How to deal with feeling unwell and wanting carbs

kabamalam Posts: 22 Member
I listened to a friend yesterday, foolishly i may add, who said i should/could eat the sausage patty from Maccy Ds, and their eggs. It was delicious, and naughty. Later on i got the worst stomach upset. It has been 24 hours and I am still feeling awful. It has also adversely affected my mood, and I feel glum, and weak willed. I am all emotional and blah.

Now the idea of eating eggs makes my stomach turn. I don't want to look at an egg! I want toast, or mash potato, I want all the comfort foods. Carby, starchy nonsense.

What do you recommend for poorly sick days when your emotions (because its not my body talking) craves comfort style food?


  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    Salt. ... and small portions of controlled comfort. Mostly, though, is just powering through with extra salt & water. I am sure there is something reasonable, but I haven’t found it yet. Sorry 😐
  • kabamalam
    kabamalam Posts: 22 Member
    Salt! ok got it! I have been avoiding salting my food as I was worried it was unhealthy. Good to know!
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    if you are hypertensive or have salt-based concerns, you should check with your doctor. but. as a general rule, salt/sodium is a must to succeed with keto due to the diuretic nature of the eating style. sometimes the sugar/carb craving is a specific electrolyte/nutritional imbalance (IIRC, i think chocolate is tied to iron, for example); but salt is what helps with keeping everything happy & healthy.
    i will defer to others who have done more research/have much longer time on this than me to comment
  • IronGiant0
    IronGiant0 Posts: 48 Member
    And was it a real egg?
    Or an edible oil byproduct with artificial "real" egg flavor added.
    Can never trust those fast food places....
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    McDonalds uses real egg on their McMuffin - I believe all other eggs in their food are the fake egg variety...their sausage patty is mostly fat, but should fit keto.

    Hope you feel better soon!!!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    The round eggs and sausage patties are totally fine to eat. Assuming you don’t have some specific allergy to them but as far as keto goes, they’re fine.
    If you’ve been avoiding salt my guess is you’re sodium deficient. You need ALOT of sodium on keto. Around 5000mg a day. Every day. You’re just REPLACING what you’re losing.