Roll Call~Monday 1/28/19

manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Nice birding weekend. Never fired a shot, just handled my dogs for other people to shoot over. Not much sleep at small lodge at the preserve. I've slept on nicer beds when in the Army. I was not very mindful eating this weekend...I will have to work a bit harder this week to try and offset caloric overload.

    -70 F. That is cold. Just goes to show you the power of pee. Not much else works at that temperature.

    I don't think I have seen anything past -12 F. That was cold enough.

    Be OP ;-)

  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,471 Member

    Expecting 8" of snow tonight, then deep freeze sets in for a few days. Planning to ice fish tomorrow after snow clears a bit.

    I also need to offset overload of wings and mac n cheese from DS's birthday party Saturday. Haven't weighed in but I can feel the gain.

    We once had -16° , a Christmas morning in the 1970s. I went out to start the car to take family and visiting aunts to church and got so cold walking to the driveway that my hands couldn't control the keys to unlock the car door. That was enough. Only year we ever missed Christmas services. Can't imagine -70°. Have had my waterbottles turn to slush on some winter day hikes in the mountains. And was -13° here last winter. But -70...

  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Yeah, -70 was painful. That was on a 6-week long training exercise, when I was in the Artillery. The last two weeks, the high temperature was -50. Even lifelong Alaskans thought that winter was cold.

    Not that cold on Puget Sound, today. Should be 50 and sunny, this afternoon.

    I finally have an appointment with my doctor, to discuss the results of the asthma tests I took in December. I doubt they show much. Then we'll discuss where we go from there. I definitely suffer breathing difficulties when I exercise enough to breath really hard - as in steep climbs in the mountains.
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Good Morning!

    I think that the coldest I've seen is -17. It was extremely cold the week we got married in December, 1989. We are expecting 0 to -5 tonight. Something about a polar vortex.

    Mom is still in the hospital, and still hanging on.

    Connie speaks to 80ish of her closest DUI convicted friends tonight in Leavenworth. I am her designated driver and IT guy. I know that her speaking makes a difference. I am very proud of her.

    Dave, I hope that your appointment goes well today.

    Have a great day!
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,590 Member
    Good Morning!

    I might have been sub-zero a few times when I was young in NY but I don't do that anymore. On the otherhand, it hit 69 yesterday and almost that scheduled today. I go to PT/Inquisition session this AM and then a walk for 4 days in a row. Yesterday evening we went to a Hot Pot restaurant for DS birthday. Had the spicy broth, which lived up to its name, especially as it slowly cooked down. Overdid it a bit but it was veggies and lean beef, had a Chinese beer which was weak and indulged in half a brownie sandwich at home.

    Steve, I have little doubt Connie is making an impact. It may only be a person here and one there but that is huge. I remember the stories she told on her 1 hr radio interview a few years ago. I am glad you are able to be there with her. It is really quite impressive, what you two are doing.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,105 Member
    -70°F is plain ridiculous. I think I skied in -5°F one time on the mountain and it froze my beard solid. Problem with that (TMI?) is that it is messy thawing out inside a warming lodge.
    Sadly (for some) it is nice enough here and in the low 50s today.
    Stay warm and safe everybody. Went for nice walk this a.m. in upper 30s.
    Yeah Dave I may need to see an ENT guy myself because of some gagging stuff in my throat at night etc. trying mucinex and steam for now but not great results.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    Subbed at school today,
    Sunny and 60 here this afternoon.
    Hope you got a good report Dave.
    Know many seeds are planted with Connie's talks, safe travels.
    Lee and Mike, hear storms headed your way, be safe.
    Enjoy the Day,
    Sam I am
  • irapino65
    irapino65 Posts: 71 Member
    I’m trying not to think about the weather. Stay warm as you can!!