End of the First Day

jan4jesus2 Posts: 20 Member
Has anyone else had this happen? I am sailing merrily along through the day feeling really good about making better choices. Then, our Daughter-in-Law ( who doesn't know I've embarked on a health journey in all due fairness) invites us out to Mexican dinner using the gift certificate they got for Christmas from her Step-Mom. I just couldn't say no. Tried to go as light as possible...didn't order and personally consume an entire bowl of cheese dip and half a bag of chips before the meal came; ordered something with lots of veggies; didn't eat all the tortillas or rice and beans. Not as bad as it could have been and no way to know the nutritional value. But, I'm not giving up. Tomorrow is a brand new day and I feel committed to this. Of course, this is only day 1. Hopeful for Day 2. On the plus side I downloaded an app for my phone that traces steps. Didn't quite meet my goal for the day but came close.


  • msmarileeg
    msmarileeg Posts: 1 Member
    But I bet you are back on track today! Right? This is my day one, and I have planned my meals for today, printed out the plan, and posted it in the kitchen. And here I go! My sister and I are doing this together for support. She lives next door, so we will take turns cooking appropriate meals for dinner and sharing them. I'm ready to go.
  • KaeChelleA
    KaeChelleA Posts: 38 Member
    Yesterday, I didn't feel like I ate a whole lot, but I had too many carbs that put me over my calorie goal. Buns and tortillas got me! I didn't get in much activity either. Today was better! Still not a lot of activity, but food was better.
  • kpresto86
    kpresto86 Posts: 11 Member
    I have started walking around outside if my office on my breaks as a way to get some activity and earn some extra calories, whew what a wake up call as to how out of shape I am!! But today is day 4 and it is starting to get a little easier
  • jan4jesus2
    jan4jesus2 Posts: 20 Member
    Great to see all the posts here about progress you've made. I actually still lost weight even though eating Mexican last night. Then, today, they took me to Cheddars. I ordered the light salmon with baby carrots and coleslaw and was pretty proud of myself until they brought out the cheesy cheddar fries appetizer they'd ordered. I had a little bit but made myself stop. I was too busy and breakfast went by so I was really hungry. Big mistake! But, I didn't eat everything on my plate and didn't eat much of the appetizer and had only salad for dinner, so, feel like I did pretty well. Like the attitudes I'm seeing on here. Way to go, ladies!
  • DaniMerc72
    DaniMerc72 Posts: 188 Member
    The way I see it, life happens. Dinners out, holidays, birthday parties--you can't ever truly avoid "junk" at those times. I try to pre-plan my days when I know that I will be going out or possibly indulging, and try to make the best possible choices in the situation. And most importantly, I don't beat myself up if I have a less than perfect caloric day. Every day is a new day!