Weight loss/gain

lhs7134 Posts: 7 Member
hey everyone, there is probably not much point to this post, its more my frustration and I will end up answering my own question while typing!
I am been on this WOE since 2nd January. I also gave up alcohol 1st january. I have stuck to this religiously, macros 5% carbs, 30% protein, 65% fat. I'm sometimes 1-2% Carbs and higher on protein. I started at 174lbs and want to get to 135lbs. Also have a bad habit of weighing in every day.
The last 3 days I have also been exercising - Jillians 30 day shred. I've done this dvd before and had great results, he first few days are normally really hard although this time I'm finding it a lot easier and I'm not in any pain from my muscles.
I also on Wednesday went out for a curry. Had chilli panneer for starter (sauce on the side as I thought this may have added sugar) then tandoori mixed grill for main with a small portion of Bindi bhaji (okra) and 3 big glasses of water!
So before the curry night (1 week of keto), I had lost 9lbs, then since then I put on 1lb the next morning - which I expected, then this morning, another pound on!!!!!
So, am I just doing bad by weighing in daily? Is the gain still an effect of the curry?


  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    If you're going to be bothered by the weight fluctations perhaps you might find using a trend weight app beneficial - Libra for android, Happy Scale for Apple or Trend Weight for desk top.

    Or you might not want to weigh everyday. I've personally always weighed daily because I know weight loss is not linear and weight can flux for any number of reasons. The ups and downs don't bother me. Currently with you, it might be water weight retention because you ate a few more carbs or started a workout plan. If you're female it could relate to your menstrual cycle. It could be that your body is just balancing out a bit from that 9 pound initial loss.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    9 lbs in 10 days is mostly water loss

    Your body can only metabolize about 1% body fat in a week, so the most real fat you could have lost would be about 2 lbs. The other 7 is going to be water.

    Carbs will cause water retention.
    Exercise will cause water retention.
    Salt will cause water retention.
    Stress will cause water retention.

    It's not about the scale, it's about losing the fat, so unless you put back on more weight than can be water, then you don't need to worry about it.

    For what it's worth, I can put on 9lbs in a night just depending on what time of month it is, so gaining a pound, that's not too bad at all.
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    Put the scale in the garbage as it is doing more harm than good. The better way is to put on some tight piece of clothing each week and you will see your true fat loss progress regardless of what some piece of junk scale thinks your weight. If you gain a pound of lean mass and loss a pound of fat the scale says no change but your body knows different.

    If you want real progress numbers I'd suggest a Fit3D scan once a month. Search the forums for my old post on lean mass and body scan data.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Are your muscles sore from the exercise? It’s just water.
  • itzcath
    itzcath Posts: 94 Member
    Definitely clothes say more, and sooner than the scale for me. The bra especially. The width keeps getting smaller and smaller until I have to buy a new one to keep those puppies contained
  • NCSophie
    NCSophie Posts: 20 Member
    For me personally, weighing daily would be an exercise in frustration. There's just too many things that can cause a pound or two gain or loss here and there. In addition to tracking your macros you need to watch total calories too.
  • lhs7134
    lhs7134 Posts: 7 Member
    thanks all, I am monitoring calories - around 1300, a few days over and a few days under. I think the salt may also have something to do with it as looking at my log, the first week I was low on salt, this week my food tends to be much saltier. I am going to stop weighing daily and going to leave it to weekly. I did measure myself at the start, and will do that monthly.
    @sunnyBunny - muscles are hurting slightly, but nowhere near like when I normally start this dvd! This is the first time in over a year...
    @itzcath - yep bra is getting smaller!