
Has everyone picked their method of dieting? Don't wait until January 2nd to think about what works for you. January 2nd is implementation day; now is when you should be planning!! What plans do you have? Low cal? Atkins? Paleo? Iifym? Let me know!


  • bearmaiden804
    bearmaiden804 Posts: 3 Member
    I am personally choosing low calorie. I have had success with Atkins before, but I need different options.
  • Bill70Strong
    Bill70Strong Posts: 251 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and eat very healthful, just too much at times. So, I'll be doing low calorie also.
  • dirtdivas4u
    dirtdivas4u Posts: 1 Member
    Anti-inflammatory diet for me. I've already started out ahhh can already tell a difference.
  • Addie814
    Addie814 Posts: 36 Member
    I will be using low calorie as well.