November Accountability and Weight Loss



  • jamie_rael
    jamie_rael Posts: 14 Member
    @gdesousa_93, forgive me -- what is TDEE?

    Also, I've been trying to eat more in order to reach my daily calorie goals lately. I usually don't eat that much because I'm busy and feel full fairly quickly. I've read on several sites that undereating can actually make it difficult to lose weight, because the body stores what it gets as fat. So I'm trying to be more conscious of how much I'm eating. The calories in v calories out concept is a little confusing to me and makes me scared to eat too much, but I'm just trying to do my best to eat what the app tells me I can eat and get enough exercise to get my heart rate going for a while.
  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    Realise that I'm late to the party but I need to get some accountability as my weight keeps creeping up.

    Height: 164cm
    HW: 75kg
    CW: 66.4kg
    GW: Not sure - going to aim at 60kg for now

    Nov target 64kg
  • gdesousa_93
    gdesousa_93 Posts: 7 Member
    @aeshippers sorry! It's your Total Daily Energy Expenditure - eating under this normally allows weight loss, as you're burning more than you're eating so your body needs to use up some of the fat stored in your body. Go to, you can work it out quickly there, but tbh if you have been updating your weight on MFP you might have noticed your calorie goal decreasing, which reflects that!
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Missed a couple months of challenges and the scale shows it.... Keep trying to get back in it, but I need some accountability.

    Height: 5'5"
    Ultimate goal: 120-122 lbs
    Current Weight: 132.6 lbs
    November Goal: 130 lbs (but hopefully back in the 120's *fingers crossed*)

    November 15: 132.6 lbs
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,993 Member
    Spike up in weight that, technically, doesn't add up....meh, sometimes the scale is so annoying!

    Height 5'7"

    11/2: 151.4 (Actual) 152.6 (Trend)
    11/9: 151.4 (Actual) 152.4 (Trend)
    11/16: 154.2 (Actual) 152.3 (Trend)
  • smith5250
    smith5250 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello, I’m not quite a girl anymore at 46 years old, but I still have goals. 🙂
    Height 5’2
    HW 155
    LW 108 (Probably too low for me...)
    CW 118.2
    GW 110-113
    End of Nov Goal weight 115

    I’ve regained 8 to 9 lbs over the last few months. I was back down to 114 lbs a week or two ago, but I’ve been eating junk and my family has been eating out a lot. I also normally prep my food for work, but I had visitors come in from another company this week so I ate in the company cafeteria with them.

    When I eat more of a plant based lifestyle, the weight stays down. When I add in a lot of fatty and processed foods, it shoots up. I know Thanksgiving will be a challenge this next week so I’m looking to gain some motivation. Feel free to add me as a friend. I’m hoping everyone meets their goals this month. 👏🎉💐
  • alevbrant
    alevbrant Posts: 26 Member
    Check in. Lost 1.5 since last weeks weigh in. 118.5.
  • YogiCece
    YogiCece Posts: 32 Member
    Monday morning weigh-in:

    5th Nov: 130
    12th Nov: 129
    19th Nov: 127.5

    One more week before I go away on holiday and then I'm really gonna have to work on staying on track. Hopefully I can do it..."with a little help from my friends". :-)
  • gdesousa_93
    gdesousa_93 Posts: 7 Member
    Height 5'8"
    HW: 161.5
    CW: 160.9
    GW: 135-140

    11/12: 161.5
    11/19: 159.3

    So I think I was right about my cycle, my weight this week had been consistently lower, but because I'm using a trend weight the one I'm recording here is still a bit higher than I have seen (lowest this week was 157.2), but it's steadily dropping!

    Had a good week food wise, even swapped a Friday treat that I 'saved' for for a healthier but equally satisfying alternative. Already hit the gym this morning and hoping to continue the good habits! Knowing I had to log here this morning honestly really helped.
  • YogiCece
    YogiCece Posts: 32 Member
    Monday morning weigh-in:

    5th Nov: 130
    12th Nov: 129
    19th Nov: 127.5
    26th Nov: 128.5

    To be expected since I stuffed my face one too many times the past week. But I also started strength training so maybe some of the weight gain is water weight. Hoping I can back on track this week.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,993 Member
    Height 5'7"

    11/2: 151.4 (Actual) 152.6 (Trend)
    11/9: 151.4 (Actual) 152.4 (Trend)
    11/16: 154.2 (Actual) 152.3 (Trend)
    11/23: 151.8 (Actual) 152.3 (Trend)
  • nikki0922
    nikki0922 Posts: 3 Member
    Height 5'9"

    11/28: 150

    Back on the wagon. I fluctuate from 140-150 pounds. My goal is to break the 140 barrier as I haven't been under 140 since i got pregnant at 18. I am a pretty active person in general but even my activity levels fluctuate from highly active to moderately active. Run a half marathon here and there but when I'm not training I barley run at all. I love to lift weights and have been focusing on my "lower body" for a couple of years now. Trying to fight with genetics. :wink: Seeing some great gains but I feel that I need to loose the fat layers to be more happy with my accomplishments. I struggle with binge eating so I'm either VERY disciplined with my diet or very (over the top) undisciplined. Also I struggle with eating out of boredom (apparently in bored a lot).
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Ultimate goal: 120-122 lbs
    Current Weight: 132.6 lbs
    November Goal: 130 lbs (but hopefully back in the 120's *fingers crossed*)

    November 15: 132.6 lbs
    November 29: 134.4

    Slid a little backwards again :/
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,993 Member
    Height 5'7"

    11/2: 151.4 (Actual) 152.6 (Trend)
    11/9: 151.4 (Actual) 152.4 (Trend)
    11/16: 154.2 (Actual) 152.3 (Trend)
    11/23: 151.8 (Actual) 152.3 (Trend)
    11/30: 152.2 (Actual) 152.2 (Trend)

    VERY slow, but steady, downward trend.
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    I’ve gained steadily over the last year, I haven’t been tracking and my exercise has tapered off. I need to get back into losing or else I’m going to be heavier than when I started!! I want to lose 2kg by Christmas, I’m hoping this is possible!!

    3/12/18 67.6kg