Going back to LCHF

lisamanes87 Posts: 18 Member
Hi all, this is a way of eating that works for me. Weight loss, joints, and overall health improve. I was consistent for 2 years, then life got complicated and I reverted back to eating carbs. So starting over and excited to find a group.


  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    This has been the best way I’ve ever found to lose, and now maintain weight loss for almost 3 years! So great to see you here!!
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    I have been doing this WOE for the last few months off and on but on for the last 51 days and I won't be going back! It's the only thing that helps with my migraines!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,596 Member
    I'm at almost 3 years. 90% of my weight loss was in the first year. I've maintained longest time in my life and while I may take short breaks now and then I will never give up my low carb life style. Welcome back @lisamanes87
  • Genmon02
    Genmon02 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all, this is a way of eating that works for me. Weight loss, joints, and overall health improve. I was consistent for 2 years, then life got complicated and I reverted back to eating carbs. So starting over and excited to find a group.

    Yes, I am on the same boat. It makes me sad/disappointed/angry at myself since I KNOW this the only way for me to manage my diabetes and yet I played ostrich for the last 18 months because life got to busy... BUT this is day two for me and I feel great! No cravings yet, energy good. Just keeping it simple and remembering all the good advice I got from this group years ago. :smile:
  • memormor
    memormor Posts: 1 Member
    After two years of health issues I am back on my Keto way of life. It was easy the first time. I am hoping that it will be the same now. I gained back about half of what I had lost. I was not at my goal when the health issues began. So I still have a way to go. Happy to be in a group that will encourage me when I need it.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Welcome back, @Genmon02 - I remember you from before... :)