December Accountability and Weight Loss Goals!! Ho, Ho, Ho!!



  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    December Goals:
    SW: 161
    December Goal: 152lbs
    Ultimate Goal: 140lbs
    12/1: 160 (-1)

    I plan on "tasting" things...but tracking them :)


    Your can only edit posts for 1 hour after the original posting. Most people just quote themselves, or copy last weeks post and paste, then edit in the current weeks info. :smile:
  • neicerg
    neicerg Posts: 1 Member
    December Goals:
    Height: 5’9”
    Age: 50
    SW: 166.4 lbs
    December Goal: 162lb
    Ultimate Goal: 155lb

    My goal during this holiday season is to be conscious of the foods that I am eating by logging my every calorie and not just eating whatever because it’s the holidays. My fitness goals are to have leaner muscle.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hoping to dip back into the 120's this month!

    Height: 5'4"
    Ultimate goal: 120-122 lbs
    Current Weight: 133.2 lbs
    December Goal: 129 lbs

    December 6: 133.2 lbs
  • uzmabjafri
    uzmabjafri Posts: 1 Member
    Height: 5'7
    Ultimate Goal: 150 lbs
    Current Weight: 178 lbs
    December Goal: 175 lb

    My goal is to stick to 1200-1300 calories per week and doing 2 days of cardio with a goal of 10,000 steps and 2/3 days with weights. My biggest challenge has been that I have Hypothyroid so its been taking me longer to lose weight.
  • mcarguello16
    mcarguello16 Posts: 1 Member
    Age: 27
    Height 5’4"
    SW: 165
    December Goal: I want to end December no heavier than I started it.


    Hubby, kids, and I are traveling to the lower 48 to see family for the first time in nearly 3 years, so between travel and all the meals, this will be tough. I plan on practicing moderation (tasting and tracking the goodies, but not binging!), keeping up with my water, eating my vegetables first, and making time to exercise daily either with steps or quick workouts when I can squeeze them in. I want to stay as close to 1,200 calories a day as possible, and I practice intermittent fasting, so I try to keep my eating period between 9AM - 6PM.
  • fittnessing64
    fittnessing64 Posts: 62 Member
    Week two update!

    H: 5'4"
    SW: 139
    DGW: 135

    12/2: 139.5
    12/9: 138.6 (-0.9)

    My lowest this week was 137.7, wish it would've stayed there lol
  • Amazonian87
    Amazonian87 Posts: 11 Member
    edited December 2018
    Age 31:
    Height 5’9
    SW: 185.4
    Ultimate goal: 155-160

    12/9:180.3 (+.3)

    I went up but my downfall was carbs I ate a loaf of French bread over the weekend 😔 along with a few other delicious and not so good for me items. I am going to crack down on what I am eating from here on out!
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Hoping to dip back into the 120's this month!

    Height: 5'4"
    Ultimate goal: 120-122 lbs
    Current Weight: 133.2 lbs
    December Goal: 129 lbs

    December 6: 133.2 lbs
    December 10: 132.6 lbs
  • tami_tama
    tami_tama Posts: 2 Member
    Height: 5'5
    December Goal:144
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 159
    CW: 135
    December Goal: Don't gain it all back with Christmas goodies!

    12/5/18 134.8
    12/11/18 135.6

    GAH! Let's hope this is a bit of water weight. I need to get a hold on this so it doesn't get out of hand! Yesterday, I ate an entire package of rits bits instead of half like I planned... Because they were there.. Something I haven't done in a while. Probably why I dont buy rits bits or crackers very often. And then we had healthier dinner plans that were foiled by a flat tire, so they ended up being pizza and not the veggie based chinese I was envisioning. I think it's time to re-introduce excersise again. I stopped after I sprained my ankle, and had some health things that kind of scared me. So I got out of the habit. I've got a clean bill of health though, so I think it's time to go find my gym outfit and get back into it. I refuse to let an entire year of progress go to *kitten* in a month!

  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    H: 5'3"
    HW: 151
    CW: 138.2
    DGW: 135

    12/2: 138.5
    12/9: 137
  • fittnessing64
    fittnessing64 Posts: 62 Member
    Week three update:

    H: 5'4"
    SW: 139
    DGW: 135

    12/2: 139.5
    12/9: 138.6 (-0.9)
    12/16: 137.3 (-1.3)
  • Amazonian87
    Amazonian87 Posts: 11 Member
    Age 31:
    Height 5’9
    SW: 185.4
    Ultimate goal: 155-160

    12/9:180.3 (+.3)
    12/16: 179.5

    Finally on the right track! You ladies are doing awesome!! Keep working on it ladies you’ve got this!
  • green_tree
    green_tree Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a little bit late to the game:

    Age: 30
    Height 5'6"
    Highest Weight: 143
    CW: 137.5
    GW: 130
    Ultimate Goal: 125, depending on how 130 looks on my frame

    12/3: 139.6
    12/17: 137.4
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    Ultimate goal: 120-122 lbs
    Current Weight: 133.2 lbs
    December Goal: 129 lbs

    December 6: 133.2 lbs
    December 10: 132.6 lbs
    December 18: 133.2
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 159
    CW: 135
    December Goal: Don't gain it all back with Christmas goodies!

    12/5/18 134.8
    12/11/18 135.6
    12/18/18 135.8

  • Amazonian87
    Amazonian87 Posts: 11 Member
    Age 31:
    Height 5’9
    SW: 185.4
    Ultimate goal: 155-160

    12/9:180.3 (+.3)
    12/16: 179.5

    Finally seeing progress! I’m going to stick to what I’m doing and I get to find out soon if I’m going to get released to start lifting weights again!

  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Hello! I just joined the group today and wasn't sure where to introduce myself. I started out at 217 pounds but have gotten down to 167. My goal weight is around 140. It's a bit late to set December goals, so I will wait for the January thread. Just wanted to say hello!
  • cddiehl
    cddiehl Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning. It’s time to be accountable for my weight. Not sure what it is today but I’m guessing 150-153. My goal weight is 145 for. Right now. Ultimately I want to break the 140 barrier. I’m 67, 5’4 and would appreciate your support! Sounds like you all know what you want and how to get it!
  • hillarysmith0529
    hillarysmith0529 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi ladies! Just restarted MFP yesterday and I’m excited to lose the last bit of weight. I’m 5’9 and want to get back to around 155. Just weighed in this morning at 169 (which is down a few pounds so yay!) I used MFP after I had my daughter 2 years ago and got back to my pre pregnancy weight so I know it works. I just need to use it haha 😊 Feel free to add me, I wish you guys all the best on your weight loss journeys 😊