Roll call ~ Thursday, January 31, 2019

mikehikemike Posts: 3,471 Member
Morning gentlemen...


  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,471 Member
    Well, I was up way too early this morning, but maybe because I dozed off after ice fishing yesterday and again in the evening. Catching was pretty good this time -- pulled up a few pickerel and a few bass, all a nice size. We usually just throw them back. DD showed up in surprise visit with her Bernese Mtn dog, and got to see me land a pickerel. Dog ate one of our bait fish before we could stop it. I was cold most of the time-- 20 deg and a constant wind-- will prepare better next time, or go out when it's in the 30's-40's and calm.

    Wore my CMC braces while chopping through ice yesterday, which was painful last time without the braces. Seemed to work very well. No pain while chopping and no soreness afterward. I use them for guitar playing and on and off for general activities. Had to partially slit my gloves to fit over them, but otherwise no complaints so far.

    Driving DGD from dentist to school this morning so DD can go into work. GD got chipped front tooth last summer and filling came out.

    We had whiteout snow squall last night as the polar vortex sent midwest cold in. Below zero this morning...

    Have a good day.

  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Good Morning!

    Although it is only 5 degrees as I write this, we are supposed to start warming up. I can tell we are maybe getting closer to spring. We could see 60 this weekend. Wild swings like that can only mean that spring is near. That stupid rodent (groundhog) better do his job right in a couple of days. :smile:

    Mike, I have never been ice fishing, but it sounds like it could be fun.

    Have a great day!

  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning gemtlemen.

    I stayed in the house most of the day, yesterday, waiting on my DW, who is suffering a miserable cold. So far - knock on wood - I have not developed any symptoms.

    I our typical fashion, the Pacific Northwest wrather has been beautiful the last few days and will get cold next week, as the rest of the country warms up. We even have a chance for snow, Monday. But, here, "cold" means a high below freezing, not below zero.

    Glad those braces are working out so well, MIke.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Mornin' gents.

    -2 F here. Our morning hike was a little uncomfortable. I should have dressed warmer, but thought I would warm up after walking briskly. I was wrong. Dogs had a great time as they were wearing their sled dog booties.

    Prayers for Rita, Dave. Thanks for the recipe for sinigang. I need to find some tamarind soup powder now.

    Be OP ;-)
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Interestingly, could not get edit function to work.

    Wanted to add that I saw a youtube video of a guy catching a sturgeon through the ice.

    Funny Berner dog!
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,105 Member
    Yes sadly I needed to (please don't jump through my computer screen to throttle me) mow my lawn on Wednesday. It has been dry and it has been growing too much. close to 55deg in PDX.
    They say we might get a bit of snow mixed in by Monday or Tuesday. We'll see.
    •Dave I hope Rita is doing better soon. Yes I have napped in the base of a Tamarind tree in Madagascar one time while recovering from some tourista.
    •My heart goes out to all including my brother,sister, and DSIL who have been suffering in the super cold weather. Stay warm all.
  • irapino65
    irapino65 Posts: 71 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!! I would have loved to see a video of the dog eating the bait. Lol!!
    Temps are almost to the double digits here in Southern NJ but that isn't including wind chill. I still wish I wasn't locked up in the house though. Have a Great Day guys!!
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,590 Member
    Good Morning!

    Once a year, I try to show sensitivity and I am past due to do so. Therefore, I shall not mention our weather or what has begun to bloom and bud. You're welcome.

    Tutoring this morning, then cleaning chores around here and some extended time on the ole dulcimer. I ordered our overhead garage storage racks last night, so we are committed. This weekend, we will do a little prep work unloading the rest of the stuff off the old wooden 2x4 intensive one we are using and begin to figure out how to rip it out without wrecking the garage or our bodies.

    Prayers for Steve's DMIL, Rita and Rick's continued recovery.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    Post must have went out into space this morning,
    Cardiologist this morning, do not have to go back for 6 months; BP a little low 88/51
    We are warming up, those up North, stay in by fire.
    Enjoy the Day,
    Sam I am