Looking for more Keto friends!

About me, I started the Keto journey about a month and a half ago at 242 pounds, I am currently down to 222 pounds after a 2 week plateau. I love Keto because it’s the food I enjoy eating, so it comes easy to me. I’ve never lost weight so easily and felt so well in my life. I’ve completely beat my sleep apnea and don’t have to wear a c-pap (thank god). Now I’m looking for more friends who are also on the Keto diet. It would be nice to support each other!


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I'm in!
  • MargoPrior
    MargoPrior Posts: 25 Member
    We can all use all the support we can get. Welcome to the Keto WOL!
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    So true we all could use the support.I love the information that people share and the success stories
  • Viciousdoggie
    Viciousdoggie Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 2 weeks in, only down 6 pounds, but going strong and determined. More support the merrier!
  • Dude_It_Is_Time
    Dude_It_Is_Time Posts: 16 Member
    Add me 💪
  • KetoZandra
    KetoZandra Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Michael, I'm on week one and would love keto friends. I'm 5' 7" and my starting tracking weight was 202.6, current 198.
    You sound like you are off to a great start and already feeling the effects, that's great!
  • jt543twins
    jt543twins Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I will be starting the Keto Diet. I would appreciate any advice/helpful hints. I really want to be successful
  • leahk80
    leahk80 Posts: 114 Member
    Hello, I started in Oct weighing in at 230 lbs..current weight is 215. Still having problems kicking the sugar/candy addiction. Please feel free to add me.
  • __Chanda__
    __Chanda__ Posts: 30 Member
    I started back on Keto 12-26 and I am already down 5.8 pounds. I love this way of eating.
  • nhrig
    nhrig Posts: 6 Member
    Keto I am 64 and just starting day 4 ...I did have some naughty bits last night. I am a trained Chef and dietician, but a long time ago. I also have an ileostomy. Day 3... I seemed to switch in ... last nights wobble seems to be Ok just a very dry mouth today. So lots of Tea and water. and back on track. I have one weakness Scotch but ... maybe ok time will tell as for weight I want to loose 60+ lbs by May 4th most of it visceral. ( round the middle ) and water retention
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Hey, just over 4 months of keto here.
    Would also love some keto friends.
  • ashdon14
    ashdon14 Posts: 7 Member
    Starting Keto once again this week. Would love to meet some fellow ketoers :smile:
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Larkspur94 wrote: »
    Started at 154 lb. 11 weeks in (almost 3 months, wow. Where does the time go. ) and 22lb down. Also love this diet. So many yummy recipes, which makes it so much easier to stick to. I can see myself sticking to it at maintenance as it's had a great impact on my health and happiness.
    I used to get migraines often. I've gone through every migraine symptom, except complete blindness. Had a migraine that was constant in different waves of pain for a whole year in 2015 (Doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me).
    Since starting, I haven't had a single one. :D
    Here's to more keto friends.

    I've had the exact same thing happen to me. Mine started out as optic neuritis and I did have blindness in one eye due to that. The vision didn't come all the way back but it's better than it was. The headaches continued afterwards though and keto is the only thing that keeps them away. My neurologist was shocked
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm new here and would love some more keto friends! I've been doing keto for a couple months now and I'm the only one in my household, well only person in my entire group of family and friends, so having other people around would be greatly appreciated!
  • DonnaKellerLpn
    DonnaKellerLpn Posts: 5 Member
    Just starting intermittent fasting along with Keto. Would love friends, I have zero.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Anyone on here can add me.
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Anyone on here can add me.

    How do I add people?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    knorris84 wrote: »
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Anyone on here can add me.

    How do I add people?

    Click their name (it's blue). A window will pop-up that says Send Message or Ignore. Click on their blue name again and it should take you to their profile where you can send a Friend Request.
  • emiliamay_
    emiliamay_ Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone! Glad to see lots of people starting keto/restarting for the New Year. I'm restarting, lost 40lbs my first go at keto and it took me a long time to get back on the wagon and I'm starting from square one again. Would love to have more active friends on MFP :) Feel free to add me!