Getting Back into Keto!


I have spent most of this year not doing keto. It clearly isnt working so, preparing myself to jump back to under 20 grams a day on Tuesday. Food ordered, and should arrive on Tuesday before midday which means Tuesday lunchtime is jump time however, using up other things before then to ensure success of new plan so, this weekend based on what I ordered I shall create a new menu.

Do people eat half their exercise calories here? I was told on another website that was important but, curious what others think about that. Thank you

God bless you



  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,611 Member
    I don't eat back exercise calories. I don't go out of my way to get much exercise either. I am reasonably active.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I don't use the MFP defaults, but I do factor exercise into the calculation as an activity level. Generally on MFP people recommend eating back "half" because the exercise calories that are calculated are extremely generous, so if you eat more than half you are probably eating more than what you actually burned.

    You just don't want too steep of a calorie deficit. So, if you are losing slow and don't have a super steep deficit to start with, then it probably doesn't matter if you eat back any of your exercise calories or not because if you don't eat them you are still probably only at a moderate deficit. If you are starting with a steep deficit, then you probably do want to eat back exercise calories because you don't want to make an even steeper deficit. Your body does need nutrition for recovery from intense exercise. If your exercise is not intense, then it may not matter so much.

    Some people also go by hunger, so if they are not hungry they don't eat their exercise calories, but if they are hungry that day, they will allow those extra calories from exercise. That kind of depends on how much you trust yourself to interpret your hunger signals.
  • VictoriousBeauty
    VictoriousBeauty Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks 2t9nty and tcunbeliever :-)

    I am thinking that that was high for exercise calories it was only swimming and consistent but not vigorous by any means, so if I trust my gut will eat if hungry however, once I am low carb living properly I shouldnt find I am hungry in real terms but, might mean lunch like midday instead of 1 wiser, but as I am putting in a cooked breakfast before swim should be ok either way

    Thanks again

    God bless you

  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    When I exercise I only eat back 20-30% of them, not half.
  • admckee486
    admckee486 Posts: 10 Member
    Same as Jaynee7283 - I eat back about 20-30%.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    I use MFP to track exercise time and type. like @tcunbeliever I've found that the default calorie estimates for all exercise here are way off. I've taken the trouble once in a while to do some heart rate monitoring and editing of the calories in the app to be closer to what I think I'm burning but...that's a lot of work I found I don't really care that much about. So, I use it to track time and type. Over the years I've also identified that I'm not hungry same day as a harder work out...I get more hungry 2 or even 3 days later so...I try to just listen to my body, and track what goes in and what I do and I don't worry about the exercise calories.
  • VictoriousBeauty
    VictoriousBeauty Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks everyone, I thought there was too many calories in exercise section too

    Will use wisdom, and hope that is a good guide Aim to eat nutritionally more

    God bless you