaimer: I have yet to get to anything like this stage myself, just repeating other advice I've seen online!