Roll Call~Tuesday 1/15/19

manladdvm Posts: 8,899 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,899 Member
    Happy Birthday MLK (true birthdate).

    Dave, I misspoke. It wasn't too cold, it was too dry. I pulled this explanation off a weather site. I laughed at the last line.

    The ingredients for snow are:

    1. A temperature profile that allows snow to reach the surface

    2. Saturated air

    3. Enough lifting of that saturated air to allow snow to develop aloft and fall to reach the surface

    The phrase "it’s too cold to snow" probably originated as a misapplication of the relationship between temperature and the maximum amount of water vapor that can be in the air. When temperature decreases, the maximum capacity of water vapor that can be in the air decreases. Therefore, the colder it gets the less water vapor there will be in the air.

    Most heavy snowfalls happen with relatively warm air temperatures near the ground -- usually at 15 degrees F or above. When the temperature drops into the single digits, or below zero, heavy snow is unlikely. That’s not because it’s too cold, but because its too dry. When temperatures are that low, the air’s capacity for water vapor becomes very small.

    Experts say only at absolute zero would snow become impossible. Along with everything else.

    BBB OP ;-)
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,553 Member
    Mornin. Sipping coffee with my oatmeal, watching the sun rise before I go to weekly Bible study. Maybe there's a Bible lesson on willpower vs. donuts we can peruse. I like the people there but the food makes a train wreck of my diet a little too regularly.

    Planning on icefishing Thursday, if the ice has thickened up enough with this cold weather. Possible storm this weekend, forecasters are waffling about rain-snow line, but then supposed to turn bitter cold.

    Lee, funny observation about absolute zero...

    Almost tracked all my food yesterday, but fizzled out toward end of day. Back on track today!

    Be OP!
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,273 Member
    Good Morning!

    Mike, hang in there with the recording. I have lost all motivation to record. I need to, but I just can't get there.

    Speaking of cold, the weather guys here are saying that a likely scenario for Sunday's game against New England is highs that might get to zero, and snow. We are also expecting snow tomorrow night. I am over winter.

    DMIL seems to be hanging in there. Now they are adding PAD to her list of problems. She is not getting circulation in her right leg. Sigh....

    Have a great day!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,169 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Continued prayers for your DMIL, and her care givers, Steve.

    Finally climbed up in the attic space to check on wasp nest (couldn't find one) and gsp in insulation over master bath (I spread the insulation more evenly). I also found the exhaust vent from the bathroom was not connected to the vent on the roof. The builders didn't fasten it in place with anything but regular old duct tape. I secured that with a screw and proper, metal tape. Job done. Only took me 10 years to get to it. I love procrastination.

    Looking forward to that cold game, Steve. I love watching football in adverse conditions. Feels more like the old days. I'll be rooting for the Chiefs.

    We hit 61 degrees a few days ago and yesterday my DW spotted a leaf sprouting on our rhubarb. Sadly, I fear this is a false harbinger, with plenty more cold weather to come.

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,675 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good Morning!

    Thank you for the science lesson, Lee. I am glad l made coffee first. Tomorrow you can explain Lake Effect & Snow which I have failed to grasp when explained to me many times on trips to the Buffalo area for work. I just assumed their brains had suffered freezer burn. Maybe if you use puppets like on Sesame Street. I was an accounting major who took the minimum required science credits. But I did understand the absolute zero thing. Well done.

    I am still persisting in tracking, if 3 days is persisting, It still takes effort but I assume it will once again become easy. I did menu planning yesterday. The rain has held off so I got out the ladder and got the lights down and the command strips. HOA rules say they must be down today and they have been on a power trip of late. My knee is feeling all those trips up the ladder. An exciting day of Literacy Tutoring and finishing up the Christmas tree decoration pack up. DW helps with the tree decorations so that will wait till the weekend since she is under the weather.

    Saying some prayers today Steve for you DMIL. I am hoping to hear soon that they have her stabilized.
  • irapino65
    irapino65 Posts: 71 Member
    Good Evening All. I also love the adverse weather conditions while watching football. I also will be pulling for KC and Andy Reid. I hope everyone has a good night.
