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  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. A belated Happy Birthday greeting to you, MITM. Still no real spring here- lots of snow in the air the past couple of days, and today, though it has not stayed on the ground. I still have not been on my bike but remain hopeful that tomorrow or the next day will be the day. In the meantime I have done well this week with spring cleaning unlike last week when I had no motivation to do any. I've been doing a lot of wall and floor washing and polishing so hope that counts as some exercise and a lot of up and down stairs to organise things and declutter.I need to keep at it as next week we have our first yard waste garbage pickup and there is a lot of work to do outside- many twigs and branches.
    Perhaps news of the horrific bus crash in Humbolt, Saskatchewan is familiar to you. I checked the Guardian on-line and there was a lot about it. Briefly, a bus carrying a junior hockey team (ages 16-21) was struck by a huge truck, killing 15 people and seriously injuring 14 more. Our news has been full of the details ever since Friday. A vigil held in memory of those killed was broadcast on the CBC. Two woman in Humbolt started a Go Fund Me Campaign which has raised over $7.5 million dollars, one of the biggest amounts ever. People from all over the country and internationally have sent money. It is terrifically sad, of course, so many young lives lost but it is interesting to wonder why this particular tragedy has resonated so strongly. Humbolt is a small town of 6000 in north east Saskatchewan, not far from where my sister and her family lived. They know people directly connected with the incident. There have been some heartbreaking individual stories. One young player, turned 21 a few weeks ago and had signed his card to be a donor. Because he was still alive and died in hospital, his organs were retrieved and were to be used for six people. Another family was told their son had died but it turned out he was alive but badly hurt and another family thought he was their son but their son had died. On social media, someone posted about a neighbour who put out a hockey stick on her porch with a sign that said something like 'in case you need a stick up there.' Now many people are leaving out sticks on their front porches as a memorial gesture. There are all sorts of smaller fundraisers too. The Prime Minister attended the vigil and Trump, The Queen, and many well known people have sent condolences. It must be quite overwhelming for the people in that small town who are both grieving and unused to the media spotlight. It was interesting too to hear that the two women who started the Go Fund Me have said they will turn it all over to a committee of professionals to decide how to a lot the money to the families of the deceased and the survivors who may need years of medical rehab and special treatment. I think people have responded to the close sense of community that binds small towns, something they may not have in their lives in large urban centres. Well, I have gone on about this so hope have not bored anyone. Regards to all.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. A pop-in today. I am quite exhausted after a lot more outdoor activity the past two days than I have been having. The past two days have been warm and very pleasant. Yesterday I was able to take Nellie for a walk and then take her with me to the stable to see my horse- he was quite coated in mud from having had a good roll so I did quite a long grooming so had good exercise yesterday. Today I had several stops to make at the bank and shopping. It was so nice I made sure I parked further out in the parking lot to get more steps in. In the afternoon I spent time raking and picking up twigs and branches, something I have not been able to do because of the cool weather. I had to do as much as possible because Monday we have yard waste pickup scheduled and there won't be another for four weeks. Also another severe storm is predicted for Ontario this weekend. My area is supposed to get heavy rains and freezing rain all weekend. I am more than tired of this!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A very quick pop-in! Because of the nasty weather I am housebound and working on my income taxes- not the most enjoyable way to spend Saturday. Will do them over several sessions as I am slow but still can do them. When I started, I looked out the window and saw t droplets of ice forming on the tree outside my den. Now an hour later, after having my back to the window, I see the droplets have become a glazing along branches. Ice is so destructive of trees- and on April 14.Poor birds too.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    Bracken I too ventured out into the garden yesterday. The first real 'gardening' session of the season! I was just working in a t'shirt it was so warm but today I'm in a jumper.... I started the morning high in the rockery picking up all the snapped, broken rose branches of which there were many, as the weather was so lovely in late autumn and they were still blooming, I didn't cut right back in time and they then got caught and trapped in the first, very early snow.... I will not dither again! The fruit bushes above look healthy enough and my lower garden bed is a mass of tulips just waiting, it will be all the many shades of pink and purple. I also planted lots of miniature daffodils last year which look lovely, amongst the crocus and grape hyacinth. In the afternoon the hard work commenced and my husband started digging over the vegetable plot and I weeded - all 162 chive plants have survived the winter and it will not be long before their first haircut! Spring is most definitely in the air here even though there is still snow on the mountaintops.

    The horrific junior hockey team crash I did read about. When young people are involved it makes it all the more upsetting, as I think of my own child that age and they were just starting out in life which makes it so unfair. Very sad for all concerned.

    I am presently reading the companion to the Beck Diet Solution - the Weight Loss Workbook to get me back on the straight and narrow. One cannot hibernate during the summer months! Beck considers exercise mandatory and 'an important part of losing weight and maintaining weight loss - and an essential part of being as healthy as you can be' so I need to start exercising again.

    Be good Crackers.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. MITM, your spring flowers sound as if they will be a truly beautiful sight. I'm sure you put a lot of work into preparing them. And those chives- what a lot you have to care for. They seem to be a hardy plant. Despite our weather my single chive plant has sprung some green shoots.
    Well, after working very hard on Friday and getting all the twigs and branches ready for pickup, if you looked out my window today you would never know I had done anything! Saturday and Sunday we had a terrific ice storm in Ontario with huge winds. So my yard is once again littered with branches and twigs. But I won't be dealing with them today, nor did I yesterday, as again it has snowed and my yard is again completely white. And it is cold. I felt very sad to see the wind had blown over a birdhouse on a pole. It lies now on the ground covered with snow. I had recently seen a pair of sparrows going in and out and expect there were eggs if not young. I'll have to have it taken apart and renovated. I should not complain if that is the worst I had happen.Even on my street a neighbour had a very large tree completely
    destroyed. Toronto was hit much harder and there was a lot of property damage to houses and vehicles from falling trees- not to mention the loss of these great old trees themselves.The police had to deal with over 1500 collisions on the weekend in the area because of icy roads. I have been trying to get walking more. Yesterday I took Nellie out but only managed 2500 steps because of cold. I did another 3000 walking around a couple of big box stores but I am far from the recommended 10,000 steps. I am trying to be more detailed with my diet journal and that has been going OK. The Beck workbook sounds interesting and I would be interested in hearing more about it. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Oh Bracken I do feel sorry for you mid April and yet more snow and winds that is not on. This weekend we are officially allowed to change our winter car wheels over to summer.

    The Beck workbook is very much the 'companion' to her book the Beck Diet Solution. It's a 6 week plan, following on from her book, only for every day you have a lesson, the sabotaging thought/helpful response, a to-do list to tick off, journal page, a daily schedule chart and a daily food plan chart. I had got to the stage where I needed to record what I am eating again, putting it down on paper, so that what goes into my mouth becomes accountable! And having to schedule exercise. I do like old fashion paper and pen for this sort of thing.

    Yesterday I did my usual trot around the village with my friend, I too am aiming for 10,000 steps a day and then last night I scheduled myself in to salsacise! This morning I did a 'max' session - just putting on my exercise gear after so long, I did not enjoy seeing the extra ripples. However I'm just thankful I have started in time for the summer and I enjoyed the DVD once I stopped looking at myself!

    LMV - I hope you will be joining us again soon?!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. It has been some time since I've posted obviously. Spring finally arrived and we have had some lovely days. Because everything has seemed to be later, I feel as if I am constantly behind. It has not been helped but some intermittent bad weather between the spring type days. Every year I begin with yard cleanup from the winter by picking up many twigs and branches. I mentioned this in the previous post and the ice-storm that put me back to step one. That was followed by a terrific wind storm that again led to another complete cleanup of twigs and branches and other debris. It seemed to take for ever but one day we had a proper spring rain and almost over night the grass turned green and bushes sent out their leaves. At last the large trees are leafing, although not completely out. I have had some lovely spring flowers, particularly my Canadian woodland flowers-the red and white trilliums, the bloodroots with their large scalloped leaves and the may apples as well as large clumps of white, mauve and yellow violets. The fish pond is finally cleaned out and refilled but the water has been quite cold. However, I am hoping to put the fish out tomorrow. This weekend I bought some lovely hanging baskets of begonias (yellow and pink) and some pink and red geranium baskets, all of which we on special price so well worth getting now although I may have to take them into the garage a time or two before all danger of frost is past. I still have a lot of garden work to do- some hostas to divide, some planters and window boxes to plant, the vegetables to do. I am trying to tell myself to cut back on the number of planters I fill but it is hard! The birdhouse that was overturned by the windstorm was righted with the help of my brother and the bird pair almost immediately reoccupied it.
    Because I did not ride my horse through the winter, he is out of condition so it is a rather slow process bringing him back to working form- not to mention the rider! I am also finding tutoring the student twice a week is quite demanding at this time of the year when there are so many other demands. I will be volunteering for the horse show as announcer again and have been to organisation meetings for that. My writing group continues without a summer break. I really enjoy it. I do quite a lot of editing for some members who love to write but who do not have as much formal background as I do. My own writing has been put aside a lot for spring jobs so must get back to that before the next meeting in early June. Spring also has several family birthdays (three recently) and a drama presentation at a niece's school that she wanted me to attend- very impressive for the ages of the students who are in their last year of elementary school, grade 9 next year.
    Time to let Nellie out for a pee so off for now. Thinking of you, Crackers. Hope all all well and presume are also busy. Regards.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. It is quiet here so I expect everyone is busy and I hope with positive activities. I'm still quite busy with gardening though the most pressing and demanding jobs are done and I have all but finished my planting. I have tried to cut back somewhat on containers this year and have tried to restrict myself to the larger ones- I have a bad habit of having a number of small pots that require constant monitoring - or if neglected at all quickly produce dead plants! This is a lovely time of the year at the moment- everything is so green and fresh. The hostas are nearly are well leaved out. The lilacs are in bloom including a dark purple one I originally started as a shoot from my grandmother's place and planted at my parents' home. I have a number of plants from a dear riding friend who died a number of years ago- she was also a wonderful gardener. The Virginia bluebells from her have done especially well this year and the English bluebells from her are just coming out and look well as are a number of iris- I have the dwarf kind in purple, burgundy, white and yellow and some large one in bud .
    I am quite exhausted tonight from lawn mowing- I had to borrow my neighbour's mower (which he kindly and quickly lent me) as mine has given up. Today I went out and bought one but it requires some assembly and because of many others who have just bought, the mower won't be ready. Hence my neighbours. It is a good machine but very heavy and is a so-called self-propelled which I find awkward to manipulate, trying to both steer it and maintain the constant use of the lever which drives it, sometimes more quickly than I want. My new one is simpler and lighter.
    Feeling quite tired as I also did a long visit with woman who used to board my horse as it was in the direction of the mower shop and also did a quite intense lesson with my student too. Both were very satisfying but now I think I'll just 'veg' and catch up on the recent episode of Coronation Street. Have not even mentioned the wedding or asked of others' reactions to it so will have to leave that for a next time. Thinking of you all. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    I too didn't realise it had been so long since I last posted. I have been madly busy with work as my husband has a very busy season ahead with lots of weddings, so we have been working around the clock stocking up. We also had our biyearly village clear out of household items. My husband after last year fighting to keep 3 industrial sized broken coffee machines - this year he cleared the entire basement of all items that no longer worked or were broken and we removed everything from the loft we don't use or didn't want. The old settee from the kitchen downstairs has finally left the building - it was like moving house! But I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders all this useless clutter, most that wasn't even ours! What I did find and was mine, a neatly stored collection of jeans, some 20 years old! Just why I was hanging onto them I don't recall but surprisingly as is the way, fashions do eventually come back round and I can still get into them. Maybe because they were jeans from my 'slim days' I kept them as there were none from my 'fat days'! They will come in handy for gardening and painting. After the hard winter I have lots of windows that need retouching up again.

    Bracken your garden as always sounds like it's looking lovely! Spring is probably when I consider my front garden beds look their best, full of clusters of tulips and tall purple alluims. I splashed out and put in lots of new bulbs last Autumn as many failed to bloom last year. But the last time I did this I realised was 7 years ago when my Mother-in-law was dying and I escaped to the garden, when the nurses made their daily visits to plant up. I don't have the names but the garden is a sea of different shades of pink, some have like crown petals and many 2 tone. They have made me very happy in a rather wet May.

    This weather has me all confused as to what I should be doing. After a very warm April when I cut the grass twice most unusual and the chives (all 160 bunches) were cut and frozen, it has been a very disappointing May. It turned cold and has rained at some point most days. The garden has loved the rain and the fields are full of flowers, everything has had a rapid growth spurt and yesterday when it didn't rain until the evening but was still cloudy and miserable I spent 9 hours in the garden weeding, mowing and cutting back as the moon was in the right position according to my husband!! People are only just putting up their balcony flowers due to the cold temperature. I didn't even buy mine until last Friday. I thought it too early in April and then May felt like April and then it suddenly dawned on me with June just around the corner, if I didn't buy them soon there wouldn't be any left! I am only doing 4 window double boxes and pots on the terrace. At the moment they are planted up but adjusting to the climate, sheltered under the solar terrace. It is absolutely pouring today heavy rain and if Noah and his ark made an appearance it wouldn't surprise me, so had I put my plants out they would be swimming now!

    It does not help when I know that the UK is basking in glorious sunshine! However I was pleased that the weather was perfect for the Royal Wedding and the crowds. I thought Windsor Castle looked lovely, the church flower displays were exquisite, the dress very elegant (but she would look wonderful in a sack!) the tiara beautiful as was her jewellery but I do find it all very strange, that you only have 2 family members you can invite to your wedding but Harry is clearly besotted and I hope they will be very happy.

    Finally I am delighted to report I am just 0.2 pounds away from my target weight again hurrah! Last seen at Christmas.... However 5 weeks of following Becks and 4.8 pounds lost.

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Your post was such a pleasure to read, MITM, especially after having that roadblock that prevented me from getting in until I agreed to the annoying data terms (what is the point of having an 'agree' box when the only option given is agree or be deleted from the site? Since there has been so much in the news lately about data collection and misuses, it was particularly annoying. I am afraid I was so annoyed that I deliberately made the profile absolutely bland and uninteresting. I did not like the coercive manner of it at all. This seems to be because MFP is now owned by the Under Armour company that produces athletic wear. Have you had to do this too, MITM?
    Your garden sounds very lovely this year despite your on-going wet season. We too have had a late spring though not the rain. But I certainly know that feeling of realising June is on the doorstep! I have not spent 9 nine hours on any one day gardening but have put in many many days of 5-6 hours and finally feel things are under control- more or less. At the moment, I am being driven crazy by the thousands of maple keys (the seeds) that are falling from my maple trees. No sooner have I sweep the patio and brickwork around the pond and then it looks as if I've not touched it. I spend half an hour this morning skimming the pond to get rid of some of the keys. At the moment, the dwarf iris are finished (did very well) but some larger iris are coming into bloom as is the cranesbill, a wiegelia bush and a lovely white bridal wreath spirea.
    The garden centres were very late too with annuals but I have finally got all the pots and window boxes I planned to do done- and kept quite well to my plan of not using small pots too.
    It was a good day today as I finally had a ride on my bike in the morning and this evening finally got back on my horse. I have only been lunging him from the ground as he has to be brought back slowly into work after a long layoff in the winter. There was a new woman at the stable whose eleven year old daughter is starting lessons. She used to ride 25 years ago so is quite knowledgeable. She was very complimentary and seemed genuinely impressed that I was riding (at all!!) at my age so it was a nice ego boost.
    Must off as I need to phone my sister before she goes to bed so will have to continue later.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Guess what? I've been busy, busy, busy painting windows once more.... It's a chore that needs to be done after the hard winter. At least I didn't let them get into the sorry state they were the first time I ever did them, so it's easier but still time consuming. Anyway that's my excuse for my absence, I can't believe how fast the days are disappearing as someone said 'one moment you're putting away the Christmas tree and the next it's the middle of June!'

    My parents and my daughter are arriving in 2 weeks. I'm not sure if my Father can cope with the journey or with all the hills once he gets here, so this may well be his final visit. He is now 80. Unfortunately we live some distance, a 3 hour car journey from the airport and it's exhausting and even more so if you take the train as that takes all day long changing 3 times and hanging around waiting. Plus he can't handle big airports and 'technology' (nor me really) so my daughter will escort them through Gatwick airport. Fortunately our little local airport in the UK where customer service is still in force, will fly them out to Tenerife their destination of choice 3 times a year.

    Oh getting old is not fun. Being up my mountain we are cut off and stuck in our time warp which is great until you venture out of the bubble and then you think you've walked into a different world! At least my daughter can help me out!! The daughter has decided last moment she will now spend her uni summer break at home in Austria. She has been very busy working lots of hours for her university at open days, uni fairs, academic workshops, going into schools, plus she has been tutoring 'German classes' for school students (via Skype of course!) for an organization that helps deprived students in preparation for their exams, so she no longer needs to earn money over the summer. Interestingly although she enjoyed the tutoring (as she likes grammar!) going into the local schools with the university has put her completely off teaching as a career! Although she will still teach (English) during her year out in Germany. she has also just been accepted as a voluntary translator for the Wiener Library which she is very excited about as that is where her interests really lie. Again that is online so she can do it from Austria! Technology has its good points and bad and it will be nice to have her home for 2 months. I'm pleased to report she has enjoyed her first year.

    Bracken WELL DONE on your competition success - how very exciting! Have you now decided how you will celebrate? I must confess I hadn't hear of Alice Munro but I've since read up on her and now Amazon keep recommending her books to me - do you have any personal favourites? Will I be able to find your story easily or can you send it to me? You must be so proud and your writing group must be thrilled for you! I'm pleased for you!

    Well I must get back to my windows.... Be good Crackers!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Already it is June as you said MITM- no yikes, it is almost July! I am once again prodded into at least thinking abut some painting jobs I need to do. Thankfully nothing as as major as yours. I am very glad I did the garage painting last year and this year have often reflected how much I prefer the colour (a dark charcoal grey) to the previous white. I have some small touch-up painting to do as my main floor trim is cream and always needs a bit of work here and there yearly. There is a bigger job in the basement painting a set of cupboards and the under stairs closet but I am thinking of getting some help with that. I definitely want it done before winter.
    MITM, I almost feel exhausted reading about the many pursuits of your daughter! What an interesting young woman she must be. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your parents. Yes, it is so sad seeing the limitations set in. As you describe your location, I can see why you are becoming concerned. Yet there is much to be envied in your bubble, as you describe it, especially in these times when the daily news seem ever more fraught with impending disaster and unsolvable problems.
    I have spent a lot of time on my garden this year and am well pleased with it. I seem to do more and more mulching each year but I think it is worth it as the weather becomes hotter and hotter. Already we have had a number of days above 30C and the weekend is predicted to be above 40C with the humidity. Despite this, a lot of my flowers have done especially well. Two David Austin roses were full of blooms, now finished (I do think they would last longer were it cooler though). At the moment there are some yellow daylilies and asiastic lilies coming out as my potted planters are very colourful. The hostas are terrific this year- a number that I divided in the past two years have really come into their own. We have had a good bit of rain which they love. It has not been quite as good for riding my horse as the rain seems to come on days I have planned to ride.
    The wrens in the little red birdhouse that was earlier overturned in the windstorm are raising a second brood- at least I think it is the same pair. Yesterday I peeked in the opening while the parents were off foraging and saw two beaks opened wide and I also hear their cheeps. I just hope they will be able to survive those first few days out of the nest. I have continued to put out seed so hope that helps.
    I will post this now and continue with a following post as I am always afraid of losing it if I have to leave off for a few moments.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    (this is a continuation of previous- took me more than a few minutes away)
    I was away from the computer for longer than I thought but not because I went out riding. No, once again I couldn't ride because of rain. And now I have had a discouraging look at the weather forecast- starting Friday and extending right into the end of the following weekend, it is predicted that temperatures will be above 30C every day including this Saturday's 36C without the humidity factored in! I am not happy about that. I have been trying to be consistent with walking Nellie and going for a bike ride several times a week but the heat makes it so every activity must be crammed into a short time when the temperature is bearable.
    Thank you for the kind words re my competition success, MITM. It really has been exciting. My writing group made me feel as if I had won the Nobel Prize for Literature. I have received my cheque (still waiting for a certificate which I will certainly frame and hang on the wall of my den!)and have made some possible plans to put it toward a weekend in Toronto at the Royal Winter Fair Horse Show. I have spoken to my friend in Kelowna, B.C and she thinks she could join me. we are talking about staying at the Royal York, one of the nicest hotels in Toronto so that would be a real treat. I think you could access my story by seeking The Alice Munro Festival of the Short Story contest winners. They should appear on the home screen, listed first to third place.
    If not I can send you a copy so let me know. I hope you like it. It is the most autobiographical story I have written in that the basic story and some of the details I have drawn from an incident when I was nine on our family farm. Of course, many of the details are imagined and in fact, I did some research on spontaneous combustion for the story. I have been a huge fan of Alice Munro's writing since I discovered her many years ago when her first books of short stories came out. She does not write novels although one of her books (Lives of Girls and Women has linked short stories so reads much like a novel). I would recommend starting with her earlier writing and if interested working up- the stories in her later books are much longer than the earlier ones. I would start with her first book, Dance of the Happy Shades and in that book I would suggest starting with "Boys and Girls" , "The Peace of Utrecht", "The Time of Death," "Thanks for the Ride", "Dance of the Happy Shades" and "An Ounce of Cure." The latter is a somewhat slight but very true and funny story of an adolescent girl, her hopeless crush, and an unfortunate first drink. Some of these early stories deal well with the lives of adolescent girls though Munro creates characters of all ages so well. That is what she is known for- creating such true understandings of ordinary people- in her case, people in small towns and rural places in the Wingham area of Ontario. Even in the most sad or dramatic stories, Munro has a way of telling the story that has a kind of humour to it. If you wanted to continue with her books, I would suggest going on to "Something I Have Been Meaning To Tell You", "The Progress of Love" and "The Moons Of Jupiter."
    Must off for now. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    Apologies for my absence - I have been a little preoccupied with my parents staying... My husband went to pick them up from the airport only to discover my Mother had landed with a huge swollen ankle. She had fallen 2 days before flying out and twisted her ankle. My husband didn't like the look of the swelling but she insisted it was just from flying and she could walk and it wasn't causing any pain.

    Five days later there was still no change and we said she should go to the local hospital and at least have it checked over. of course the ankle was broken and my Mother was put in a plaster up to the knee and because she is overweight and unfit and had also bruised her rib when falling, she was unable to use crutches as she has no upper body strength (note to self). As you may recall I live in higgledy-piggledy house spread over 4 floors and we live mainly on the second floor and the guest bedroom is at the top of the house. We have 3 flights of stairs and steps at both entrances and my Mother could not walk let alone climb steps. The bathroom is on the 1st floor so she spent the rest of their holiday trapped on that floor, sleeping on the sofa bed and we ate all meals in the kitchen on that floor, carrying everything down from our main kitchen. My Father continued to sleep 2 floors above her. She was told not to walk and to keep her foot elevated so she read or sat out on the terrace. Meanwhile my Father was in his element as my husband was off from work and they spent their days doing all the gardening and maintenance jobs of which there are always many. I just baked and sat beside my Mother and got fatter by the hour/day! And to think I was concerned about hills!

    They have now safely returned to the UK had a fantastic escort service home on the airline from checking in until the arrivals hall where they were met. And life can now fully resume here again and I can make a start on shifting the excess pounds AGAIN - all 3.2 of them! Becks is back out. 'Focus on your goal and don't look in any direction but ahead' oh and try not to fall!!

    Bracken haven't got as far as accessing your story yet - on my to do list, have you booked your weekend away?

    Hope you are having a good summer.

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. A very long absence for me due to a number of factors but here I am again. For some time I was not able to get on this site because the internet was not working. At first it would come and go intermittantly, sometimes good for one moment and gone the next. At first I thought the computer was affected by the humidity as my den is upstairs, not air-conditioned. Finally it gave up the ghost completely. At first I tried to get in touch with my friend who maintains my computer- hard as he is on summer holidays.When he couldn't resolve it, I finally called in a technician from my service provider who checked the in-coming lines and then determined I needed a new modem. So I am finally back in service. As I mentioned we have had a summer of relentless heat and humidity with no signs of abating. I understand that UK and Europe are also in a extremely hot summer. It is so sad to hear of the on-going effects of weather all over. The Canadian West is suffering from huge numbers of wild fires, over 500 in British Columbia- a state of emergency has been declared. Of course, the extreme heat has greatly compromised my riding. I was feeling my horse was finally back into good shape when this endless heat came, along with days of torrential rains.My hope now is that perhaps I can get back to riding properly in September. Meanwhile despite the heat, there have been several horse shows that I have been asked to announce at. It is busy, calling each horse and rider's name as they enter the ring, announcing the judge's placings, calling the dawdlers who are being waited on, acknowledging the show sponsor's (they like to have their names mentioned more than once!)etc. There are two rings going at once so while it isn't a three ring circus, it can feel like it! I also have to call the flat classes (flat classes are ones in which all the horses are in the ring at once, no jumps but are judged on their walk, trot, canter, the rider's equitation style. So I have to call the judge's commands for all as in "trot please, all trot" or "hand gallop" etc. Anyway, the upshot is that I literally have not got away from my microphone for more than ten minutes on any day. I come home exhausted. However, since they are held at the stable where I previously boarded my horse, I have felt I couldn't refuse. The stable owner is an old friend and older than me and still keeping these shows going- now most often tearing around the grounds on her golf cart rather than walking.The days are long- I have to be at the stable by 8 a.m. and the shows run until near 6 p.m. or later. There is one more on the 25th.
    I have been tutoring my student (who also rides at my old stable) one or twice a week. It is going well. She has an excellent work ethic and tries very hard and willingly does whatever homework I assign. I try to relate a lot of the material to horses as she is horse mad. I have had her read a couple of short books I picked up at a charity shop that both are horse stories. Both books have stories that take place in England (published and written there too) and are excellent because although short (100-120 pages), the vocabulary and reading level is quite demanding. They appear to be written for 10 year olds but the are challenging for average 13/14 year old from my experience teaching such. Canadian/American books of that sort tend to be much less challenging and of course, these ones revolving around horses have been perfect. I hope I can find others similar!
    I shall post this now before it disappears in case I am tempting fate and continue with a following post.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Continuing on
    I am quite housebound today and rather restricted in what I can do physically. So the upside is that I am catching up here. The restriction is because on Tuesday I had surgery on my cheek for a skin cancer (the curse of those who have had red hair- I always thought I was so good about using sunscreen and staying out of the sun. Of course, when very young, no sunscreen was available and the docs say there are effects from early years)which turned out to be more extensive than thought at first. Fortunately, the biopsy has identified it as the better kind to get, if one has to get it. However, at the moment I am dealing with a very swollen cheek, bruising and a significant incision with many stitches. I look like I was on the losing end of a bad bar fight! I have been told that it must be uncovered, not bandaged so I am reluctant to go out until it settles down somewhat.My writer's group meets this afternoon. I spoke to one of the members who encouraged me to come despite my concerns about the face. However, it is a bit of a drive and I didn't sleep well so will probably miss it. I hope by Saturday it is somewhat improved as my two nephews are holding a surprise party for my sister's 60th birthday. Thankfully I bought her gift already as I did not think this surgery would look quite as it does. I look out my window and see a lot of gardening that needs to be done but I can't go out in the sun. Last night I did about half an hour when it was almost dark! Before the surgery, I did some fall housekeeping jobs I wanted to get done. I did most of the touch-up painting of the cream trim (a yearly task) and my sister helped me to paper the bathroom. I am super pleased how it turned out. The paper is above the tiles (cream) and is embossed with a design so that it has a tin effect as it is a sagey green with undertones of rust. (I wish I were able to simply post a picture!)I had some doubts before it went up and did not open a roll for a week after I bought it but as soon as the first strip was on I knew it was right.
    Well. MITM, that was quite a situation you had with your Mother's accident. I am glad that it turned out as well as it it did and that your parents were able to return home without incident.
    Meanwhile I see you are recovering well from your baking extravaganza- good on you. I shall leave for now but hope to return more promptly for my next post.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Good Evening Crackers,

    How can it be September already!?!

    First things first, Bracken I have had the pleasure of reading your short story and you so deserve your second prize! I really enjoyed it.

    And what a busy summer you have had. But I am so sorry to hear that you have had to have further surgery on your face, I hope it has been successful and has now healed and you are out and about again. Well done for getting your bathroom papered, it sounds delightful and I'm thrilled you are super pleased with it! I love wall paper especially embossed but would never have the confidence to attempt to put it up, plus it's a total no, no in this house as none of the walls/ceilings are level so I have always had to paint the ceiling in each room the same colour as the walls which explains my many shades of cream and why everywhere was originally white!

    Well it has felt at times like a long, hot, never ending summer... with a continuous flow of work orders, exhausting family staying, my own parents were a doddle in comparison! And then overnight last week, the summer weather disappeared and it rained so hard, in the morning there was snow on the mountains! The rain did not stop for days and one of our drainpipes was overflowing like a waterfall gushing from the terrace roof but was not blocked. So my husband has had to dig out the pipe which was just straight and put in a new pipe into the ground with a bend. Here in Austria in villages, I'm assuming this cannot be true of towns and cities you are responsible for the water from your roof, so for the past 50 odd years it has happily drained into the soil but last week it has decided enough is enough. As this pipe is by the garage I have no problem putting another water barrel in, if this will help as we have 2 the other side of the house as apparently the pipe layout it just the same there too but hasn't yet proved a problem. I always just assumed this water made its way down the drainpipe, onto the river. Oh life just seems to be full of never ending problems, I think I need to re-read 'the Gratitude Diaries!'

    I am thankfully off to the UK on Tuesday with the daughter (an escape from the potatoes, guests and pipes) I am in need of a break, returning on the 12th. I am surprised as I have had a summer which involved a lot of entertaining and baking and not a lot of exercise, too hot for walking and the husband was too busy although I just about maintained my flower beds but I have achieved my summer goal and I'm ending the holidays back at my target weight. My aim on my return is to start exercising again daily. I have a doctor's check up middle of October and I want to be able to breath this time unlike the last appointment when he was so rude to me! Hopefully the rain will also have stopped as there is much work to be done to get the garden prepared for winter even if it is not yet officially Autumn!

    Well we actually have a house guest tonight, so I must go and be sociable but I wanted to update you before I left as I won't have a chance whilst in England and this guest like the rest, just invited herself as you do!!

    Be good Crackers - only 114 sleeps until Christmas what a thought!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Well hello Crackers. I can’t believe it’s been nearly 2 years since I last posted. And the fact that I’m back may give you an inkling that I have been struggling with my weight and wellbeing for a while. This time I started well then got an annoying pop up which kept interrupting my activity and wouldn’t go away. A software update seems to have cured it for now.

    Anyway a year ago I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and although I did ok to begin with I’ve hit a brick wall. Working in an office with grazers has not helped! I’ve moved to a new job at the beginning of the month though and I am now working in a hospice which is amazing. My weight however has hovered and I’m struggling to reduce my sugar intake and like you Bracken I struggle to resist at times to avoid offending. Anyway, I’m back in the hope that the discipline of logging will help me to remove 10lbs over the next 3 months which is about a third of what I need to lose. So wish me luck and any of you who are still logging on to MFP hello!

    More soon

    PB x
  • mummyinthemountains
    Afternoon Crackers!

    Carole welcome back! Well I'm sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with diabetes type 2, I hope you've got it under control, however it was obviously the spur you needed to lose weight. That's an impressive amount of pounds you've lost since last posting with us, what changes did you make to your lifestyle? Did you follow a diet? Has it been a struggle or do you just slip with the social eating?

    Here in Austria we have recently celebrated All Saints with the family so lots of calorie goodies over several days. My immediate goal now is to get back to my target weight again before I fly to the UK in just over 2 weeks and have my own family fatten me up! I am very busy with work orders and stocking up which keeps my fingers busy and out of trouble. I am also managing to fit in some exercise, bouncing around to my dvds plus the garden I have attacked before the first snow attempting to get all the leaves swept. An extra strength session Sunday morning at 1am, the husband and I (once he returned from work) in the pitch black, our street light go off at 11pm, so the husband had a torch on his head, we were wheeling all our terrace plants to safety before the first serious frost - talk about leaving things to the very last moment....

    Right I must return to my potatoes... Be good Crackers!

    P.S. I am currently painting a set of old kitchen chairs I found in the attic (as you do!) in Farrow & Ball Charlotte's Locks - that's orange - goes beautifully with the Hague Blue!! Husband unaware YET!

  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Crackers,

    Very relieved the terraced plants have been removed from the elements as I awoke to the first dusting of snow this morning! Phew! A few extra calories burnt clearing snow.