December 14 Sign In



  • fatbambi2017
    fatbambi2017 Posts: 1,295 Member
    Yes x 3 today. I actually got back on the treadmill for a moderate 35 minute walk. My cold is getting better!

    NSV for me is that even though I still kind of feel like crap, I just had to go for a walk. My mental health now requires that I get in some type of physical activity or I'm just not good to be around. :)

    Yes! Walking is soooo good, problems just seem to dissolve!
  • fatbambi2017
    fatbambi2017 Posts: 1,295 Member
    Exercise? Yes...a fair amount today. 80 minutes walk with my boyfriend (some modest hills) and 45 minutes washing & drying the van.
    Calories? Within allowance
    Tracked? Yes

    NSV ~ 67 consecutive days of reporting in. "Showing up" is half the battle for accountability. Now, if I can just make it another 9 days staying within the WC guidelines, I will most certainly look forward to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can," but thank goodness I have some extra exercise calories earned to fall back on every now and then. :)

    We can do this, and agree with the exercise Calories, keeps me moving too!
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? y
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? y
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? y

    checking in early on the 15th, for the 14th...
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes - 53 minutes on my mini-trampoline (started a brand new "tour" in my exergame. Always "hard to stop" on First Day, with sooo many routes to open, bridges to build, tall landmark buildings to construct .....
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    NSVs - I know that if I wanted to (because I have) I could set my exergame going - jog through and entire movie - switch back and spend another 20 minutes "spending my accumulated points"
    - I can look at the open box of TimBits on the admin assistant's desk - think "Not worth the 60 cals of mostly fat and sugar" and keep on walking.
    - Habitually pay attention to macros as well as total calories for the day. OK if something occasionally goes red, but will up the exrcise time but if sugar or red particuarly bad, will pass on the planned evening snack even if it wouldn't put over on total calories. This way, I developed an inner compass to help me decide "Is it worth it today?"
  • Date: 12/14
    Tracking: Yes.
    Calories: No. Taco Bell for dinner?! It was terrible and I didn’t finish it.
    Exercise: Yes. To and from school drop-off which is just about a mile total.

  • rockymir
    rockymir Posts: 497 Member
    Exercise - 1h40 gym cross training / 2.5k swim
    Calories - yes
    Tracked - yes

    Cross training was supposed to be 1h, lol. At some point I did wonder when will coach be done with me? Looked like he didn't have anything else to do than be with me. Gaah!
  • znaoiec
    znaoiec Posts: 1,996 Member
    Exercise - Yes
    Calories - Yes
    Tracking - Yes

    I guess in terms of a NSV, I am here and tracking during a time that would normally get the best of me. My mother recently had a stroke and I have been dealing with that. It has affected other areas of our life like our home life and work etc etc. And holidays are always a little hard for me. Being here is helping me to simply stay on track which I consider a major victory. I am hoping to push myself more in January but I am pretty happy just to be on track right now which feels like a victory for me. This group has made such a big difference for me. I can't say that enough.
  • peachpastries
    peachpastries Posts: 114 Member
    Dec. 14

    Pass #4

    Exercise: Mostly walking
    Calories: Noooo :(
    Tracked: not really

    yikes I think I accidentally binged or just overate again, I was doing well through the day then at night I ended up eating a bunch of chocolate and other stuff lol. Didn't do a whole lotta exercise but walking around and baking (made a molasses-chocolate cake with a caramel-banana topping, done like an upside-down cake). Not a whole lot of excuses for this slip up, just tired and depressed. But eating like crap is never gonna fix that depression so I gotta get myself together!

    it's definitely not been a NSV month for me, but I can't wait for the holidays to end and 2019 to begin so I can work on a clean slate & nail some goals for the new year 💪
  • allmannerofthings
    allmannerofthings Posts: 829 Member
    pass #3 I will not be in the winners circle. We are travelling this weekend and I will not be able to track and my food choices will be limited. But I do plan to keep things moderate and to do lots of walking.
  • susiejof
    susiejof Posts: 201 Member
    Exercise: Yes, walked
    Calories: No. ugh, on track until some mindless snacking in the evening took me well over my allotment. PASS#3 :/
    Tracking: Yes

    I’ve been wearing jeans that I couldn’t comfortably wear last Christmas. Also that cute yellow sweater that was sausage-casing tight last year is looking good on me now.
    Despite using up my passes already, I know that my eating is much more controlled and reasonable compared to past holidays. :)

  • 57discovery
    57discovery Posts: 3,265 Member
    Yes to all 3
    Staying with group. Reading and tracking are currently vitories for me
  • FitAndLean_5738
    FitAndLean_5738 Posts: 90 Member
    Yes x3

    The oreos almost got me but I'm so glad I took an extra few seconds to count out the amount I wanted to eat then put the rest back (and didn't go back for seconds :D )

    Exercise today was a forcefully cheerful walk in the rain. I really didn't want to do it, but I figured I might as well so I could get my steps in. As I didn't feel like listening to myself complain the entire time, I repeated "I am having a great time" to drown the grumblings of how wet and cold it was out! It (sort of) worked.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Dec 14
    Yes x 3
    I love reading all of your NSV’s!!
  • Date: 12/14
    Tracking: Yes.
    Calories: Yes.
    Exercise: Yes. Two walks totaling 32 minutes.
