Roll Call New Year's Eve~2018

manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Staying home with DW for a quiet early night.

    Be OP ;-)
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,471 Member
    Morning. Meeting up with a friend this morning to hike in the Audubon sanctuary a few towns away, and hash out some family stuff with him. No plans for this evening. Working on another watercolor, and may just dabble with that till whenever sleep calls. Culled another bag of junk in my cleaning rampage yesterday, and deposited 30 lbs. of books in the charity bin in town.

    Have a great day.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,105 Member
    HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE DAY ALL! Got my peas sprouting in a sprouts jar for a couple of days and am planting them in cow pots today. I planted pole peas in mid Jan last year instead of February (like the old timers did). Likely will be about the same again this year.

    Today? Go Ducks!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Go Ducks, indeed. I'll be watching the bowl game, today.

    We pass the grandkids off to their other grandparents, today. The house will be much neater, but I'll miss the little guys.

    DW and I will probably stay awake until midnight. DS usually calls to wish us a happy New Year. He might not, this year, to avoid roaming charges calling from Canada.
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Good Morning!

    Got the rest of the leaves picked up yesterday, and then watched the Chiefs tromp the Raiders. Mahomes is something else to watch. Wow.

    I knew it was supposed to rain today and tomorrow, so last night, I put the old truck in the garage. I'm going to try to work on it over these next two days. It is awesome that I have today off.

    Like Lee, we plan a quiet, early night tonight. I will probably go to be before midnight, but the neighbors and their fireworks will wake me up at the right time.

    Have a great day!
  • irapino65
    irapino65 Posts: 71 Member
    Good Morning! I’m hoping for an early NYE but DW has other plans for us I think.. I would rather hang out at home tonight. Have a Great Day everyone!

  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    Good Morning,
    No plans here, will more than likely be in bed by 10.
    Dealing with UTI again, doctors on holiday also, will try and get in Wednesday; wondering if I need to stop warfarin, more blood than usual with UTI.
    Glad you are off Steve,
    Enjoy the Day,
    Sam I am
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,590 Member
    Good Morning!

    After running around quite a bit the last 3 days, I am looking forward to a day at home cleaning things up, planning for the New Year and week and taking it easy. I am setting my goals for the year as well. I plan to get out for a walk with DW after morning strength/stretching. My knees were very sore yesterday after errands with DW so I shut down most activity. Perhaps it is a delayed reaction to snowshoeing combined with the cold weather. Quiet night tonight. I will cook something special, but not sure at this point. I need to go shopping for our annual New Years Day Apple Waffle breakfast so I will plan a menu as well. I need to get back to planning healthy menus in advance and get back onto pursuing my overall goal of good health and increased activity.