
For those times when you want to punch the universe in the face. Over did it and you ended up injuring yourself? Your family/friends are trying to get you to go back to your previous eating/drinking habits? Complain about it here.


  • Im in an area where its starting to get bitterly cold. Any one have any ideas or ways to stay motivated to getting to the gym or out on a walk when its so cold? Anyone wanna get in a workout buddy system with me to stay motivated? Lol I just struggle to get out of the house when its so cold and dark so early
  • mzmarpeck1
    mzmarpeck1 Posts: 3 Member
    Im in an area where its starting to get bitterly cold. Any one have any ideas or ways to stay motivated to getting to the gym or out on a walk when its so cold? Anyone wanna get in a workout buddy system with me to stay motivated? Lol I just struggle to get out of the house when its so cold and dark so early

    I've found that, as silly as it seems, finding an easy at-home workout video keeps me motivated. You're still working out, but you don't have to go anywhere to do so, especially in the cold.
  • Yes! I most definitely second finding workout videos, whether they're on DVD or Blu-Ray (or VHS if you're extremely old school), or even on sites like YouTube. I know that Comcast had a Sports/Exercise section on their OnDemand menu back when I lived in California that had exercise videos included, so you might want to try looking at your cable provider's OnDemand to see if there's anything similar that you might be interested in trying out.

    As far as YouTube goes, I know that Leslie Sansone uploaded some of her workout videos. I've only tried her "Walk Away the Pounds" series a few years ago but I remember liking them. Doing a quick look, her 1, 2, and 3 miles series are on YouTube, and I know that there used to be a 5 mile DVD. (The 1 mile videos last around 20 minutes, the 2 miles last around 30, and the 3 miles last around 45. A 1 pound weight in each hand is recommended but not required.) And Blogilates has what appears to be a pretty solid monthly workout schedule that she sends to those who are subbed to her (free) newsletter, and she has various series available on her channel and on her website.

    If you don't want to go the workout video route, then you could try these challenge plans:
    1. 200 Hundred Sit Ups
    2. 100 Push Ups
    3. 150 Dips
    4. 200 Lunges
    5. 200 Squats
    The idea behind all of these is basically the same: you do an initial test to see where you are currently (from poor to excellent), then over the course of the following 6 weeks you work up to being able to do 200 sit ups or 100 push ups or whatever in one go, partially for bragging rights, partially for improving your health and fitness levels. The sites themselves go into proper form for all of those different exercises, and why they are good for your fitness.

    Darebee is another option if you don't necessarily want to go the home workout video route. You might have actually seen some of their individual workouts floating around the internets, more than likely with other people taking the credit for them (I'm looking at you, Pinterest). I actually first heard of the because I saw one of the more nerdy themed ones floating about and thankfully the person left the watermark on. They also have workout programs that usually last around 30 days for when you want something more structured and focused. For example, I am getting ready to start their Foundation Light program because that is closer to where I am physically. It's a program that is easing you into working out, and giving a foundation to do more complicated things. The program that I am wanting to work up to is their Age of Pandora 'quest' in which you are the hero in a post-apocalyptic world and it just looks like it would be so much fun to do. Darebee also has a Challenges page, and they have everything from meditating for a minute everyday to drinking enough water to 20,000 high-knees over the course of a month. All of their workouts and workout programs have a difficulty rating from 1-5 so that you can gauge whether or not it's something that you can do. You can filter the workouts with different settings from difficulty level to what area of the body that you want to focus on to what kind of workout that you're looking for. Overall Darebee is a fun website to look through, and they kinda have a bit of everything.

    Hopefully there's something here that interested you in terms of finding something for those times when the weather is against you/something to supplement what you are already doing.
  • mfrawg
    mfrawg Posts: 3 Member
    Also in reply to Kenzie — I sadly haven't found the motivation to go out in the cold myself which is why I only jog in the warmer months and the lack of doing it becomes another contributor to my seasonal depression 😩 I personally follow YouTube routines, in particular Blogilates and I highly recommend The Fitness Marshall for a cardio routine! I do about 6-7 of his videos 3-4x/week including a warm up and cool down song. I love dancing and after watching the videos a couple times it's fairly easy to follow along with the routine.
  • So I've never quite realized how much I base my mood off of Father's in the morning.
    If he's in a bad mood when I surface from downstairs, then I'm immediately annoyed and defensive because he's usually bitching about me or the cats, or if I'm listening to a stream on mobile while I'm in the kitchen he makes fun of the streamer when he's in a bad mood And I completely let it ruin my day from that point on and just stay downstairs, only surfacing for food.

    If he's in a good mood or an ok one, I'm perfectly fine, and maybe even have a good day.
  • Thank you all for replying and suggesting such good ideas! I ended up breaking my toe right after I posted that ask, hence my disappearance. But it's almost better now so Im gonna slowly ease back into everything! The Darbee link and youtube videos seem like my best bet <3 So excited to get started again and explore those resources.

    @FascinatingFascinator, Ive been in similiar situations to what you've described. I'm sorry, its super frustrating in more ways than one.
  • Oh no! Sorry to hear that you broke your toe!