Just starting out.

annsfilms Posts: 7 Member
Hello everyone,
I just joined the group and would love to connect with you. I have been working hard to stay healthy and being pretty successful accept for you little thing, or I should say 20 little things, pounds. My older friends always laugh at me when I talk about losing weight saying I'll lose it but it will come right back or they just laugh at me. I believe losing weight after 50 is possible so I'm joining this group to find like minded people and the support from people who believe weight lose after 50 can be done.


  • melowone
    melowone Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 59 and have been tracking off and on for the past 5 years. For me, tracking works when I'm consistent. I'm still down 11 pounds from where I began but it's time to ramp up the consistency again.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    It can be done. Absolutely! I was 62 when I started a serious weight loss program here on MFP. Lost 45 pounds and kept it off for a year. Working on the last 20 or so now.
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,088 Member
    Welcome to the group Anna. I agree with the others, it can be done. I’ve fone from 240 to 175.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    Hi, and welcome!

    I've been here on MFP not quite 4 years yet. After several decades just over the line into obesity, I lost about 50 pounds in just less than a year at age 59-60, and have maintained a healthy weight (BMI around 22) for about 3 years since (while hypothyroid, if that matters (I think it doesn't ;) ). I'm now 63.

    Not only can it be done, but if a hedonistic, undisciplined flake like me can do it, I'm certain you can do it, too: Patience, consistency, and a change in habits.

    BTW: My friends still say it's "impossible to lose weight at our age" and nod their heads sagely . . . even when I'm sitting right there. ;)
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,973 Member
    I lost 20 pounds the year I turned 50. I've bumped up and down a little since then, but overall have lost another five pounds; my goal is two pounds away. I intend not to gain it back. My intent is to generally stay in a six pound range that goes from a pound below my goal weight to five pounds over it. When I inevitably go up over that range, I'll shrug my shoulders and keep at it. Keeping it off isn't harder or easier than taking it off, but it's just as simple. Balance your intake with your output.

    I did it. Many others on this group have done it. You can do it too. And you will if you want.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Yup, I also lost 60 lbs at age 50.

    Still working on how to maintain.
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,088 Member
    I've been looking at the new Canada Food Guide. It is a major departure from earlier industry influenced guides, and looks not only like the way I eat anyway, but excellent progress in my opinion. We may outlive "all of y'all" if everyone here adopts it.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,562 Member
    edited February 2019
    Farback wrote: »
    I've been looking at the new Canada Food Guide. It is a major departure from earlier industry influenced guides, and looks not only like the way I eat anyway, but excellent progress in my opinion. We may outlive "all of y'all" if everyone here adopts it.

    For those who are interested...



  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member